
Hang Zhou

Professor at École Polytechnique

zhouhang32 (at)


I am a professor in the Computer Science department at the École Polytechnique. My research is mainly on combinatorial optimization, graph algorithms, and operations research.

I received my PhD from the École Normale Supérieure de Paris. I was very fortunate to have Claire Mathieu as my PhD advisor. Afterwards, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik in Germany, and I was very lucky to be hosted by Kurt Mehlhorn.

I received the Lise Meitner Award for excellent women in computer science.

I was the coach of the École Polytechnique team that won the championship in the ICPC Southwestern Europe Regional Contest (SWERC) and three times advanced to the ICPC World Finals.

Member of program committees: ICALP'25, STACS'24, SOSA'23.
