
Here is a hopefully mostly up-to-date list of my academic publications. Most of them can also be found on Google Scholar and DBLP.


Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals.
  1. [ChaRodTib24] SwiftEC: Shallue-van de Woestijne indifferentiable function to elliptic curves. [eprint]
    J. Chávez-Saab, F. Rodríguez-Henríquez and M. Tibouchi.
    Journal of Cryptology, vol. 38(3), Springer, 2024.
    Full version of [ChaRodTib22].
  2. [BBEFGRT24] Masking the GLP lattice-based signature scheme at any order. [eprint]
    G. Barthe, S. Belaïd, T. Espitau, P.-A. Fouque, B. Grégoire, M. Rossi and M. Tibouchi.
    Journal of Cryptology, vol. 37(1), Springer, 2024.
    Full version of [BBEFGRT18].
  3. [UMBTS23] Loop aborts strike back: defeating fault countermeasures in lattice signatures with ILP.
    V. Ulitzsch, S. Marzougui, A. Bagia, M. Tibouchi and J.P. Seifert.
    IACR TCHES, vol. 2023(4), IACR, 2023, pp. 367–392.
  4. [KIUTH23] Homomorphic encryption for stochastic computing.
    R. Koseki, A. Ito, R. Ueno, M. Tibouchi and N. Homma.
    Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol. 13(2), Springer, 2023, pp. 251–263.
  5. [OtmPetTib23] Guest editorial on Cryptanalysis of (NIST PQC) post-quantum proposals.
    A. Otmani, C. Petit and M. Tibouchi.
    IET Information Security, vol. 17(2), Wiley, 2023, pp. 159–160.
  6. [DOTT22] Two-round n-out-of-n and multi-signatures and trapdoor commitment from lattices. [eprint]
    I. Damgård, C. Orlandi, A. Takahashi and M. Tibouchi.
    Journal of Cryptology, vol. 35(2), Springer, 2022.
    Full version of [DOTT21].
  7. [YuaTibAbe22b] On subset-resilient hash function families.
    Q. Yuan, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    Designs, Codes and Cryptography, vol. 90(3), Springer, 2022, pp. 719–758.
  8. [YuaTibAbe22a] Security notions for stateful signature schemes.
    Q. Yuan, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    IET Information Security, vol. 16(1), IET, 2022, pp. 1–17.
  9. [TibWal21] One bit is all it takes: a devastating timing attack on BLISS’s non-constant time sign flips. [eprint] [github]
    M. Tibouchi and A. Wallet.
    J. Math. Cryptology, vol. 15(1), De Gryuter, 2021, pp. 131–142.
  10. [SETA21] Guessing bits: improved lattice attacks on (EC)DSA with nonce leakage. [eprint]
    C. Sun, T. Espitau, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    IACR TCHES, vol. 2022(1), IACR, 2021, pp. 391–413.
  11. [YamTibAbe21] On the impossibility of NIZKs for disjunctive languages from commit-and-prove NIZKs.
    K. Yamashita, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    IEEE Access, vol. 9, IEEE, 2021, pp. 51368–51379.
  12. [YamTibAbe20a] A coin-free oracle-based augmented black box framework. [eprint]
    K. Yamashita, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    IEICE Trans. A, vol. 103-A(10), IEICE, 2020, pp. 1167–1173.
    Full version of [YamTibAbe19].
  13. [KimTib20] Equidistribution among cosets of elliptic curve points in intervals.
    T. Kim and M. Tibouchi.
    J. Math. Cryptology, vol. 14(1), De Gryuter, 2020, pp. 339–345.
    Full version of [NutMiC:KimTib19].
  14. [FGGNT20] Recovering secrets from prefix-dependent leakage. [eprint]
    H. Ferradi, R. Géraud, S. Guilley, D. Naccache and M. Tibouchi.
    J. Math. Cryptology, vol. 14(1), De Gryuter, 2020, pp. 15–24.
  15. [BGKLSSTZ20] Multiparty non-interactive key exchange and more from isogenies on elliptic curves. [eprint]
    D. Boneh, D. Glass, D. Krashen, K. Lauter, S. Sharif, A. Silverberg, M. Tibouchi and M. Zhandry.
    J. Math. Cryptology, vol. 14(1), De Gryuter, 2020, pp. 5–14.
  16. [AGKOT19] Efficient fully structure-preserving signatures and shrinking commitments.
