1967-1971 IBPC-1981 REG-1986 REG-1991 REG-1996 GGB-2001 GGB-2006 AMA-2011 AMA-2016 HKU-2021
1972-1974 IBPC-1982 REG-1987 REG-1992 REG-1997 GGB-2002 GGB-2007 AMA-2012 ICAN-2017 HKU-2022
1975-1978 BRC-1983 REG-1988 REG-1993 REG-1998 GGB-2003 GGB-2008 AMA-2013 ICAN-2018 HKU-2023
IBPC-1979 BRC-1984 REG-1989 REG-1994 REG-1999 GGB-2004 AMA-2009 AMA-2014 Cochin-2019
IBPC-1980 BRC-1985 REG-1990 REG-1995 GGB-2000 GGB-2005 AMA-2010 AMA-2015 Cochin-2020

Peer-reviewed publications are indicated in red

Publications in the domain of Philosophy, History of Sciences and Ethics


Symplectic Biology

Lectures and seminars


O Gascuel, A Danchin
Protein export in prokaryotes and eukaryotes: indications of a difference in the mechanism of exportation
J Mol Evol (1986) 24: 130-142 
ukIn this paper we show that an approach based on artificial intelligence (learning by discrimination) allows one to identify seventeen descriptors of Escherichia coli signal peptides, while only three had been uncovered until then by specialists of protein export. This work was much used by legal advisors when analysing patent applications, to invalidate claims made by many creators of artificial systems for protein export   frDans cet article nous montrons qu'une approche d'intelligence artificielle (apprentissage par discrimination) permet d'identifier dix-sept descripteurs des peptides signaux du colibacille, alors que trois seulement avaient été identifiés jusque là par les spécialistes du domaine. Ce travail sera beaucoup utilisé par les cabinets d'analyse des demandes de brevets pour invalider les revendications de bien des constructeurs de systèmes artificiels de sécrétion des protéines
P Masson, G Lenzen, JM Jacquemin, A Danchin
Yeast adenylate cyclase catalytic domain is carboxy
Curr Genet (1986) 10: 343-352 

J Daniel, A Danchin
2-ketoglutarate as a possible regulatory metabolite involved in cyclic AMP-dependent catabolite repression in Escherichia coli K12
Biochimie (1986) 68: 303-310 

ukWe show in this article that the main mediator of catabolite repression is 2-ketoglutarate, and that cyclic AMP is indirectly involved in the process. This work could not be replicated for a long time in many laboratories, until Terence Hwa discovered that most laboratory strains harbour a mutation in the promoter of the kdgP gene, coding for the 2-ketoglutarate transporter, precluding analysis of the behaviour of cells supplemented with the metabolite. This explains why our discovery remained in limbo for some thirty years.   frNous montrons dans ce travail que le 2-cétoglutarate est un médiateur central de la répression catabolique, et que l'AMP cyclique n'est impliqué qu'indirectement dans le processus. Ce travail ne put être répliqué pendant longtemps, dans de nombreux laboratoires, et resta donc ignoré. Ce n'est que lorsque Terence Hwa et ses collègues remarquèrent que la plupart des souches de laboratoire ont une mutation dans le promoteur du gène kdgP, codant la perméase à 2-cétoglutarate qu'on put comprendre qu'il était alors impossible d'oberver un effet de la molécule chez des souches cultivées en sa présence. Cela explique pourquoi notre découverte resta ignorée pendant trois décennies.

H De Reuse, E Touati, P Glaser, A Danchin
Low copy number plasmid vectors for gene cloning and for monitoring gene expression
FEMS Microbiology Letters (1986) 37: 193-197

fr A Danchin
Hérédité génétique, hérédité épigénétique
Confrontations psychiâtriques (1986) 27: 43-61

ukIn this article (in french) I develop the split between genetic and epigenetic inheritance. This topic was to become fashionable in at the beginning of the twenty first century.   frDans cet article je montre l'importance de la distinction qui sépare l'hérédité génétique de l'hérédité épigénétique. Ce thème est revenu à la mode au début du vingt et unième siècle.

fr A Ullmann, A Danchin, F Gasser
Régulation de l'expression génétique: rôle de l'AMP cyclique. Microbiologie générale, protocoles expérimentaux
(1986) Hermann, Actualites Scientifiques et Industrielles, 151 pages
ISBN: 2705614168


I Saint Girons, AM Gilles, D Margarita, S Michelson, M Monnot, S Fermandjian, A Danchin, O Barzu
Structural and catalytic characteristics of Escherichia coli adenylate kinase
J Biol Chem (1987) 262: 622-629 

B Boesten, G Lenzen, A Danchin, F O'Gara
Nucleotide sequence of a tRNAleu CAG gene from Rhizobium meliloti
Gene (1987) 55: 153-156 

A Danchin
Membrane integration of carbohydrate transport in bacteria
Microbiol Sci (1987) 4: 267-269 

A Danchin
The significance of split genes to developmental genetics
Adv Genet (1987) 24: 243-284 

A Danchin
Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae adenylate cyclases: a case of phylogenetic convergence?
Isozymes Curr Top Biol Med Res (1987) 15: 141-151 

G Lenzen, P Masson, JM Jacquemin, A Danchin
A TY1 element is inserted in the CYR1 control region of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain AB320
FEBS Lett (1987) 219: 254-258 

E Touati, A Danchin
Cloning and characterization of the pH 2.5 acid phosphatase gene, appA: cyclic AMP mediated negative regulation
Mol Gen Genet (1987) 208: 499-505 

E Touati, A Danchin
The structure of the promoter and amino terminal region of the pH 2.5 acid phosphatase structural gene (appA) of E. coli: a negative control of transcription mediated by cyclic AMP
Biochimie (1987) 69: 215-221 
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1988 Double hybrid cloning of class II adenylate cyclases, the toxins from Bordetella pertussis and Bacillus anthracis

H De Reuse, A Danchin
The ptsH, ptsI, and crr genes of the Escherichia coli phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system: a complex operon with several modes of transcription
J Bacteriol (1988) 170: 3827-3837 

A Danchin, G Lenzen
Structure and evolution of bacterial adenylate cyclase: comparison between Escherichia coli and Erwinia chrysanthemi
Second Messengers Phosphoproteins (1988) 12: 7-28 

O Gascuel, A Danchin
Data analysis using a learning program, a case study: an application of PLAGE to a biological sequence analysis
Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Munich, 1988 (ed. Pitman), pp 390-395

P Glaser, A Danchin, D Ladant, O Barzu, A Ullmann
Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase: the gene and the protein
Tokai J Exp Clin Med (1988) 13 Suppl: 239-252

