Index of values

default_edge [Avl_draw]
default_edge is a standard record of edge attributes.
default_edge_attributes [Avl_graphviz.Neato.INPUT]
default_edge_attributes [Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT]
default_label [Avl_draw]
default_text_label is a standard record of text label attributes.
default_node [Avl_draw]
default_node is a standard record of node attributes.
default_node_attributes [Avl_graphviz.Neato.INPUT]
default_node_attributes [Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT]
draw_curves [Avl_draw.DRAW]
draw_ellipse [Avl_draw.DRAW]
draw_graph [Avl_draw.MakeGraphics]
draw_graph [Avl_draw.Make]
draw_graph win a x y g draw the graph g according to the arrangement a.
draw_lines [Avl_draw.DRAW]
draw_rect [Avl_draw.DRAW]
draw_text [Avl_draw.DRAW]

edge_attributes [Avl_draw.GRAPH]
edge_attributes [Avl_graphviz.Neato.INPUT]
edge_attributes [Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT]
edge_equal [Avl_draw.GRAPH]
edge_hash [Avl_draw.GRAPH]
edge_head [Avl_draw.GRAPH]
edge_head [Avl_graphviz.Neato.INPUT]
edge_head [Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT]
edge_tail [Avl_draw.GRAPH]
edge_tail [Avl_graphviz.Neato.INPUT]
edge_tail [Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT]

fill_ellipse [Avl_draw.DRAW]
fill_poly [Avl_draw.DRAW]
fill_rect [Avl_draw.DRAW]
fold [Avl_kernel.Make]
fold g computes the transitive reduction of the graph g.
fold [Avl_kernel.Make_acyclic]
fold g computes the transitive reduction of the graph g.
fold [Avl_closure.Make]
fold empty add g computes the strict transitive closure of the graph g.
fold [Avl_tarjan.Make]
fold empty add_class singleton add g runs the Tarjan's algorithm on the graph g.
fold [Avl_topo.Make]
fold f accu g performs a topological sort of the graph g.
fprint_graph [Avl_graphviz.Neato.Make]
fprint_graph ppf graph pretty prints the graph graph in the CGL language on the formatter ppf.
fprint_graph [Avl_graphviz.Dot.Make]
fprint_graph ppf graph pretty prints the graph graph in the CGL language on the formatter ppf.

get [Avl_kernel.GRAPH]
Every node must carry a transient integer field.
get [Avl_kernel.GRAPH_acyclic]
Every node must carry a transient integer field.
get [Avl_closure.GRAPH]
Every node must carry a transient integer field.
get [Avl_tarjan.GRAPH]
Every node must carry a transient integer field.
get [Avl_topo.GRAPH]
Every node must carry a transient integer field.
get_scc [Avl_kernel.GRAPH]
Every node must carry a transient field of type node scc.
graph_attributes [Avl_graphviz.Neato.INPUT]
graph_attributes [Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT]

handle_error [Avl_graphviz.Neato.Make]
handle_error [Avl_graphviz.Dot.Make]

iter [Avl_topo.Make]
iter f g applies f on every node of the graph g, in an order compatible with topological sort.
iter_edges [Avl_draw.GRAPH]
iter_edges [Avl_graphviz.Neato.INPUT]
iter_edges [Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT]
iter_nodes [Avl_draw.GRAPH]
iter_nodes [Avl_graphviz.Neato.INPUT]
iter_nodes [Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT]
iter_nodes [Avl_kernel.GRAPH]
iter_nodes f g applies f on every nodes of the graph g.
iter_nodes [Avl_kernel.GRAPH_acyclic]
iter_nodes f g applies f on every nodes of the graph g.
iter_nodes [Avl_closure.GRAPH]
iter_nodes f g applies f on every nodes of the graph g.
iter_nodes [Avl_tarjan.GRAPH]
iter_nodes f g applies f on every nodes of the graph g.
iter_nodes [Avl_topo.GRAPH]
iter_nodes f g applies f on every nodes of the graph g.
iter_successors [Avl_kernel.GRAPH]
iter_successors f nd applies f on every successors of the node nd in its graph.
iter_successors [Avl_kernel.GRAPH_acyclic]
iter_successors f nd applies f on every successors of the node nd in its graph.
iter_successors [Avl_closure.GRAPH]
iter_successors f nd applies f on every successors of the node nd in its graph.
iter_successors [Avl_tarjan.GRAPH]
iter_successors f nd applies f on every successors of the node nd in its graph.
iter_successors [Avl_topo.GRAPH]
iter_successors f nd applies f on every successors of the node nd in its graph.

list [Avl_tarjan.Make]
list g computes the SCCs of a graph.
list [Avl_topo.Make]
list g returns the list of nodes of g ordered topologically.

node_attributes [Avl_draw.GRAPH]
node_attributes [Avl_graphviz.Neato.INPUT]
node_attributes [Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT]
node_equal [Avl_draw.GRAPH]
node_hash [Avl_draw.GRAPH]
node_name [Avl_graphviz.Neato.INPUT]
node_name [Avl_graphviz.Dot.INPUT]

output_graph [Avl_graphviz.Neato.Make]
output_graph oc graph pretty prints the graph graph in the dot language on the channel oc.
output_graph [Avl_graphviz.Dot.Make]
output_graph oc graph pretty prints the graph graph in the dot language on the channel oc.

queue [Avl_topo.Make]
queue g returns a queue containing the nodes of g ordered topologically.

run_graph [Avl_graphviz.Neato.Make]
run_graph output_mode f graph runs the engine on the graph graph.
run_graph [Avl_graphviz.Dot.Make]
run_graph output_mode f graph runs the engine on the graph graph.

scc [Avl_kernel]
scc () returns a fresh value of type 'a scc
set [Avl_kernel.GRAPH]
set [Avl_kernel.GRAPH_acyclic]
set [Avl_closure.GRAPH]
set [Avl_tarjan.GRAPH]
set [Avl_topo.GRAPH]
set_command [Avl_graphviz.Neato]
Several functions provided by this module run the external program neato.
set_command [Avl_graphviz.Dot]
Several functions provided by this module run the external program dot.
set_scc [Avl_kernel.GRAPH]
stack [Avl_topo.Make]
stack g returns a stack containing the nodes of g ordered topologically.

text_size [Avl_draw.DRAW]

unify [Avl_tarjan.Make]
unify unifier graph computes the SCCs of a graph.