    M. Abe, J. Groth, M. Kohlweiss, M. Ohkubo and M. Tibouchi.
    Journal of Cryptology, vol. 32(3), Springer, 2019, pp. 973–1025.
    Full version of [AKOT15].
  17. [FouTib19] Close to uniform prime number generation with fewer random bits. [arXiv]
    P.-A. Fouque and M. Tibouchi.
    IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 65(2), IEEE, 2019, pp. 1307–1317.
    Full version of [FouTib14].
  18. [TakTibAbe18] New Bleichenbacher records: fault attacks on qDSA signatures. [eprint] [github]
    A. Takahashi, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    IACR TCHES, vol. 2018(3), IACR, 2018, pp. 331–371.
  19. [KimTib18] FHE over the integers and modular arithmetic circuits.
    E. Kim and M. Tibouchi.
    IET Information Security, vol. 12(4), IET, 2018, pp. 257–264.
    Full version of [KimTib16].
  20. [BisTib18] Constructing permutation rational functions from isogenies. [arXiv]
    G. Bisson and M. Tibouchi.
    SIAM J. Discrete Math., vol. 32(3), SIAM, 2018, pp. 1741–1749.
    Full version of [YACC:BisTib16].
  21. [NevTib18] Degenerate curve attacks: extending invalid curve attacks to Edwards curves and other models. [eprint]
    S. Neves and M. Tibouchi.
    IET Information Security, vol. 12(3), IET, 2018, pp. 217–225.
    Full version of [NevTib16].
  22. [EFGT18] Loop-abort faults on lattice-based signature schemes and key exchange protocols. [eprint]
    T. Espitau, P.-A. Fouque, B. Gérard and M. Tibouchi.
    IEEE Trans. Computers, vol. 67(11), IEEE, 2018, pp. 1535–1549.
    Full version of [EFGT16].
  23. [MaiTibAra17] Elliptic curve multiset hash. [arXiv]
    J. Maitin-Shepard, M. Tibouchi and D. Aranha.
    The Computer Journal, vol. 60(4), Oxford University Press, 2017, pp. 476–490.
  24. [TibKim17] Improved elliptic curve hashing and point representation. [hal]
    M. Tibouchi and T. Kim.
    Designs, Codes and Cryptography, vol. 82(1–2), Springer, 2017, pp. 161–177.
    Full version of [WCC:KimTib15].
  25. [BFFSST16] Strongly-optimal structure preserving signatures from type II pairings: synthesis and lower bounds. [eprint]
    G. Barthe, E. Fagerholm, D. Fiore, A. Scedrov, B. Schmidt and M. Tibouchi.
    IET Information Security, vol. 10(6), IET, 2016, pp. 358–371.
    Full version of [BFFSST15].
  26. [CNTW16] Practical cryptanalysis of ISO 9796-2 and EMV signatures. [eprint]
    J.-S. Coron, D. Naccache, M. Tibouchi and R.-P. Weinmann.
    Journal of Cryptology, vol. 29(3), Springer, 2016, pp. 632–656.
    Full version of [CNTW09].
  27. [AFLT16] Tightly-secure signatures from lossy identification schemes. [eprint]
    M. Abdalla, P.-A. Fouque, V. Lyubashevsky and M. Tibouchi.
    Journal of Cryptology, vol. 29(3), Springer, 2016, pp. 597–631.
    Full version of [AFLT12].
  28. [CorKirTib13] A note on the bivariate Coppersmith theorem.
    J.-S. Coron, A. Kirichenko and M. Tibouchi.
    Journal of Cryptology, vol. 26(2), Springer, 2013, pp. 246–250.
  29. [FGLTZ13] Attacking RSA-CRT signatures with faults on Montgomery multiplication. [eprint]
    P.-A. Fouque, N. Guillermin, D. Leresteux, M. Tibouchi and J.-C. Zapalowicz.
    Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol. 3(1), Springer, 2013, pp. 59–72.
    Full version of [FGLTZ12].
  30. [FFSTV13] Indifferentiable deterministic hashing to elliptic and hyperelliptic curves. [eprint]
    R.R. Farashahi, P.-A. Fouque, I.E. Shparlinski, M. Tibouchi and J.F. Voloch.
    Math. Comp., vol. 82, AMS, 2013, pp. 491–512.
  31. [BNNT11b] Modulus fault attacks against RSA-CRT signatures. [eprint]
    E. Brier, D. Naccache, P.Q. Nguyen and M. Tibouchi.
    Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol. 1(3), Springer, 2011, pp. 243-253.
    Full version of [BNNT11a].