P Glaser, D Ladant, O Sezer, F Pichot, A Ullmann, A Danchin
The calmodulin-sensitive adenylate cyclase of Bordetella pertussis: cloning and expression in Escherichia coli
Mol Microbiol (1988) 2: 19-30

P Glaser, H Sakamoto, J Bellalou, A Ullmann, A Danchin
Secretion of cyclolysin, the calmodulin-sensitive adenylate cyclase-haemolysin bifunctional protein of Bordetella pertussis
EMBO J (1988) 7: 3997-4004 

S Lévy, A Danchin
Phylogeny of metabolic pathways: O-acetylserine sulphydrylase A is homologous to the tryptophan synthase beta subunit
Mol Microbiol (1988) 2: 777-783  pdf

ukThis paper shows for the first time the common origin in tryptophan and cysteine biosynthesis (coded by the same box in the genetic code table). It substantiates the idea of homeotopic transformations at the origin of life, and develops the idea of acquisitive evolution   frCet article démontre pour la première fois la parenté entre la biosynthèse du tryptophane et celle de la cystéine (codés par la même case du tableau du code génétique). Il conforte l'idée de l'existence de transformations homéotopiques à l'origine de la vie et développe l'idée de l'évolution thésaurisante

M Mock, E Labruyere, P Glaser, A Danchin, A Ullmann
Cloning and expression of the calmodulin-sensitive Bacillus anthracis adenylate cyclase in Escherichia coli
Gene (1988) 64: 277-284 

UKThis toxin was part of an arsenal of dangerous toxins involved in biological warfare. Curiously, despite explicit discussions about the problem, in particular in Irak, it was almost obscene to allude to this subject at the time   FranceCette toxine fait partie d'un arsenal utilisé dans la guerre biologique. Curieusement, malgré des mises en garde explicites à l'époque, en particulier à propos de l'Irak, il était en pratique obscène d'y faire la moindre allusion

V Escuyer, E Duflot, O Sezer, A Danchin, M Mock
Structural homology between virulence-associated bacterial adenylate cyclases
Gene (1988) 71:293-298 

A Roy, P Glaser, A Danchin
Aspects of the regulation of adenylate cyclase synthesis in Escherichia coli K12
J Gen Microbiol (1988) 134 ( Pt 2): 359-367 

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P Glaser, A Elmaoglou-Lazaridou, E Krin, D Ladant, O Barzu, A Danchin
Identification of residues essential for catalysis and binding of calmodulin in Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase by site-directed mutagenesis
EMBO J (1989) 8: 967-972 

A Danchin, O Sezer, P Glaser, P Chalon, D Caput
Cloning and expression of mouse-brain calmodulin as an activator of Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase in Escherichia coli
Gene (1989) 80: 145-149 

A Danchin
The tree and the ring. Hierarchical and acentered structures in biology [a paper in System's Biology that exposes the function of closure in creating global behaviour]
The Cancer Journal (1989) 2: 285-287

A Danchin
The PTS after 25 years
FEMS Microbiol Rev (1989)

H De Reuse, S Lévy, G Zeng, A Danchin
Genetics of the PTS components in Escherichia coli K-12
FEMS Microbiol Rev (1989) 5: 61-67 

P Glaser, A Roy, A Danchin
Molecular characterization of two cya mutations, cya-854 and cyaR1
J Bacteriol (1989) 171: 5176-5178 

S Goyard, C Orlando, JM Sabatier, E Labruyere, J d'Alayer, G Fontan, J van Rietschoten, M Mock, A Danchin, A Ullmann
Identification of a common domain in calmodulin-activated eukaryotic and bacterial adenylate cyclases
Biochemistry (1989) 28: 1964-1967 

P Lejeune, P Bertin, C Walon, K Willemot, C Colson, A Danchin
A locus involved in kanamycin, chloramphenicol and L-serine resistance is located in the bglY-galU region of the Escherichia coli K12 chromosome
Mol Gen Genet (1989) 218: 361-363 

A Danchin
Homeotopic transformation and the origin of translation
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology (1989) 54: 81-86  pdf see  further developments about the origin of life in fr it ukus pdf

S Lévy, H De Reuse, A Danchin
Antisense expression at the ptsH-ptsI locus of Escherichia coli
FEMS Microbiol Lett (1989) 48: 35-38 

E Peters, A Wilderspin, O Sezer, A Danchin
Cloning and restriction mapping of the adenylate cyclase from B. liquifaciens
Biochemical Society Transactions (1989) 17: 778-779


P Bertin, P Lejeune, C Laurent-Winter, A Danchin
Mutations in bglY, the structural gene for the DNA-binding protein H1, affect expression of several Escherichia coli genes
Biochimie (1990) 72: 889-891 

A Beuve, B Boesten, M Crasnier, A Danchin, F O'Gara
Rhizobium meliloti adenylate cyclase is related to eucaryotic adenylate and guanylate cyclases
J Bacteriol (1990) 172: 2614-2621 

M Crasnier, A Danchin
Characterization of Escherichia coli adenylate cyclase mutants with modified regulation
J Gen Microbiol (1990) 136 ( Pt 9): 1825-1831 

V de Crécy-Lagard, P Glaser, P Lejeune, O Sismeiro, CE Barber, MJ Daniels, A Danchin
A Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris protein similar to catabolite activation factor is involved in regulation of phytopathogenicity
J Bacteriol (1990) 172: 5877-5883

fr A Danchin
Une Aurore de Pierres. Aux origines de la vie
Le Seuil (1990), 276 pp pt A Danchin
Portuguese translation: "Uma aurora de pedras. Nas origens da vida", Almedina, Coimbra, 1992

AM Gilles, H Munier, T Rose, P Glaser, E Krin, A Danchin, C Pellecuer, O Barzu
Intrinsic fluorescence of a truncated Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase expressed in Escherichia coli
Biochemistry (1990) 29: 8126-8130 

P Glaser, A Danchin, O. Barzu, A Ullmann
Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase. IIIrd European Workshop on Bacterial Protein Toxins, Urbino (Italie), 3-6 Juillet 1989.
In: "Bacterial Protein Toxins" (1990), Zbl Bakt Suppl 19, pp 375-382. Rappuoli R Alouf J, Free J,
Fehrenbach F, Wadstrom T and Witholt B (eds), Gustav Fisher, Stuttgart, New York

C Higgins, A Danchin
Molecular Microbiology (1990) 4: 159
The exponential increase in sequence and mapping data for the Escherichia coli chromosome necessitates relatively sophisticated software for the analysis of new information and compile updates. In this issue (p. 169) Medigue et al. describe a programme for placing any DNA sequence on the known restriction map of the E. coli chromosome. Together with details of the software is the latest update of the E. coli chromosomal map Indicating the positions of restriction sites, known genes and sequenced regions. The map updates and corrects the original restriction map of Kohara et al. (1987). To provide a service to readers. Molecular Microbiology will publish a yearly update of this map. Antoine Danchin has kindly agreed to co-ordinate this effort, using sequences deposited in the EMBL/GenBank Data Libraries, as well as those sent directly to him. Furthermore, Antoine Danchin is prepared to analyse any unpublished sequences sent to him and locate them on the revised map. At regular intervals, as new data accumulate, a page of the Journal will be devoted to providing updated information on new genes or regions sequenced, their locations, and the workers from whom further information can be obtained. All sequence data should be sent directly to Antoine Danchin, at the address below, as an ASC II file through EARN/BITNET: REG@PASTEUR. If information Is required about other means of providing sequence data, Antoine Danchin should be contacted. We hope and intend that this initiative will provide a useful service for molecular geneticists working with E. coli .

