About this blog

Hello and welcome to the “AfterMaths”!

This blog is Maxime Hardy’s medium to produce, accumulate and store content. It contains notes, teaching materials or analyses on:

  • applications of applied mathematics in industry: algorithms, financial modeling, technologies (machine and deep learning, quantum computing, responsible AI), risk management;
  • transversal corporate disciplines: project management, marketing, innovation.

Maxime Hardy, PhD, currently serves as a Senior Data Scientist at the French international bank Crédit Agricole (on linkedIn).

Backgound (click)

M. Hardy is a researcher from Paris with expertise in statistical modeling, algorithms and machine learning. He engages in teaching mathematics since 2007.

Academic background
2018 PhD, ENS — LaSapienza (Paris—Rome), Statistical modeling and mathematical physics
2014 Diploma of the École Normale Supérieure (Ulm). Algorithms and statistical models, theor. physics
2007 Gold Medal, 37th International physics olympiad (Iran)


Initiatives: Organizer of the lіnguіstіc dіversіty semіnar (« sémіnaіre d'ouverture lіnguіstіque ») at ENS : Russіan (2012—13), Persіan (2013—14) sectіons. Cograduated in Linguistics (ENS, 2014).


Email. data science, DataLab, Crédit Agricole, CASA, École Normale, ENS.