  32. [ChaTib11] Securing e-passports with elliptic curves.
    H. Chabanne and M. Tibouchi.
    IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, vol. 9(2), IEEE, 2011, pp. 75–78.


Papers published in international peer-reviewed conference proceedings.
  1. [BKLMTT25] Ringtail: practical two-round threshold signatures from learning with errors. [eprint] [github]
    C. Boschini, D. Kaviani, R.W.F. Lai, G. Malavolta, A. Takahashi and M. Tibouchi.
    In W. Enck, C. Nita-Rotaru (Eds.), IEEE S&P 2025, IEEE Computer Society, 2025, pp. 70–70.
  2. [ANPT24] Interactive threshold mercurial signatures and applications. [eprint]
    M. Abe, M. Nanri, O. Pérez Kempner and M. Tibouchi.
    In K.M. Chung, Y. Sasaki (Eds.), ASIACRYPT 2024, LNCS vol. 1xxxx, Springer, 2024, pp. xxx–xxx, to appear.
  3. [PulTib24] Cryptanalysis of EagleSign. [eprint]
    L. Pulles and M. Tibouchi.
    In C. Galdi, C.H. Phan (Eds.), SCN 2024, Part II, LNCS vol. 14974, Springer, 2024, pp. 165–186.
  4. [ABORST24] CDS composition of multi-round protocols.
    M. Abe, A. Bogdanov, M. Ohkubo, A. Rosen, Z. Shang and M. Tibouchi.
    In L. Reyzin, D. Stebila (Eds.), CRYPTO 2024, Part IX, LNCS vol. 14928, Springer, 2024, pp. 391–423.
  5. [LSZEYTA24] Cryptanalysis of the Peregrine lattice-based signature scheme. [eprint]
    X. Lin, M. Suzuki, S. Zhang, T. Espitau, Y. Yu, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In Q. Tang, V. Teague (Eds.), PKC 2024, Part I, LNCS vol. 14601, Springer, 2024, pp. 387–412.
  6. [ENSTW23] Antrag: annular NTRU trapdoor generation. [eprint]
    T. Espitau, T.T.Q. Nguyen, C. Sun, M. Tibouchi and A. Wallet.
    In J. Guo, R. Steinfeld (Eds.), ASIACRYPT 2023, Part VII, LNCS vol. 14444, Springer, 2023, pp. 3–36.
  7. [AHST23] Faster constant-time evaluation of the Kronecker symbol with application to elliptic curve hashing. [eprint]
    D.F. Aranha, B.S. Hvass, B. Spitters and M. Tibouchi.
    In W. Meng, C.D. Jensen, C. Cremers, E. Kirda (Eds.), ACM CCS 2023, ACM, 2023, pp. 3228–3238.
  8. [YuaTibAbe20] Quantum-access security of hash-based signature schemes. [eprint]
    Q. Yuan, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In M.A.R. Baee, L. Simpson (Eds.), ACISP 2023, LNCS vol. 13915, Springer, 2023, pp. 343–380.
  9. [ChaRodTib22] SwiftEC: Shallue-van de Woestijne indifferentiable function to elliptic curves. [eprint]
    J. Chávez-Saab, F. Rodríguez-Henríquez and M. Tibouchi.
    In S. Agrawal, D. Lin (Eds.), ASIACRYPT 2022, Part I, LNCS vol. 13791, Springer, 2022, pp. 63–92.
    Full version published as [ChaRodTib24].
  10. [UMTS22] Profiling side-channel attacks on Dilithium: a small bit-fiddling leak breaks it all. [eprint]
    V. Ulitzsch, S. Marzougui, M. Tibouchi and J.P. Seifert.
    In B. Smith, H. Wu (Eds.), SAC 2022, LNCS vol. 13742, Springer, 2022, pp. 3–32.
  11. [ETWY22] Shorter hash-and-sign lattice-based signatures. [eprint]
    T. Espitau, M. Tibouchi, A. Wallet and Y. Yu.
    In Y. Dodis, T. Shrimpton (Eds.), CRYPTO 2022, Part II, LNCS vol. 13508, Springer, 2022, pp. 245–275.
  12. [BosTakTib22] MuSig-L: lattice-based multi-signature with single-round online phase. [eprint]
    C. Boschini, A. Takahashi and M. Tibouchi.
    In Y. Dodis, T. Shrimpton (Eds.), CRYPTO 2022, Part II, LNCS vol. 13508, Springer, 2022, pp. 276–305.