P Lejeune, A Danchin
Mutations in the bglY gene increase the frequency of spontaneous deletions in Escherichia coli K-12
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1990) 87: 360-363 

ukIn this work we identify bglY (now hns) as the first deletion-generating mutator gene. hns deficient E. coli mutants spontaneously make deletions and no more point mutations than the wild type. This suggests that bacteria have a specific mechanism to delete large sets of genes.   frDans cet article nous identifions le premier gène mutateur connu (bglY, connu aujourd'hui comme hns), dont l'action est de conduire systématiquement à des délétions de régions chromosomiques, plutôt qu'à des mutations ponctuelles. Cela suggère que les bactéries ont un mécanisme spécifique pour la délétion de gènes entiers.

S Lévy, GQ Zeng, A Danchin
Cyclic AMP synthesis in Escherichia coli strains bearing known deletions in the pts phosphotransferase operon
Gene (1990) 86: 27-33 

C Médigue, JP Bouché, A Hénaut, A Danchin
Mapping of sequenced genes (700 kbp) in the restriction map of the Escherichia coli chromosome
Mol Microbiol (1990) 4: 169-187 

C Médigue, A Hénaut, A Danchin
Escherichia coli molecular genetic map (1000 kbp): update I
Mol Microbiol (1990) 4: 1443-1454 

RS Sarfati, VK Kansal, H Munier, P Glaser, AM Gilles, E Labruyere, M Mock, A Danchin, O Barzu
Binding of 3'-anthraniloyl-2'-deoxy-ATP to calmodulin-activated adenylate cyclase from Bordetella pertussis and Bacillus anthracis
J Biol Chem (1990) 265: 18902-18906 


A Danchin, C Médigue, O Gascuel, H Soldano, A Hénaut
From data banks to data bases
[Keywords: Data bank, Data base, Library; B. subtilis, E. coli, Nucleotide and protein sequences, Updating, Learning techniques, In silico.]
This paper summarizes a conference given at the beginning of the summer of 1990 on the biology of Bacillus subtilis and its genome program
[Abstract: The information collected in national and international libraries on nucleotide and protein sequences cannot be directly treated for proper handling by existing software. Therefore we evaluated the feasibility of constructing a data base for Escherichia coli using the data present in the banks. The knowhow thus acquired was applied to Bacillus subtilis. Specific examples of the general procedure are given]
Res Microbiol (1991) 142: 913-916  pdf
ukThe expression "in silico" has been coined by AD for White Papers written for the European Union to support the creation of bacterial genome programs in 1989-1990. The sentence where "in silico" appeared first publicly is the following:
"Experimentation in silico
Using the data available in libraries [...]
Two sets of experiments were performed on computers (experiments in silico) using the consistency of the data extracted.[...]"
See amusing or interesting comments
frL'apparition des ordinateurs a complètement modifié notre accès à la biologie, en particulier au moment de la création des programmes de génomique. AD a utilisé l'expression "in silico" pour exprimer ce fait que désormais, il faudrait compter, outre l'expérience in vivo et in vitro, l'expérience in silico, avec des ordinateurs. Cette expression a été reprise dans de nombreux exposés de présentation des programmes génomes, et elle est apparue probablement pour la première fois par écrit dans le compte rendu d'un exposé fait pour la réunion internationale du consortium de Bacillus subtilis au cours de laquelle le Japon a choisi de faire partie du programme

V de Crécy-Lagard, OM Bouvet, P Lejeune, A Danchin
Fructose catabolism in Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. Sequence of the PTS operon, characterization of the fructose-specific enzymes
J Biol Chem (1991) 266: 18154-18161 

V de Crécy-Lagard, P Lejeune, OM Bouvet, A Danchin
Identification of two fructose transport and phosphorylation pathways in Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris
Mol Gen Genet (1991) 227: 465-472 

H De Reuse, A Danchin
Positive regulation of the pts operon of Escherichia coli: genetic evidence for a signal transduction mechanism
J Bacteriol (1991) 173: 727-733 

P Glaser, H Munier, AM Gilles, E Krin, T Porumb, O Barzu, R Sarfati, C Pellecuer, A Danchin
Functional consequences of single amino-acid substitutions in calmodulin-activated adenylate cyclase of Bordetella pertussis
EMBO J (1991) 10: 1683-1688 

P Glaser, F Kunst, M Debarbouille, A Vertes, A Danchin, R Dedonder
A gene encoding a tyrosine tRNA synthetase is located near sacS in Bacillus subtilis
DNA Seq (1991) 1: 251-261 

C Médigue, T Rouxel, P Vigier, A Hénaut, A Danchin
Evidence for horizontal gene transfer in Escherichia coli speciation
J Mol Biol (1991) 222: 851-856 

ukThis article shows, for the first time, that in the genome of the best known bacteria, Escherichia coli, one sixth of the genes comes from outside. This result, that emphasizes the importance of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in bacteria, also shows that replication accuracy is not a prime character of wild type species, but that genes coding for error proof-reading are propagated by horizontal transfer. The role of mutator strains in the environment is stressed, with HGT as a major mechanism allowing cells to adapt to a new biotope, including evolution from commensalism to pathogenicity.

