Guillaume Louvel

Evolutionary genomics & bioinformatics


  • Postdoc project on Eukaryogenesis in Laura Eme’s lab, University Paris-Saclay.

    Causes for discord in Eukaryotic protein domains inherited from Asgard or TACK archaea

    Eukaryotes descend from the fusion of bacterial and archaeal ancestors: one alphaproteobacterium endosymbiont that became the mitochondria, possibly earlier bacterial mergers, and an archaeal parent that donated core components of the genetic machinery. Debates have sparked over [...]


  • Summary of PhD subject

    Dating within gene trees:
    speciations, duplications, losses

    Official PhD thesis archive

    My PhD work applies the molecular clock concept at the scale of the gene tree. A gene tree does not match exactly a species tree, because the number of functional copies in a genome varies, either by duplication to [...]