  13. [EFGRTTWY22] Mitaka: a simpler, parallelizable, maskable variant of Falcon. [eprint]
    T. Espitau, P.-A. Fouque, F. Gérard, M. Rossi, A. Takahashi, M. Tibouchi, A. Wallet and Y. Yu.
    In O. Dunkelman, S. Dziembowski (Eds.), EUROCRYPT 2022, Part III, LNCS vol. 13277, Springer, 2022, pp. 222–253.
  14. [ChaRodTib21] Verifiable isogeny walks: towards an isogeny-based postquantum VDF. [eprint]
    J. Chávez-Saab, F. Rodríguez-Henríquez and M. Tibouchi.
    In R. AlTawy, A. Hülsing (Eds.), SAC 2021, LNCS vol. 13203, Springer, 2021, pp. 441–460.
  15. [DOTT21] Two-round n-out-of-n and multi-signatures and trapdoor commitment from lattices. [eprint]
    I. Damgård, C. Orlandi, A. Takahashi and M. Tibouchi.
    In J.A. Garay (Ed.), PKC 2021, Part I, LNCS vol. 12710, Springer, 2021, pp. 99–130.
    Full version published as [DOTT22].
  16. [YamTibAbe20b] On black-box extension of a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof system for secret equality.
    K. Yamashita, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In K. Bhargavan, E. Oswald, M. Prabhakaran (Eds.), INDOCRYPT 2020, LNCS vol. 12578, Springer, 2020, pp. 882–904.
  17. [ANTTY20] LadderLeak: breaking ECDSA with less than one bit of nonce leakage. [eprint] [github]
    D.F. Aranha, F.R. Novaes, A. Takahashi, M. Tibouchi and Y. Yarom.
    In J. Ligatti, X. Ou, J. Katz, G. Vigna (Eds.), ACM CCS 2020, ACM, 2020, pp. 225–242.
  18. [ParTib20] SHECS-PIR: somewhat homomorphic encryption-based compact and scalable private information retrieval.
    J. Park and M. Tibouchi.
    In L. Chen, N. Li, K. Liang, S.A. Schneider (Eds.), ESORICS 2020, Part II, LNCS vol. 12309, Springer, 2020, pp. 86–106.
  19. [SunTibAbe20] Revisiting the hardness of Binary Error LWE. [eprint]
    C. Sun, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In J.K. Liu, H. Cui (Eds.), ACISP 2020, LNCS vol. 12248, Springer, 2020, pp. 425–444.
  20. [FKTWY20] Key recovery from Gram-Schmidt norm leakage in hash-and-sign signatures over NTRU lattices. [eprint]
    P.-A. Fouque, P. Kirchner, M. Tibouchi, A. Wallet and Y. Yu.
    In A. Canteaut, Y. Ishai (Eds.), EUROCRYPT 2020, Part III, LNCS vol. 12107, Springer, 2020, pp. 34–63.
  21. [BBEFRT19] GALACTICS: gaussian sampling for lattice-based constant-time implementation of cryptographic signatures, revisited. [eprint]
    G. Barthe, S. Belaïd, T. Espitau, P.-A. Fouque, M. Rossi and M. Tibouchi.
    In L. Cavallaro, J. Kinder, X. Wang, J. Katz (Eds.), ACM CCS 2019, ACM, 2019, pp. 2147–2164.
  22. [YamTibAbe19] A coin-free oracle-based augmented black box framework. [eprint]
    K. Yamashita, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In R. Steinfeld, T.H. Yuen (Eds.), ProvSec 2019, LNCS vol. 11821, Springer, 2019, pp. 265–272.
    Full version published as [YamTibAbe20a].
  23. [TakTib18] Degenerate fault attacks on elliptic curve parameters in OpenSSL. [eprint]
    A. Takahashi and M. Tibouchi.
    In F. Piessens, F. Stajano (Eds.), EuroS&P 2019, IEEE, 2019.
  24. [MGTF16] Masking Dilithium: efficient implementation and side-channel evaluation. [eprint]
    V. Migliore, B. Gérard, M. Tibouchi and P.-A. Fouque.
    In R.H. Deng, V. Gauthier-Umaña, M. Ochoa, M. Yung (Eds.), ACNS 2019, LNCS vol. 11464, Springer, 2019, pp. 344–362.
  25. [BDEFT18] LWE without modular reduction and improved side-channel attacks against BLISS. [eprint]
    J. Bootle, C. Delaplace, T. Espitau, P.-A. Fouque and M. Tibouchi.
    In T. Peyrin, S. Galbraith (Eds.), ASIACRYPT 2018, Part I, LNCS vol. 11272, Springer, 2018, pp. 494–524.