Amusingly, the comment of the Assistant Editor of Nature to exclude publication was: "I have discussed your manuscript with my colleagues, and while we appreciate the interest of your observation suggesting the existence of an apparent 'third class of genes', the inference of horizontal gene transfer seems rather tentative, and for this reason we feel that the manuscript would be better suited to publication in a rather more specialized molecular evolution or microbiology journal." And this is probably why this same popular magazine had to publish again an updated view of HGT in year 2000 under the name of "lateral gene transfer"...  Nominalism is still extant


frCet article montre, pour la première fois, que dans le génome de la bactérie la mieux connue, Escherichia coli, un sixième des gènes provient d'ailleurs. Ce résultat, qui démontre l'importance considérable du transfert génétique latéral chez les bactéries, montre aussi que la fidélité de la réplication n'est pas le caractère premier des espèces, mais que les gènes de correction des erreurs se propagent par transfert horizontal. Ce travail met en évidence le rôle des souches mutatrices dans l'environnement, donnant au transfert génétique horizontal un rôle de premier plan pour l'adaptation à une nouvelle niche, en particulier au cours de l'évolution du commensalisme vers la pathogénicité

C Médigue, A Viari, A Hénaut, A Danchin
Escherichia coli molecular genetic map (1500 kbp): update II
Mol Microbiol (1991) 5: 2629-2640 

ukWell before the genome sequence was completed one third of the E. coli genome sequence was known. This permitted investigators to analyse the frequency of motifs, or words, in the genome. This article describes the distribution of the 16 palidromic tetranucleotides and shows that CTAG (and more generally CCTAGG) is particularly rare, while palidromic hexanucleotides are not distributed randomly in the E. coli genome   fr Bien avant que sa séquence complète soit connue un tiers de la séquence du génome de E. coli se trouvait déjà dans les banques de données. Cela permettait d'analyser la fréquence des motifs, ou mots, dans le génome. Cet article décrit la répartition des 16 tétranucléotides palindromiques et montre que CTAG (et plus spécialement CCTAGG) est particulièrement rare, alors que les hexanucléotides palindromiques ne sont pas répartis au hasard dans le génome de E. coli

M Mock, M Crasnier, E Duflot, V Dumay, A Danchin
Structural and functional relationships between Pasteurella multocida and enterobacterial adenylate cyclases
J Bacteriol (1991) 173: 6265-6269 

I Moszer, P Glaser, A Danchin
Multiple IS insertion sequences near the replication terminus in Escherichia coli K-12
Biochimie (1991) 73: 1361-1374 

H Munier, AM Gilles, P Glaser, E Krin, A Danchin, R Sarfati, O Barzu
Isolation and characterization of catalytic and calmodulin-binding domains of Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase
Eur J Biochem (1991) 196: 469-474 

EP Peters, AF Wilderspin, SP Wood, MJ Zvelebil, O Sezer, A Danchin
A pyruvate-stimulated adenylate cyclase has a sequence related to the fes/fps oncogenes and to eukaryotic cyclases
Mol Microbiol (1991) 5: 1175-1181 

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P Bertin, P Lejeune, C Colson, A Danchin
Mutations in bglY, the structural gene for the DNA-binding protein H1 of Escherichia coli, increase the expression of the kanamycin resistance gene carried by plasmid pGR71
Mol Gen Genet (1992) 233: 184-192 

A Beuve, A Danchin
From adenylate cyclase to guanylate cyclase. Mutational analysis of a change in substrate specificity
J Mol Biol (1992) 225: 933-938 

A Danchin
Are purine nucleoside triphosphate cyclases an example of convergent evolution?
In: "Adenine Nucleotides in Cellular Energy Transfer and Signal Transduction" (1992): pp 365-377

A Danchin
Science and Technology: A Western imbroglio
Projections (1992) 7/8: 39-48

A Danchin
Phylogeny of adenylyl and guanylyl cyclases
In: "Colloque International en hommage à Jean Pernès, Professeur à l'Université d'Orsay Paris XI" (1992): pp. 203-214, Editions Lavoisier

A Danchin
Conclusions and perspectives
In: From stars and minerals to life: is the paradigm changing? Frontiers of Life (J&K Trân Thanh Vân, JC Mounolou, J Schneider, C McKay, eds) Editions Frontières, Gif sur Yvette (1992): pp.399-414

H De Reuse, A Kolb, A Danchin
Positive regulation of the expression of the Escherichia coli pts operon. Identification of the regulatory regions
J Mol Biol (1992) 226: 623-635 

H Munier, A Bouhss, E Krin, A Danchin, AM Gilles, P Glaser, O Barzu
The role of histidine 63 in the catalytic mechanism of Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase
J Biol Chem (1992) 267: 9816-9820 

H Munier, E Krin, AM Gilles, P Glaser, A Bouhss, A Danchin and O. Barzu
Structural and functional organization of the catalytic domain of a bacterial toxin: Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase
In: "Adenine Nucleotides in Cellular Energy Transfer and Signal Transduction" (1992) pp 335-344

M Santana, F Kunst, MF Hullo, G Rapoport, A Danchin, P Glaser
Molecular cloning, sequencing, and physiological characterization of the qox operon from Bacillus subtilis encoding the aa3-600 quinol oxidase
J Biol Chem (1992) 267: 10225-10231

GQ Zeng, H De Reuse, A Danchin
Mutational analysis of the enzyme-IIIGlc of the phosphoenolpyruvate phosphotransferase system in Escherichia coli
Res Microbiol (1992) 143: 251-261
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A Beuve, E Krin, A Danchin
Rhizobium meliloti adenylate cyclase: probing of a NTP-binding site common to cyclases and cation transporters
C R Acad Sci III (1993) 316: 553-559 

A Bouhss, E Krin, H Munier, AM Gilles, A Danchin, P Glaser, O Barzu
Cooperative phenomena in binding and activation of Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase by calmodulin
J Biol Chem (1993) 268: 1690-1694 

A Danchin, J Pidoux, E Krin, CJ Thompson, A Ullmann
The adenylate cyclase catalytic domain of Streptomyces coelicolor is carboxy-terminal
FEMS Microbiol Lett (1993) 114: 145-151 

A Danchin
Phylogeny of adenylyl cyclases
Adv Second Messenger Phosphoprotein Res (1993) 27: 109-162  pdf part 1 pdf part 2

ukThis article is the international reference for the classification of adenylyl (adenylate) cyclases, as made of three classes of phylogenetically independent origin (phylogenetic convergence). A fourth class, also of a different descent, has been later on discovered in the Unit.  An important feature of this work was the suggestion that the presence of multiple cyclases can be accounted for by the fact that it is not cyclic AMP per se which is the real regulator, but its spatial or, most probably, temporal distribution: specific variation in the concentration of cAMP are recognised by receptors-regulators which control in a highly discriminant way the action of each cyclase, in a way somewhat similar of the recognition of firing  pattern pulses in neurons  

frCet article constitue la référence internationale pour la classification des adénylcyclases, sous la forme de trois classes d'origine évolutive différente (convergence évolutive). Une quatrième classe, elle aussi d'origine différente a été découverte dans l'Unité quelques années plus tard. Un autre aspect de ce travail est de proposer que la présence de cyclase multiples s'explique par le fait que ce n'est pas la molécule d'AMPcyclique qui est l'effecteur réel, mais sa répartition dans l'espace, ou plus probablement sa répartition dans le temps : ce sont des variations particulières de la concentration de l'AMPc qui sont reconnues par des récepteurs-régulateurs, et qui contrôlent de façon spécifique l'action de telle ou telle cyclase

