Antoine Jego's Homepage
Preprints / Publications
- [arXiv]
Conformal welding and the matter—Liouville—ghost factorisation, with Guillaume Baverez (2025), 41pp.
- [arXiv]
The CFT of SLE loop measures and the Kontsevich—Suhov conjecture, with Guillaume Baverez (2024), 49pp. (submitted)
- [arXiv]
The density of imaginary multiplicative chaos is positive, with Juhan Aru and Janne Junnila, Electron. Commun. Probab. 29 (2024), 11pp.
- [arXiv]
The height gap of planar Brownian motion is 5/π, with Titus Lupu and Wei Qian (2024), 23pp. (submitted)
- [arXiv]
Noise-like analytic properties of imaginary chaos, with Juhan Aru, Guillaume Baverez and Janne Junnila, Electron. J. Probab. 30 (2025), paper no. 16, 43pp.
- [arXiv]
Thick points of 4D critical branching Brownian motion, with Nathanaël Berestycki and Tom Hutchcroft (2023), 78pp. (submitted)
- [arXiv]
Conformally invariant fields out of Brownian loop soups, with Titus Lupu and Wei Qian (2023), 80pp. (submitted)
- [arXiv]
Crossing exponent in the Brownian loop soup, with Titus Lupu and Wei Qian (2023), Ann. Probab. (to appear), 34pp.
- [arXiv]
Multiplicative chaos of the Brownian loop soup, with Élie Aïdékon, Nathanaël Berestycki and Titus Lupu. Proc. London Math. Soc. 126 (2023), no. 4, 140pp.
- [arXiv]
Density of imaginary multiplicative chaos via Malliavin calculus, with Juhan Aru and Janne Junnila. Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 184 (2022), 55pp.
- [arXiv]
Critical Brownian multiplicative chaos,
Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 180 (2021), 58pp.
- [arXiv]
Characterisation of planar Brownian multiplicative chaos, Comm. Math. Phys. 399 (2023), 49pp.
- [arXiv]
Planar Brownian motion and Gaussian multiplicative chaos, Ann. Probab. 48 (2020), no. 4, 47pp.
- [arXiv]
Thick points of random walk and the Gaussian free field,
Electron. J. Probab. 25 (2020), paper no. 32, 39pp.
Past and forthcoming talks
- Oct 2024: Workshop Geometry, occupation fields, and scaling limits, Newton Institute, Cambridge
- Oct 2024: Probability seminar, LPSM, Paris
- Sep 2024: Rencontre de probabilités 2024, Rouen
- Aug 2024: Durham Symposium 2024
- Jul 2024: Workshop Self-interacting processes, Newton Institute, Cambridge
- Apr 2024: Workshop Random Walks: Interacting, Branching, and more, CIRM
- Feb 2024: Workshop in mathematical physics 2024, Les Diablerets
- Feb 2024: Probability seminar, Luxembourg
- Dec 2023: Mathematical physics seminar, Geneva
- Nov 2023: Probability seminar, Angers
- Nov 2023: Percolation today
- Jul 2023: Random conformal geometries and field theories session, SPA 2023, Lisbon
- Jun 2023: Probability seminar, Lyon
- Jun 2023: Journées cartes, Zurich
- May 2023: Percolation today
- May 2023: Probability seminar, Paris VI
- Mar 2023: Localization phenomena, CIRM
- Feb 2023: Hong Kong probability seminar
- Sep 2022: Probability and conformal field theory conference, Agay
- Jun 2022: Log-correlated processes session, SPA 2022, Wuhan
- May 2022: Lecture about Brownian multiplicative chaos, Stanford
- Apr 2022: Los Angeles probability forum, Caltech
- Mar 2022: Analysis and geometry of random spaces seminar, MSRI, Berkeley
- Oct 2021: Random geometry and statistical physics seminar
(Link to video)
- Oct 2021: Seminario de Probabilidades de Chile
- Jul 2021: Young Researcher Symposium, Statistical mechanics and random structure (preceding ICMP 2021), Geneva
- May 2021: Recent progress on random walks, CIRM
- Apr 2021: Probability seminar, University of Vienna
- Feb 2021: Probability seminar, Durham University
- Aug 2020: Bernoulli–IMS One World Symposium
- Jan 2020: Inhomogeneous random systems, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
- Dec 2019: Probability seminar, University of Vienna
- Nov 2019: Probability seminar, NYU Shanghai
- Jul 2018: Random geometry workshop, Newton institute, Cambridge