  26. [AAOT18] Lower bounds on structure-preserving signatures for bilateral messages. [eprint]
    M. Abe, M. Ambrona, M. Ohkubo and M. Tibouchi.
    In D. Catalano, R. De Prisco (Eds.), SCN 2018, LNCS vol. 11035, Springer, 2018, pp. 3–22.
  27. [QiaTibGer18] Universal witness signatures. [hal]
    C. Qian, M. Tibouchi and R. Géraud.
    In A. Inomata, K. Yasuda (Eds.), IWSEC 2018, LNCS vol. 11049, Springer, 2018, pp. 313–329.
  28. [BooTibXag18] Cryptanalysis of Compact-LWE. [eprint]
    J. Bootle, M. Tibouchi and K. Xagawa.
    In N.P. Smart (Ed.), CT-RSA 2018, LNCS vol. 10808, Springer, 2018, pp. 80–97.
  29. [BBEFGRT18] Masking the GLP lattice-based signature scheme at any order. [eprint]
    G. Barthe, S. Belaïd, T. Espitau, P.-A. Fouque, B. Grégoire, M. Rossi and M. Tibouchi.
    In J.B. Nielsen, V. Rijmen (Eds.), EUROCRYPT 2018, Part II, LNCS vol. 10821, Springer, 2018, pp. 354–384.
    Full version published as [BBEFGRT24].
  30. [EFGT17] Side-channel attacks on BLISS lattice-based signatures. [eprint]
    T. Espitau, P.-A. Fouque, B. Gérard and M. Tibouchi.
    In D. Evans, T. Malkin, D. Xu (Eds.), ACM CCS 2017, ACM, 2017, pp. 1857–1874.
  31. [KimTib17] Secure GLS recomposition for sum-of-square cofactors.
    E. Kim and M. Tibouchi.
    In J. Pieprzyk, S. Suriadi (Eds.), ACISP 2017, Part II, LNCS vol. 10343, Springer, 2017, pp. 349–365.
  32. [CLLT17] Zeroizing attacks on indistinguishability obfuscation over CLT13. [eprint]
    J.-S. Coron, M.S. Lee, T. Lepoint and M. Tibouchi.
    In S. Fehr (Ed.), PKC 2017, Part I, LNCS vol. 10174, Springer, 2017, pp. 41–58.
  33. [KimTib16] FHE over the integers and modular arithmetic circuits.
    E. Kim and M. Tibouchi.
    In S. Foresti, G. Persiano (Eds.), CANS 2016, LNCS vol. 10052, Springer, 2016, pp. 435–450.
    Full version published as [KimTib18].
  34. [EFGT16] Loop-abort faults against lattice-based Fiat–Shamir and hash-and-sign signatures. [eprint]
    T. Espitau, P.-A. Fouque, B. Gérard and M. Tibouchi.
    In R. Avanzi, H. Heys (Eds.), SAC 2016, LNCS vol. 10532, Springer, 2016, pp. 140–158.
    Full version published as [EFGT18].
  35. [CLLT16] Cryptanalysis of GGH15 multilinear maps. [eprint]
    J.-S. Coron, M.S. Lee, T. Lepoint and M. Tibouchi.
    In J. Katz, M. Robshaw (Eds.), CRYPTO 2016, Part II, LNCS vol. 9815, Springer, 2016, pp. 607–628.
  36. [NevTib16] Degenerate curve attacks. [eprint]
    S. Neves and M. Tibouchi.
    In G. Persiano, B.Y. Yang (Eds.), PKC 2016, Part II, LNCS vol. 9615, Springer, 2016, pp. 19–35.
    Full version published as [NevTib18].
  37. [BFMT16] Side-channel analysis of Weierstrass and Koblitz curve ECDSA on Android smartphones. [eprint]
    P. Belgarric, P.-A. Fouque, G. Macario-Rat and M. Tibouchi.
    In K. Sako (Ed.), CT-RSA 2016, LNCS vol. 9610, Springer, 2016, pp. 236–252.
  38. [KimTib15b] Invalid curve attacks in a GLS setting.
    T. Kim and M. Tibouchi.
    In K. Tanaka, Y. Suga (Eds.), IWSEC 2015, LNCS vol. 9241, Springer, 2015, pp. 41–55.