A Danchin
Informatics and genome sequencing programs
Biochimie (1993) 75: 319

cn A Danchin 唐善
"Lun Ke Xue Mou Shi"
In: Shi hua xia Editions 93 de l'Université Sun Yat Sen (Zhong Shan Da Xue) Canton (Guang Zhou) (1993) pp 231-246

pt A Danchin
O ovo e a galinha Historias do codigo genetico
Relogio d'agua, Lisboa (1993)

AM Gilles, O Sismeiro, H Munier, H Fabian, HH Mantsch, WK Surewicz, CC Craescu, O Barzu, A Danchin
Structural and physico-chemical characteristics of Bordetella pertussis adenylate kinase, a tryptophan-containing enzyme
Eur J Biochem (1993) 218: 921-927 

C Médigue, A Viari, A Hénaut, A Danchin
Colibri: a functional data base for the Escherichia coli genome
Microbiol Rev (1993) 57: 623-654  pubmed

H Munier, A Bouhss, AM Gilles, E Krin, P Glaser, A Danchin, O Barzu
Structural flexibility of the calmodulin-binding locus in Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase. Reconstitution of catalytically active species from fragments or inactive forms of the enzyme
Eur J Biochem (1993) 217: 581-586

P Glaser, F Kunst, M Arnaud, M-P Coudart, W Gonzales, M-F Hullo, M Ionescu, B Lubochinsky, L Marcelino, I Moszer, E Presecan, M Santana, E Schneider, J Schweizer, A Vertes, G Rapoport, A Danchin
Bacillus subtilis genome project: cloning and sequencing of the 97 Kb region from 325o to 333o
Mol Microbiol (1993) 10: 371-384
frCet article montre, pour la première fois, que dans un long fragment génomique, la moitié des gènes ne ressemble à rien de connu jusqu'alors. Ce résultat, présenté à un symposium organisé par l'Union Européenne à Elounda en Crète, en 1991, marquait la première découverte majeure issue des programmes de séquençage des génomes  

ukThis article shows, for the first time, that in a long genome fragment, half of the genes does not look like anything previously known. This observation, presented at a symposium organized by the European Union in Elounda in Crete, in 1991, was the landmark of the first major discovery stemming from genome sequencing programs

T Rouxel, A Danchin, A Hénaut
METALGEN.DB: metabolism linked to the genome of Escherichia coli, a graphics-oriented database
Comput Appl Biosci (1993) 9: 315-324 

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O Barzu, A Danchin
Adenylyl cyclases: a heterogeneous class of ATP-utilizing enzymes
Prog Nucleic Acid Res Mol Biol (1994) 49: 241-283 

P Bertin, E Terao, EH Lee, P Lejeune, C Colson, A Danchin, E Collatz
The H-NS protein is involved in the biogenesis of flagella in Escherichia coli
J Bacteriol (1994) 176: 5537-5540 

M Crasnier, V Dumay, A Danchin
The catalytic domain of Escherichia coli K-12 adenylate cyclase as revealed by deletion analysis of the cya gene
Mol Gen Genet (1994) 243: 409-416

JR Landgraf, M Levinthal, A Danchin
The role of H-NS in one carbon metabolism
Biochimie (1994) 76: 1063-1070

M Levinthal, P Lejeune, A Danchin
The H-NS protein modulates the activation of the ilvIH operon of Escherichia coli K12 by Lrp, the leucine regulatory protein
Mol Gen Genet (1994) 242: 736-743

M Santana, MS Ionescu, A Vertes, R Longin, F Kunst, A Danchin, P Glaser
Bacillus subtilis F0F1 ATPase: DNA sequence of the atp operon and characterization of atp mutants
J Bacteriol (1994) 176: 6802-6811


J Archdeacon, J Talty, B Boesten, A Danchin, F O'Gara
Cloning of the second adenylate cyclase gene (cya-2) from Rhizobium meliloti F34: sequence similarity to eukaryotic cyclases
FEMS Microbiol Lett (1995) 128: 177-184 

F Betsou, O Sismeiro, A Danchin, N Guiso
Cloning and sequence of the Bordetella bronchiseptica adenylate cyclase-hemolysin-encoding gene: comparison with the Bordetella pertussis gene
Gene (1995) 162: 165-166

M Borodovsky, JD McIninch, EV Koonin, KE Rudd, C Médigue, A Danchin
Detection of new genes in a bacterial genome using Markov models for three gene classes
Nucleic Acids Res (1995) 23: 3554-3562  pubmed

H Cruz Ramos, L Boursier, I Moszer, F Kunst, A Danchin, P Glaser
Anaerobic transcription activation in Bacillus subtilis: identification of distinct FNR-dependent and -independent regulatory mechanisms
EMBO J (1995) 14: 5984-5994 

A Danchin
Why sequence genomes? The Escherichia coli imbroglio
Mol Microbiol (1995) 18: 371-376 

A Danchin, E Krin
Filling the gap between hns and adhE in Escherichia coli K12
Microbiology (1995) 141 ( Pt 4): 959-960 

V de Crécy-Lagard, M Binet, A Danchin
Fructose phosphotransferase system of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris: characterization of the fruB gene
Microbiology (1995) 141 ( Pt 9): 2253-2260 

P Glaser, A Danchin, F Kunst, P Zuber, MM Nakano
Identification and isolation of a gene required for nitrate assimilation and anaerobic growth of Bacillus subtilis
J Bacteriol (1995) 177: 1112-1115

fr A Hénaut, A Danchin
Informatique et génomes ou l'expérimentation in silico
La Lettre du GREG (1995)

F Kunst, A Vassarotti, A Danchin
Organization of the European Bacillus subtilis genome sequencing project
Microbiology (1995) 141 (Pt 2): 249-255 

C Laurent-Winter, P Lejeune, A Danchin
The Escherichia coli DNA-binding protein H-NS is one of the first proteins to be synthesized after a nutritional upshift
Res Microbiol (1995) 146: 5-16 

C Médigue, I Moszer, A Viari, A Danchin
Analysis of a Bacillus subtilis genome fragment using a co-operative computer system prototype
Gene (1995) 165: GC37-51 

C Médigue, T Vermat, G Bisson, A Viari, A Danchin
Cooperative computer system for genome sequence analysis
Proc Int Conf Intell Syst Mol Biol (1995) 3: 249-258 

