
Year 2017-2018

Fall 2017

I am in charge of the tutoring sessions of the courses "Algorithmique et Programmation" (AP3, Bachelor degree in mathematics 2nd year) and "Soutien mathématique pour les chimistes" (51DE14CH, Bachelor degree in chemistry 2nd year). Below is some material.


"Algorithmique et Programmation" — L2 de mathématiques:


"Soutien mathématique pour les chimistes" — L2 de chimie:

Year 2016-2017

Fall 2016

I was in charge of the tutoring sessions of the courses "Algorithmique et Programmation" (AP3, Bachelor degree in mathematics 2nd year) and "Algorithmique et projet informatique" (UGMT41, Master degree in mathematics 1st year). Below is some archived material.





Year 2015-2016

Spring 2016

I was examiner for the oral exercise of the course "Algèbre et analyse approfondies II" (MM4) of the 2nd year of the bachelor degree in mathematics at Université Paris Diderot.

Fall 2015

I was tutorial manager for the course "Algorithmique et Programmation" (AP3) of the 2nd year of the bachelor degree in mathematics at Université Paris Diderot.
Here is the graded homework I gave to the students.

Year 2014-2015

I was examiner for the weekly oral exercise (Khôlles) of the HKBL class of Lycée Sainte Marie de Neuilly in mathematics. You can found the exercise sheets and some corrections here.