  39. [FLLT15] Cryptanalysis of the Co-ACD assumption. [eprint]
    P.-A. Fouque, M.S. Lee, T. Lepoint and M. Tibouchi.
    In R. Gennaro, M. Robshaw (Eds.), CRYPTO 2015, Part I, LNCS vol. 9215, Springer, 2015, pp. 561–580.
  40. [CorLepTib15] New multilinear maps over the integers. [eprint]
    J.-S. Coron, T. Lepoint and M. Tibouchi.
    In R. Gennaro, M. Robshaw (Eds.), CRYPTO 2015, Part I, LNCS vol. 9215, Springer, 2015, pp. 267–286.
  41. [CGHLMMRST15] Zeroizing without low-level zeroes: new attacks on multilinear maps and their limitations. [eprint]
    J.-S. Coron, C. Gentry, S. Halevi, T. Lepoint, H.K. Maji, E. Miles, M. Raykova, A. Sahai and M. Tibouchi.
    In R. Gennaro, M. Robshaw (Eds.), CRYPTO 2015, Part I, LNCS vol. 9215, Springer, 2015, pp. 247–266.
  42. [AKOT15] Fully structure-preserving signatures and shrinking commitments. [eprint]
    M. Abe, M. Kohlweiss, M. Ohkubo and M. Tibouchi.
    In M. Fischlin, E. Oswald (Eds.), EUROCRYPT 2015, Part II, LNCS vol. 9057, Springer, 2015, pp. 35–65.
    Full version published as [AGKOT19].
  43. [CGTV15] Conversion from arithmetic to boolean masking with logarithmic complexity. [eprint]
    J.-S. Coron, J. Groszschaedl, M. Tibouchi and P.K. Vadnala.
    In G. Leander (Ed.), FSE 2015, LNCS vol. 9054, Springer, 2015, pp. 130–149.
  44. [BFFSST15] Strongly-optimal structure preserving signatures from type II pairings: synthesis and lower bounds. [eprint]
    G. Barthe, E. Fagerholm, D. Fiore, A. Scedrov, B. Schmidt and M. Tibouchi.
    In J. Katz (Ed.), PKC 2015, LNCS vol. 9020, Springer, 2015, pp. 355–376.
    Full version published as [BFFSST16].
  45. [LepTib15] Cryptanalysis of a (somewhat) additively homomorphic encryption scheme used in PIR. [eprint]
    T. Lepoint and M. Tibouchi.
    In M. Brenner, K. Rohloff (Eds.), WAHC 2015, LNCS vol. 8976, Springer, 2015, pp. 184–193.
  46. [AFGKTZ14] GLV/GLS decomposition, power analysis, and attacks on ECDSA signatures with single-bit nonce bias. [hal]
    D.F. Aranha, P.-A. Fouque, B. Gérard, J.-G. Kammerer, M. Tibouchi and J.-C. Zapalowicz.
    In T. Iwata, P. Sarkar (Eds.), ASIACRYPT 2014, Part I, LNCS vol. 8873, Springer, 2014, pp. 262–281.
  47. [Tibouchi14b] Impossibility of surjective Icart-like encodings.
    M. Tibouchi.
    In S.S.M. Chow, J.K. Liu, L.C.K. Hui, S.M. Yiu (Eds.), ProvSec 2014, LNCS vol. 8782, Springer, 2014, pp. 29–39.
  48. [BDFGTZ14] Making RSA-PSS provably secure against non-random faults. [eprint]
    G. Barthe, F. Dupressoir, P.-A. Fouque, B. Grégoire, M. Tibouchi and J.-C. Zapalowicz.
    In L. Batina, M. Robshaw (Eds.), CHES 2014, LNCS vol. 8731, Springer, 2014, pp. 206–222.
  49. [AGOT14b] Structure-preserving signatures from type II pairings. [eprint]
    M. Abe, J. Groth, M. Ohkubo and M. Tibouchi.
    In J. Garay, R. Gennaro (Eds.), CRYPTO 2014, Part I, LNCS vol. 8616, Springer, 2014, pp. 390–407.
  50. [AFQTZ14] Binary Elligator squared. [eprint]
    D. Aranha, P.-A. Fouque, C. Qian, M. Tibouchi and J.-C. Zapalowicz.
    In A. Youssef, A. Joux (Eds.), SAC 2014, LNCS vol. 8781, Springer, 2014, pp. 20–37.
  51. [FouTib14] Close to uniform prime number generation with fewer random bits. [arXiv]
    P.-A. Fouque and M. Tibouchi.
