Claire Mérot

Welcome to my personal page

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A little of everything


At the ENS

I have been elected for two years as vice-president and secretary of the student organisation "COF". I participated in the organisation of several activities, clubs, parties, themed days, etc. I was also responsible of the badminton club and invovled in some groups (cheerleaders and student hall of residence). In a few words, it was a good experience which gave me good memories and somehow good training for team work, project management and event organisation!


Travelling: I like travelling, discovering new places, and enjoy learning about history and local habits... I am attracted to tropical countries as I enjoy observing nature: the abundance of birds, butterflies, plants and animals we can find there is so impressive! However, I must say that I am know discovering Canada in winter and it is certainly charming too. I like travelling in a simple way, camping outside and hiking.

Nature: Of course, we can also observe many beautiful things in our immediate surroundings, and I enjoy exploring the countryside during spring week-ends. I am a member of the birdwatching organisation, the LPO, and I participated in bird monitoring. Today, living in Paris, it is not that easy but I'll come back to observing nature when possible!

Diving: I took advantage of my time spent close to the warm-waters of Panama to learn diving and explore the depth of the sea. I hope it is just the beginning of various discoveries...

Sports: African dancing, badminton, skiing, salsa, climbing...

Cooking: Inventing new recipes is a pleasure of every day!

Oenology: Thanks to the club d'Oeno de l'ENS, I discovered how to appreciate good wines.