About me

I am a Computational Systems Biologist specialized in the modeling and analysis of cell communities.

To get a quick overview of my work, you can find:

  • example of code I wrote on github or my employer’s gitlab ,
  • research papers that I co-authored on the research section of this website.

Since January 2023, I work as a Postdoc in the Integrated Cancer Genomics team (ICAGEN) of the Nantes-Angers Cancer and Immunology Research Center (CRCI2NA). I apply my modeling skills on the integration of single-cell multiomic datasets from multiple myeloma samples, a plasma cell cancer characterized by its huge heterogeneity across patients

This new project follows 4 years of postdoctoral experience studying ocean and gut microbial communities both in academia and the industry. I have a widespread and validaded expertise on NGS data analysis, Metabolic Modeling, Microbial Ecology, but also the application of Control Theory and Synthetic Biology to Cell Biology. You will find more detailed information about my previous work on the Research and CV sections of this website.

Overall, my scientific interests are at the interface of maths, biology, and computer sciences. Apart from science, my favorite Linux distribution is Debian Sid and my favorite keyboard layout is BÉPO. I read fantasy novels (Markus Heitz, Robin Hobb, Andrzej Sapkowski, Terry Pratchett, …) and watch videos about economics (Heureka). I am also a free software and data privacy advocate. I like rock climbing and bouldering which I practice around Nantes (it’s where I live!).

Feel free to contact me with any questions about my work or inquiries about work opportunities.