    In J. Esparza, P. Fraigniaud, T. Husfeldt, E. Koutsoupias (Eds.), ICALP 2014, Part I, LNCS vol. 8572, Springer, 2014, pp. 991–1002.
    Full version published as [FouTib19].
  52. [KimTib14] Bit-flip faults on elliptic curve base fields, revisited.
    T. Kim and M. Tibouchi.
    In I. Boureanu, P. Owezarski, S. Vaudenay (Eds.), ACNS 2014, LNCS vol. 8479, Springer, 2014, pp. 163–180.
  53. [Tibouchi14a] Elligator Squared: uniform points on elliptic curves of prime order as uniform random strings. [eprint]
    M. Tibouchi.
    In N. Christin, R. Safavi-Naini (Eds.), FC 2014, LNCS vol. 8437, Springer, 2014, pp. 139–156.
  54. [CorLepTib14] Scale-invariant fully homomorphic encryption over the integers. [eprint]
    J.-S. Coron, T. Lepoint and M. Tibouchi.
    In H. Krawczyk (Ed.), PKC 2014, LNCS vol. 8383, Springer, 2014, pp. 311–328.
  55. [AGOT14a] Unified, minimal and selectively randomizable structure-preserving signatures. [eprint]
    M. Abe, J. Groth, M. Ohkubo and M. Tibouchi.
    In Y. Lindell (Ed.), TCC 2014, LNCS vol. 8349, Springer, 2014, pp. 688–712.
  56. [FouTibZap13] Recovering private keys generated with weak PRNGs. [hal]
    P.-A. Fouque, M. Tibouchi and J.-C. Zapalowicz.
    In M. Stam (Ed.), IMACC 2013, LNCS vol. 8308, Springer, 2013, pp. 158–172.
  57. [CorLepTib13] Practical multilinear maps over the integers. [eprint]
    J.-S. Coron, T. Lepoint and M. Tibouchi.
    In R. Canetti, J. Garay (Eds.), CRYPTO 2013, LNCS vol. 8042, Springer, 2013, pp. 476–493.
  58. [FouJouTib13] Injective encodings to elliptic curves. [eprint]
    P.-A. Fouque, A. Joux and M. Tibouchi.
    In C. Boyd, L. Simpson (Eds.), ACISP 2013, LNCS vol. 7959, Springer, 2013, pp. 203–218.
  59. [CCKLLTY13] Batch fully homomorphic encryption over the integers. [eprint]
    J.H. Cheon, J.-S. Coron, J. Kim, M.S. Lee, T. Lepoint, M. Tibouchi and A. Yun.
    In T. Johansson, P.Q. Nguyen (Eds.), EUROCRYPT 2013, LNCS vol. 7881, Springer, 2013, pp. 315–335.
  60. [MMNT13] Fault attacks on projective-to-affine coordinate conversion.
    D. Maimuţ, C. Murdica, D. Naccache and M. Tibouchi.
    In E. Prouff (Ed.), COSADE 2013, LNCS vol. 7864, Springer, 2013, pp. 46–61.
  61. [CorNacTib12b] Another look at affine-padding RSA signatures. [eprint]
    J.-S. Coron, D. Naccache and M. Tibouchi.
    In T. Kwon, M.-K. Lee, D. Kwon (Eds.), ICISC 2012, LNCS vol. 7839, Springer, 2012, pp. 22–32.
  62. [FouTib12] Indifferentiable hashing to Barreto-Naehrig curves. [di-ens]
    P.-A. Fouque and M. Tibouchi.
    In A. Hevia, G. Neven (Eds.), LATINCRYPT 2012, LNCS vol. 7533, Springer, 2012, pp. 1–17.
  63. [FGLTZ12] Attacking RSA-CRT signatures with faults on Montgomery multiplication. [eprint]
    P.-A. Fouque, N. Guillermin, D. Leresteux, M. Tibouchi and J.-C. Zapalowicz.
    In E. Prouff, P. Schaumont (Eds.), CHES 2012, LNCS vol. 7428, Springer, 2012, pp. 447–462.
    Full version published as [FGLTZ13].
  64. [CorNacTib12a] Public key compression and modulus switching for fully homomorphic encryption over the integers. [eprint]
    J.-S. Coron, D. Naccache and M. Tibouchi.
    In D. Poincheval, T. Johansson (Eds.), EUROCRYPT 2012, LNCS vol. 7237, Springer, 2012, pp. 446–464.
