Claire Mérot

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Teaching at the university

Teaching mission during my PhD

2012-2014 : M1 Unité et Diversité du vivant, MNHN. TD & TP about micro-organism diversity and communication molecules.

2011-2012 : L1 Sciences du Vivant, Paris 7. TD & TP in animal biology, embryologic development and arthropods diversity.

Student supervision


Symmetry and wing shape in hybrids of Heliconius melpomene amaryllis and Heliconius timareta thelxinoe

Adélie Tholance, M1 student at the UPMC. March-April 2014

Fertility and survival rate in hybrid broods of Heliconius melpomene amaryllis and Heliconius timareta thelxinoe

Alexandre Lebrun, M1 sudent at the Université de Tours. May-July 2013

Importance of host-plant in Heliconius melpomene amaryllis

Florent Grenier, L3 student at École Normale Supérieure. June-August 2012