I Moszer, P Glaser, A Danchin
SubtiList: a relational database for the Bacillus subtilis genome
Microbiology (1995) 141 (Pt 2): 261-268    pdf

uk-flagIn this paper we present the reference database for the Bacillus subtilis genome. We show how this database can be used to extract high level information about the genome. As an example we illustrate the distribution of isoelectric points in all the proteins of B. subtilis. We discover that the distribution is uneven, and that there the region with pI approximately 7.6 lacks proteins. Remarkably, the proteins in the region are often annotated as related to functions involving protons or as secreted proteins. This is consistent with an internal level of protons availability that would correspond to this pI. Hence, the pI can be used as a specific neighborhood permitting inferences about the function of unknown proteins. This approach was proposed in many lectures as allowing efficient functional inference. It has been generalized later on by a variety of works.   fr-flagDans cet article nous présentons la base de données de référence pour le génome de Bacillus subtilis. Nous montrons comment elle peut être utilisée pour extraire une information de haut niveau à propos du génome. Nous donnons l'exemple de la répartition des points isoélectriques du protéome de B. subtilis, et découvrons qu'elle est bi-modale, avec un manque considérable de protéines ayant un pI de l'ordre de 7,6. C'est d'autant plus intéressant que les annotations des protéines de cette région du diagramme sont annotées comme mettant en œuvre des protons ou comme des protéines sécrétées. C'est compatible avec un niveau de protons accessibles correspondant à ce point isoélectrique. Le pI peut donc être utilisé pour faire des inférences fonctionnelles à propos des protéines de fonction inconnue. Cet exemple a été utilisé au cours de nombreuses conférences pour proposer la méthode des "voisinages" dans l'inférence fonctionnelle.

L Serina, C Blondin, E Krin, O Sismeiro, A Danchin, H Sakamoto, AM Gilles, O Barzu
Escherichia coli UMP-kinase, a member of the aspartokinase family, is a hexamer regulated by guanine nucleotides and UTP
Biochemistry (1995) 34: 5066-5074

BH Song, V de la Fuente, P Glaser, A Danchin
Direct isolation of the gerB - narA stretch from Bacillus subtilis chromosome by I-Sce l site insertion
Mol Cells (1995) 5: 77-80

G Villani, M Tattoli, N Capitanio, P Glaser, S Papa, A Danchin
Functional analysis of subunits III and IV of Bacillus subtilis aa3-600 quinol oxidase by in vitro mutagenesis and gene replacement
Biochim Biophys Acta (1995) 1232: 67-74 

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F Biville, C Laurent-Winter, A Danchin
In vivo positive effects of exogenous pyrophosphate on Escherichia coli cell growth and stationary phase survival
Res Microbiol (1996) 147: 597-608

A Bouhss, M Vincent, H Munier, AM Gilles, M Takahashi, O Barzu, A Danchin, J Gallay
Conformational transitions within the calmodulin-binding site of Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase studied by time-resolved fluorescence of Trp242 and circular dichroism
Eur J Biochem (1996) 237: 619-628 

N Bucurenci, H Sakamoto, P Briozzo, N Palibroda, L Serina, RS Sarfati, G Labesse, G Briand, A Danchin, O Barzu, AM Gilles
CMP kinase from Escherichia coli is structurally related to other nucleoside monophosphate kinases
J Biol Chem (1996) 271: 2856-2862 

A Danchin
mRNA turnover and DNA synthesis: a lesson from bacterial genome comparisons
Mol Microbiol (1996) 20: 895-897 

A Danchin
By way of introduction: some constraints of the cell physics that are usually forgotten, but should be taken into account for in silico genome analysis
Biochimie (1996) 78: 299-301 

A Danchin [Article écrit pour la clôture du Centenaire de la mort de Louis Pasteur à Marnes la Coquette (28.09.1995)]
it Dai minerali alla vita
fr Des minéraux à la vie: une alternative à la soupe prébiotique
ukus From minerals to life : an alternative to the prebiotic soup
Prometeo (1996)14 (54): 16-21

A Danchin
On genomes and cosmologies
In: "Integrative Approaches to Molecular Biology" (J Collado-Vides, B Magasanik and TF Smith eds), The MIT Press (1996) pp 91-111 pdf

A Danchin
In silico
comparison of bacterial genomes
Microbial Comparative Genomics (1996) 1: 201

V Dumay, A Danchin, M Crasnier
Regulation of Escherichia coli adenylate cyclase activity during hexose phosphate transport
Microbiology (1996) 142: 575-583 

A Hénaut, T Rouxel, A Gleizes, I Moszer, A Danchin
Uneven distribution of GATC motifs in the Escherichia coli chromosome, its plasmids and its phages
J Mol Biol (1996) 257: 574-585 

A Hénaut, A Danchin
Analysis and Predictions from Escherichia coli sequences or E. coli in silico
In: Escherichia coli and Salmonella, Cellular and Molecular Biology (Editor in Chief: Frederick C Neidhardt) vol. 1, chap 114, pp 2047-2065

I Moszer, F Kunst, A Danchin
The European Bacillus subtilis genome sequencing project: current status and accessibility of the data from a new World Wide Web site
Microbiology (1996) 142 ( Pt 11): 2987-2991 

MM Nakano, P Zuber, P Glaser, A Danchin, FM Hulett
Two-component regulatory proteins ResD-ResE are required for transcriptional activation of fnr upon oxygen limitation in Bacillus subtilis
J Bacteriol (1996) 178: 3796-3802 

P Trotot, O Sismeiro, C Vivarès, P Glaser, A Bresson-Roy, A Danchin
Comparative analysis of the cya locus in enterobacteria and related gram-negative facultative anaerobes
Biochimie (1996) 78: 277-287 

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C Biderre, F Duffieux, E Peyretaillade, P Glaser, P Peyret, A Danchin, M Pages, G Metenier, CP Vivarès
Mapping of repetitive and non-repetitive DNA probes to chromosomes of the microsporidian Encephalitozoon cuniculi
Gene (1997) 191: 39-45

MP Coudart-Cavalli, O Sismeiro, A Danchin
Bifunctional structure of two adenylyl cyclases from the myxobacterium Stigmatella aurantiaca
Biochimie (1997) 79: 757-767

A Danchin, A Hénaut
The map of the cell is in the chromosome
Curr Opin Genet Dev (1997) 7: 852-854  pdf

A Danchin
Comparison between the Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis genomes suggests that a major function of polynucleotide phosphorylase is to synthesize CDP
DNA Res (1997) 4: 9-18  DNA_res

uk-flagDeoxyribonucleotides are synthesized in an odd way: they start from ribonucleoside diphosphates, not triphosphates. However, there is no direct de novo synthesis of CDP, so that DNA synthesis would not be possible if CMP, or CDP were not produced through recycling processes. In prokaryotes, this is performed by mRNA turnover, and in eukaryotes, rich in membranes, this is produced by membranes biosynthesis  

fr-flagLes désoxyribonucléotides sont synthétisés de façon étrange : ils viennent des ribonucléoside diphosphates, pas des triphosphates. Or il n'y a pas de synthèse de novo du CDP, et la synthèse de l'ADN devrait être impossible si le CMP ou le CDP n'étaient produits par recyclage. Chez les procaryotes, cela est réalisé par la dégradation de l'ARN, et chez les eucaryotes riches en membranes, c'est le résultat de la synthèse des phospholipides

