Institut Jacques Monod

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a database of the embryonic and larval peripheral nervous system of D. melanogaster.
made with Wesley Grueber.
associated paper:  Orgogozo V, Grueber WB, FlyPNS, a database of the Drosophila embryonic and larval peripheral nervous system. BMC Dev Biol. 2005 Feb 17; 5(1):4. Medline   PDF

D. sechellia database
contains my list of PCR markers for D. simulans and D. sechellia DNA.
made by Corbin Jones laboratory.

provides a compilation of the phenotypes that have been reported to differ between at least two species of the D. melanogaster subgroup. More than 150 morphological, physiological and behavioral differences have been described between 1919 and 2006.
associated paper: Orgogozo V, Stern DL, How different are recently diverged species? More than 150 phenotypic differences have been reported for the D. melanogaster species subgroup. Fly 2009 Mar-Apr;3(2):117. Epub 2009 May 1. Medline text

The database of evolutionary relevant genes
will contain a list of all the genes/mutations that have been found to be responsible for phenotypic differences (morphological, physiological and behavioral traits) between populations or strains for pluricellular organisms.
under construction. So far this list exists as an Excel file and is deposited in Dryad.