David Papoular's papers

16 publications in peer-reviewed journals; 1 preprint.

  1. D.J. Papoular and B. Zumer,
    Quantum signatures of the mixed classical phase space for three interacting particles in a circular trap,

  2. D.J. Papoular and B. Zumer,
    Quantum scar affecting the motion of three interacting particles in a circular trap,
    Phys. Rev. A 107, 022217 (2023)

  3. A.D. Chepelianskii, D.J. Papoular, D. Konstantinov, H. Bouchiat, and K. Kono,
    Coupled pair of one- and two-dimensional magnetoplasmons on electrons on helium,
    Phys. Rev. B 103, 075420 (2021)

  4. M. Brune and D.J. Papoular,
    Evaporative cooling to a Rydberg crystal close to its ground state,
    Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023014 (2020)

  5. P. Fromholz, S. Capponi, P. Lecheminant, D.J. Papoular, and K. Totsuka,
    "Haldane" phases with ultracold fermionic atoms in double-well optical lattices,
    Phys. Rev. B 99, 054414 (2019)

  6. Y. Zeng, P. Xu, X.D. He, Y.Y. Liu, M. Liu, J. Wang, D.J. Papoular, G.V. Shlyapnikov, and M.S. Zhan,
    Entangling two individual atoms of different isotopes via Rydberg blockade,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 160502 (2017)

  7. D.J. Papoular, L.P. Pitaevskii, and S. Stringari,
    Quantized conductance through quantum evaporation with cold bosonic atoms,
    Phys. Rev. A 94, 023622 (2016).

  8. D.J. Papoular and S. Stringari,
    Shortcut To Adiabaticity for an Anisotropic Gas Containing Quantum Defects,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 , 025302 (2015).

  9. Peng Xu, Jiaheng Yang, Min Liu, Xiaodong He, Yong Zeng, Kunpeng Wang, Jin Wang, D.J. Papoular, G.V. Shlyapnikov, Mingsheng Zhan,
    Interaction-induced decay of a heteronuclear two-atom system,
    Nature Communications 6, 7803 (2015).

  10. N. Bartolo, D.J. Papoular, C. Menotti, and A. Recati,
    A toy model for the dipolar-induced resonance in quasi-one-dimensional systems,
    Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 224, 477 (2015)

  11. D.J. Papoular, L.P. Pitaevskii, and S. Stringari,
    Fast thermalization and Helmholtz oscillations of an ultracold Bose gas,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 170601 (2014).

  12. N. Bartolo, D.J. Papoular, L. Barbiero, C. Menotti, and A. Recati,
    Dipolar-induced resonance for ultracold bosons in a quasi-1D optical lattice,
    Phys. Rev. A 88, 023603 (2013).

  13. D.J. Papoular, S. Bize, A. Clairon, H. Marion, S.J. Kokkelmans, and G.V. Shlyapnikov,
    Feshbach resonances in cesium at ultralow magnetic fields,
    Phys. Rev. A. Rapid Comm. 86, 040701(R) (2012).

  14. D.J. Papoular, G. Ferrari, L.P. Pitaevskii, and S. Stringari,
    Increasing quantum degeneracy by heating a superfluid,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 084501 (2012) .

  15. D.J. Papoular, G.V. Shlyapnikov, and J. Dalibard,
    Microwave-Induced Fano-Feshbach resonances,
    Phys. Rev. A Rapid Comm. 81, 041603 (2010).

  16. D.J. Papoular, P. Cladé, S.V. Polyakov, C.F. McCormick, A.L. Migdall, P.D. Lett,
    Measuring optical tunneling times using a Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer,
    Opt. Express 16, 16005 (2008).

  17. D.S. Petrov, G.V. Astrakharchik, D.J. Papoular, C. Salomon, and G.V. Shlyapnikov,
    Crystalline phase of strongly interacting Fermi mixtures,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 130407 (2007).

  18. D.J. Papoular ,
    Harmonic stability analysis of the 2D square and hexagonal lattices for a finite-ranged repulsive pair potential,
    arXiv:0806.4325 (2008).