Curriculum Vitae

First name:         Sorin
Last name:          Tanase-Nicola
Date of birth:     July, 9 1977
Place of birth:   Slatina, Romania
Nationality:       Romanian

Educational background:

2001- 2004: PhD Student, PMMH laboratoryESPCI School . Advisor: Jorge Kurchan. Defense date: October, 2004.       
Title: Rare and Unstable Trajectories. Localisation methods for transition paths and computation of Lyapunov exponents.

2000-2001: Student,  DEA Physique Theorique. June 2001: Master's degree and "MIPIII".

1999-2000: Student, Magistère Interuniversitaire de Physique , élève École normale supérieure, Paris, France.

Internship, Laboratoire de Physique Statistique , École normale supérieure.
Subject: Simulation of hard disk systems
Advisor: Werner Krauth.

June 2000: "Maitrise de physique" and "MIPII".

1996-1999: Undergraduate of the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest..

1996: "Radu Greceanu" (Slatina,Romania) High School graduate;

Prizes, awards:

2001:CNRS Scholarship for the preparation of the PhD thesis. 1999: Scholarship of the French Gouvernement for studies at the École Normale Supérieure. 1996: International Physics Olympiad (Oslo, Norway) - Bronze Medal; 1995: Member of the National Lot for Physics;

1990, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996: National Physics Olympiad participant - Second Prize;

And other national and interdepartamental Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science contests.

Operating Systems:    Unix, Linux, Windows
Programming:                 Fortran, C (C++), Pascal, Matlab

Language skills

Publications and communications