Université d'Orléans and École des Ponts (ENPC),
PhD student at IDP and CERMICS with Romain Abraham and Jean-François Delmas
Sorbonne Université (UPMC - Paris 6),
Master 2 in Mathematics: Probability and random models
École Normale Supérieure (Paris),
Master studies in Mathematics and in Computer Science
Lycée Louis le Grand (Paris),
Classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles (CPGE): MPSI-MP*
an intensive undergraduate math and physics course to prepare for the national competitive exam
Research internship in Mathematics - Université d'Orléans and École des Ponts (ENPC),
april 2020–august 2021
with Romain Abraham and Jean-François Delmas
Research internship in Electrical engineering - University of Wisconsin-Madison,
april–july 2019
with Robert D. Nowak, on label-aware dimensional reduction for data classification
Research internship in Computer Science - Université de Nantes, LS2N,
June-July 2018
with Achour Mostéfaoui and Matthieu Perrin,
on the probabilistic consensus for asynchronous distributed systems
Teaching assistant for undergraduate math courses - Université d'Orléans
Interrogator in classes préparatoires - Lycée Louis le Grand (Paris),
”colles” (oral testing of students of classes préparatoires each week) in MPSI