A Danchin, C Médigue, F Rechenmann
Integrated Genome Informatics.
In: "Bacterial Genomes, Physical Structure, Analysis" (F. J. de Bruijn, J. R. Lupski,, G. M. Weinstock eds) (1997) pp 567-582

P Guerdoux-Jamet, A Hénaut, P Nitschké, JL Risler, A Danchin
Using codon usage to predict genes origin: is the Escherichia coli outer membrane a patchwork of products from different genomes?
DNA Research (1997) 4: 257-265  DNA_res

F Kunst, N Ogasawara, I Moszer, AM Albertini, G Alloni, V Azevedo, MG Bertero, P Bessières, A Bolotin, S Borchert, R Borriss, L Boursier, A Brans, M Braun, SC Brignell, S Bron, S Brouillet, CV Bruschi, B Caldwell, V Capuano, NM Carter, SK Choi, JJ Codani, IF Connerton, NJ Cummings, RA Daniel, F Denizot, KM Devine, A Düsterhöft, SD Ehrlich, PT Emmerson, KD Entian, J Errington, C Fabret, E Ferrari, D Foulger, C Fritz, M Fujita, Y Fujita, S Fuma, A Galizzi, N Galleron, SY Ghim, P Glaser, A Goffeau, EJ Golightly, G Grandi, G Guiseppi, BJ Guy, K Haga, J Haiech, CR Harwood, A Hénaut, H Hilbert, S Holsappel, S Hosono, MF Hullo, M Itaya, L Jones, B Joris, D Karamata, Y Kasahara, M Klaerr-Blanchard, C Klein, Y Kobayashi, P Koetter, G Koningstein, S Krogh, M Kumano, K Kurita, A Lapidus, S Lardinois, J Lauber, V Lazarevic, SM Lee, A Levine, H Liu, S Masuda, C Mauël, C Médigue, N Medina, RP Mellado, M Mizuno, D Moesti, S Nakai, M Noback, D Noone, M O'Reilly, K Ogawa, A Ogiwara, B Oudega, SH Park, V Parro, TM Pohl, D Portetelle, S Porwollik, AM Prescott, E Presecan, P Pujic, B purnelle, G Rapoport, M Rey, S Reynolds, M Rieger, C Rivolta, E Rocha, B Roche, M Rose, Y Sadaie, T Sato, E Scalan, S Schleich, R Schroeter, F Scoffone, J Sekiguchi, A Sekowska, SJ Seror, P Serror, BS Shin, B Soldo, A Sorokin, E Tacconi, T Takagi, H Takahashi, K Takemaru, M Takeuchi, A Tamakoshi, T Tanaka, P Terpstra, A Tognoni, V Tosato, S Uchiyama, M Vandenbol, F Vannier, A Vassarotti, A Viari, R Wambutt, E Wedler, T Weitzenegger, P Winters, A Wipat, H Yamamoto, K Yamane, K Yasumoto, K Yata, K Yoshida, HF Yoshikawa, E Zumstein, H Yoshikawa, A Danchin
The complete genome sequence of the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis
Nature (1997) 390: 249-256  pdf   science_watch
frL'idée du séquençage du génome de Bacillus subtilis, proposée à la Société Française de Microbiologie au début de l'année 1987 s'achevait dix ans plus tard après des péripéties compliquées (résumées dans La Barque de Delphes). De très nombreuses observations sont issues de ce programme, en particulier l'existence d'un très grand nombre de gènes à la fonction inconnue, et d'une frange de gènes "orphelins" dont les propriétés spécifiques ont été découvertes six ans plus tard. Comme dans le cas de E. coli, on trouvait aussi dans ce génome que bien des gènes se propagent par transfert horizontal. Ce génome a été si difficile à séquencer (pour des raisons moléculaires comprises un peu plus tard), qu'il est resté durant cinq an le seul connu de ce type (un génome riche en A+T de Firmicute). Ce travail doit infiniment à Frank Kunst, prématurément disparu le 2 avril 2009, victime d'une loi inique qui ne permet pas à ceux dont l'intelligence est intacte de poursuivre leur activité. Il doit aussi beaucoup à Hiroshi Yoshikawa qui insista pour permettre au Japon d'avoir une contribution considérable dans ce projet.  

ukThe idea of sequencing the Bacillus subtilis genome, proposed by the scientific coordinator at a meeting of the French Society for Microbiology in 1987, was completed ten years later after a quite hectic series of events (summarized in The Delphic Boat). Many fascinating observations came out of this programme, in particular the noteworthy existence of very many genes of unknown function, and a fraction of "orphan" genes with specific features uncovered six years later. As in in E. coli, one also observed in this genome that many genes are propagated by horizontal transfer. This genome was so difficult to sequence (for molecular reasons later understood), that it remained the only one of its kind (the genome of an A+T-rich Firmicute) for five years. This works owes much to Frank Kunst prematurely deceased, victim of an injust law which does not permit those with an intact competence to remain active. It also owes much to the insistence of Hiroshi Yoshikawa, who made Japan a major actor of the project.

C Laurent-Winter, S Ngo, A Danchin, P Bertin
Role of Escherichia coli histone-like nucleoid-structuring protein in bacterial metabolism and stress response--identification of targets by two-dimensional electrophoresis
Eur J Biochem (1997) 244: 767-773 

I Moszer, P Glaser, A Danchin, F Kunst
Organization of the European Bacillus subtilis genome sequencing project
In: "Bacterial Genomes, Physical Structure, Analysis" (F. J. de Bruijn, J. R. Lupski, G. M. Weinstock eds) (1997) pp 457-467

E Presecan, I Moszer, L Boursier, HC Cruz Ramos, V de la Fuente, MF Hullo, C Lelong, S Schleich, A Sekowska, BH Song, G Villani, F Kunst, A Danchin, P Glaser
The Bacillus subtilis genome from gerBC (311 degrees) to licR (334 degrees)
Microbiology (1997) 143: 3313-3328
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N Bucurenci, L Serina, C Zaharia, S Landais, A Danchin, O Barzu
Mutational analysis of UMP kinase from Escherichia coli
J Bacteriol (1998) 180: 473-477 

A Danchin
The Delphic boat or what the genomic texts tell us
Bioinformatics (1998) 14: 383  

fr A Danchin
La Barque de Delphes, ce que révèle le texte des génomes
Odile Jacob, (1998)

