REGTOX : macro Excel™ pour dose-réponse


You are toxicologist or ecotoxicologist and you would like to model your dose-reponse data using your spreadsheet.

REGTOX allow the calculation of dose-response parameters using several models : : Hill equation, Log-Normal, Weibull. A model: GENTOX is also proposed for som genotoxicity tests.

Read the documentation

The model parameters and the benchmark doses (10%, 20%, etc) are calculated by non linar regression, their confidence intervals are estimated using a « Bootstrap «  method (« Monte-Carlo » simulation) entirely non parametric.

Who am I?

The result is also presented on a graph, which allow you to control immediately the quality of the fitting. This graph may be edited with Excel and adapted to your favourite format.

You can also perform your calculations using the Mosaic platform which is more recent ans is a good alternative to Regtox. A junction is possible between your Regtox data and Mosaic.

This macro was partly granted by the Ministère de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'environnement : national ecotoxicology programme

Last modification : 08/12/20, 17:48:59