Denis Villemonais

Denis Villemonais

Assistant professor in Applied Mathematics - Membre junior IUF

Université de Lorraine

Ecole des Mines de Nancy

Institut Universitaire de France


I am a Maître de Conférences at University of Lorraine and head of the Applied Mathematic department at the engineering school École des Mines de Nancy.

My researches focus on the stochastic analysis of non-conservative dynamics and their applications, such as branching processes, bisexual branching processes, particle systems with Moran type interactions, growth fragmentation equations, Pólya urns and reinforced processes, and Markov processes with absorbing states. In particular, I am interested in the existence, uniqueness and domain of attraction of quasi-stationary distributions, and am also interested in their approximation by interacting particle systems and reinforced processes.

I am also interested in medical, biological and ecological models. In particular, in collaboration with the CHRU of Nancy, we study the stochastic modelisation and the statistical properties of telomere length dynamics during adult life and its medical implications. Recently, with the CIC-P and cardiologists at the CHRU of Nancy, we started a collaboration on the evaluation and improvement of diagnostic models of heart failure in the emergency department.

Download my résumé .

Open two years post-doctoral research position in Nancy, on Multi-type growth fragmentation equations with singular coefficients. Details of the position, subject and application procedure are available on the Inria job offer page.

Open position for a PhD thesis in Nancy:

  • A three years position for a PhD thesis in applied statistics will open in September/October 2024. The topic will focus on the development of diagnostic models of heart failure and the PhD thesis will be co-supervised by myself and a cardiologist from the CIC-P. Interested candidates should contact me by email

Open position for a Master internship in Nancy:

Master and PhD students:

Former PhD Students and Post-doctoral fellows:

  • Quasi-stationary distributions
  • Penalized Markov processes
  • Branching processes with interactions
  • Applications to biological and ecological systems
  • Applications to medical science
  • Reinforced processes
  • Coarse Ricci curvature
  • HDR in Applied Mathematics, 2019

    Université de Lorraine

  • PhD in Applied Mathematics, 2011

    Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau, France)

  • Master in Probability theory, 2008

    Université d'Orsay

  • Ecole Normale Supérieure (MP2004), 2004-2008

    Ecole Normale Supérieure


Applied Probability Trust
Associate Editor
February 2024 – Present
Institut Universitaire de France
Membre Junior IUF
October 2023 – Present Nancy, France
École des Mines de Nancy
Head of the Department in Applied Mathematics
February 2022 – Present Nancy, France
École des Mines de Nancy and Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine (University of Lorraine)
Assistant Professor in Applied Mathematics
December 2012 – Present Nancy, France
École des Mines de Nancy
Head of the Major in Mathematical Engineering
January 2015 – February 2022 Nancy, France
University of Lorraine
Habilitation à diriger des recherches
November 2019 – November 2019 Nancy, France
École des Mines de Nancy
Elected member of the CE
January 2016 – January 2021 Nancy, France
Postdoctoral position in the TOSCA Team (INRIA)
December 2011 – August 2012 Nancy, France
École Polytechnique
PhD Thesis under the direction of Sylvie Méléard
August 2008 – November 2011 Palaiseau, France
École Normale Supérieure
Normale Sup (MP2004)
September 2004 – August 2008 Paris, France

This includes:

  • Master 2 - Probability (Université d’Orsay - Paris XI)
  • Agrégation de mathématiques
  • Licence 3, Master 1 of mathematics (Université d’Orsay - Paris XI)

Recent Publications

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(2024). Binary branching processes with Moran type interactions. to appear in Annales de l’IHP Probability and Statistics.

Cite Arxiv Link PDF

(2024). The Multi-type Bisexual Galton-Watson Branching Process. to appear in Annales de l’IHP Probability and Statistics.

Cite Arxiv Link PDF

(2023). A branching model for intergenerational telomere length dynamics. (Preprint).

Cite Arxiv Link PDF (Arxiv)

Contact (Université de Lorraine)

Contact (École des Mines de Nancy)