F Delbac, P Peyret, G Metenier, D David, A Danchin, CP Vivarès
On proteins of the microsporidian invasive apparatus: complete sequence of a polar tube protein of Encephalitozoon cuniculi
Mol Microbiol (1998) 29: 825-834

A Hénaut, F Lisacek, P Nitschké, I Moszer, A Danchin
Global analysis of genomic texts: the distribution of AGCT tetranucleotides in the Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis genomes predicts translational frameshifting and ribosomal hopping in several genes
Electrophoresis (1998) 19: 515-527 

P Nitschké, P Guerdoux-Jamet, H Chiapello, G Faroux, C Hénaut, A Hénaut, A Danchin
Indigo: a World-Wide-Web review of genomes and gene functions
FEMS Microbiol Rev (1998) 22: 207-227  

frCet article illustre comment le concept de voisinage permet de faire des inférences efficaces. Il décrit la base de données Indigo où le voisinage des gènes d'organismes modèles peut être exploré. Cette approche a été présentée systématiquement de 1994 à 1998 dans les conférences et ateliers de la naissance de la génomique. Le détail de l'aventure correspondante est présenté dans La Barque de Delphes


ukThis article illustrates how the concept of neighborhood allows investigators to perform inductive reasoning. It describes the Indigo database where a variety of gene neighborhoods can be explored. This approach has been presented on many occasions at conferences and workshops that participated to the birth of genomics as a new domain. The cognate history is presented in details in The Delphic Boat

EPC Rocha, A Viari, A Danchin
Oligonucleotide bias in Bacillus subtilis: general trends and taxonomic comparisons
Nucleic Acids Res (1998) 26: 2971-2980  

A Sekowska, P Bertin, A Danchin
Characterization of polyamine synthesis pathway in Bacillus subtilis 168
Mol Microbiol (1998) 29: 851-858  pdf

O Sismeiro, P Trotot, F Biville, C Vivarès, A Danchin
Aeromonas hydrophila adenylyl cyclase 2: a new class of adenylyl cyclases with thermophilic properties and sequence similarities to proteins from hyperthermophilic archaebacteria
J Bacteriol (1998) 180: 3339-3344  J_Bact

frCet article identifie une nouvelle classe d'adénylcyclases, très différentes des trois classes précédemment décrite par les travaux de l'Unité. Son origine est encore en cours d'exploration  

ukThis article identifies a new (fourth) class of adenylyl cyclases, that differ considerably from the three classes previously described from the work of the Unit. Its origin is still under investigation

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NN Baranova, A Danchin, AA Neyfakh
Mta, a global MerR-type regulator of the Bacillus subtilis multidrug-efflux transporters
Mol Microbiol (1999) 31: 1549-1559

P Bertin, N Benhabiles, E Krin, C Laurent-Winter, C Tendeng, E Turlin, A Thomas, A Danchin, R Brasseur
The structural and functional organization of H-NS-like proteins is evolutionarily conserved in gram-negative bacteria
Mol Microbiol (1999) 31: 319-329 

A Danchin
From protein sequence to function
Curr Opin Struct Biol (1999) 9: 363-367  pdf

A Danchin
From function to sequence, an integrated view of the genome texts
Physica A (1999) 273: 92-98

L Frangeul, KE Nelson, C Buchrieser, A Danchin, P Glaser, F Kunst
Cloning and assembly strategies in microbial genome projects
Microbiology (1999) 145 ( Pt 10): 2625-2634  

S Landais, P Gounon, C Laurent-Winter, JC Mazie, A Danchin, O Barzu, H Sakamoto
Immunochemical analysis of UMP kinase from Escherichia coli
J Bacteriol (1999) 181: 833-840  J_Bact

frCet article démontre que, bien qu'elle se comporte in vitro comme une protéine cytoplasmique ordinaire, l'uridylate kinase est compartimentée à la surface de l'enveloppe bactérienne  

ukThis article shows that, although it behaves in vitro as a standard cytoplasmic protein, uridylate kinase is associated to the cell's envelope, demonstrating compartmentalization of its activity

C Médigue, M Rose, A Viari, A Danchin
Detecting and analyzing DNA sequencing errors: toward a higher quality of the Bacillus subtilis genome sequence
Genome Res (1999) 9: 1116-1127 

C Médigue, F Rechenmann, A Danchin, A Viari
Imagene: an integrated computer environment for sequence annotation and analysis
Bioinformatics (1999) 15: 2-15

I Moszer, EPC Rocha, A Danchin
Codon usage and lateral gene transfer in Bacillus subtilis
Curr Opin Microbiol (1999) 2: 524-528  pdf

M Perrotte-Piquemal, A Danchin, F Biville
Pyrophosphate increases the efficiency of enterobactin-dependent iron uptake in Escherichia coli
Biochimie (1999) 81: 245-253 

E Presecan-Siedel, A Galinier, R Longin, J Deutscher, A Danchin, P Glaser, I Martin-Verstraete
Catabolite regulation of the pta gene as part of carbon flow pathways in Bacillus subtilis
J Bacteriol (1999) 181: 6889-6897  J_Bact

EPC Rocha, A Danchin, A Viari
Analysis of long repeats in bacterial genomes reveals alternative evolutionary mechanisms in Bacillus subtilis and other competent prokaryotes
Mol Biol Evol (1999) 16: 1219-1230 

EPC Rocha, A Danchin, A Viari
Functional and evolutionary roles of long repeats in prokaryotes
Res Microbiol (1999) 150: 725-733 

EPC Rocha, A Danchin, A Viari
Translation in Bacillus subtilis: roles and trends of initiation and termination, insights from a genome analysis
Nucleic Acids Res (1999) 27: 3567-3576  

EPC Rocha, A Danchin, A Viari
Universal replication biases in bacteria
Mol Microbiol (1999) 32: 11-16  

EPC Rocha, A Danchin, A Viari
Bacterial DNA strand compositional asymmetry: response
Trends Microbiol (1999) 7: 308 

A Sekowska, A Danchin
Identification of yrrU as the methylthioadenosine nucleosidase gene in Bacillus subtilis
DNA Res (1999) 6: 255-264  DNA_res

O Soutourina, A Kolb, E Krin, C Laurent-Winter, S Rimsky, A Danchin, P Bertin
Multiple control of flagellum biosynthesis in Escherichia coli: role of H-NS protein and the cyclic AMP-catabolite activator protein complex in transcription of the flhDC master operon
J Bacteriol (1999) 181: 7500-7508  J_Bact

G Villani, N Capitanio, A Bizzoca, LL Palese, V Carlino, M Tattoli, P Glaser, A Danchin, S Papa
Effects of site-directed mutagenesis of protolytic residues in subunit I of Bacillus subtilis aa3-600 quinol oxidase. Role of lysine 304 in proton translocation
Biochemistry (1999) 38: 2287-2294 

Publications 2000-2006