  65. [AFLT12] Tightly-secure signatures from lossy identification schemes. [eprint]
    M. Abdalla, P.-A. Fouque, V. Lyubashevsky and M. Tibouchi.
    In D. Poincheval, T. Johansson (Eds.), EUROCRYPT 2012, LNCS vol. 7237, Springer, 2012, pp. 572–590.
    Full version published as [AFLT16].
  66. [BNNT11a] Modulus fault attacks against RSA-CRT signatures. [eprint]
    E. Brier, D. Naccache, P.Q. Nguyen and M. Tibouchi.
    In B. Preneel, T. Takagi (Eds.), CHES 2011, LNCS vol. 6917, Springer, 2011, pp. 192–206.
    Full version published as [BNNT11b].
  67. [CMNT11] Fully homomorphic encryption over the integers with shorter public keys. [eprint]
    J.-S. Coron, A. Mandal, D. Naccache and M. Tibouchi.
    In P. Rogaway (Ed.), CRYPTO 2011, LNCS vol. 6841, Springer, 2011, pp. 487–504.
  68. [CJMNT11] Cryptanalysis of the RSA subgroup assumption from TCC 2005. [eprint]
    J.-S. Coron, A. Joux, A. Mandal, D. Naccache and M. Tibouchi.
    In D. Catalano, N. Fazio, R. Gennaro, A. Nicolosi (Eds.), PKC 2011, LNCS vol. 6571, Springer, 2011, pp. 147–155.
  69. [FouTib10b] Deterministic encoding and hashing to odd hyperelliptic curves. [eprint]
    P.-A. Fouque and M. Tibouchi.
    In M. Joye, A. Miyaji, A. Otsuka (Eds.), Pairing 2010, LNCS vol. 6487, Springer, 2010, pp. 265–277.
  70. [FouTib10a] Estimating the size of the image of deterministic hash functions to elliptic curves. [eprint]
    P.-A. Fouque and M. Tibouchi.
    In M. Abdalla, P.S.L.M. Barreto (Eds.), LATINCRYPT 2010, LNCS vol. 6212, Springer, 2010, pp. 81–91.
  71. [BCIMRT10] Efficient indifferentiable hashing to ordinary elliptic curves. [eprint]
    E. Brier, J.-S. Coron, T. Icart, D. Madore, H. Randriam and M. Tibouchi.
    In T. Rabin (Ed.), CRYPTO 2010, LNCS vol. 6223, Springer, 2010, pp. 237–254.
  72. [JoyTibVer10] Huff’s model for elliptic curves. [eprint]
    M. Joye, M. Tibouchi and D. Vergnaud.
    In G. Hanrot, F. Morain, E. Thomé (Eds.), ANTS-IX, LNCS vol. 6197, Springer, 2010, pp. 234–250.
  73. [BCNTV10] On the broadcast and validity-checking security of PKCS#1 v1.5 encryption. [eprint]
    A. Bauer, J.-S. Coron, D. Naccache, M. Tibouchi and D. Vergnaud.
    In J. Zhou, M. Yung (Eds.), ACNS 2010, LNCS vol. 6123, Springer, 2010, pp. 1–18.
  74. [CorNacTib10] Fault attacks against EMV signatures. [eprint]
    J.-S. Coron, D. Naccache and M. Tibouchi.
    In J. Pieprzyk (Ed.), CT-RSA 2010, LNCS vol. 5985, Springer, 2010, pp. 208–220.
  75. [BriNacTib09] Factoring unbalanced moduli with known bits. [eprint]
    E. Brier, D. Naccache and M. Tibouchi.
    In D. Lee, S. Hong (Eds.), ICISC 2009, LNCS vol. 5984, Springer, 2009, pp. 65–72.
  76. [CNTW09] Practical cryptanalysis of ISO 9796-2 and EMV signatures. [eprint]
    J.-S. Coron, D. Naccache, M. Tibouchi and R.-P. Weinmann.
    In S. Halevi (Ed.), CRYPTO 2009, LNCS vol. 5677, Springer, 2009, pp. 428–444.
    Full version published as [CNTW16].

Surveys & tech reports

Book chapters, surveys, technical reports.
  1. [NIST:ENST23] Squirrels: square unstructured integer Euclidean lattice signature. [nist] [www]
    T. Espitau, G. Niot, C. Sun and M. Tibouchi.
    In NIST PQC Additional Signatures (Round 1), 2023.
  2. [NTT:ATTNX20e] Cutting-edge research on cryptography theory in response to changes in computing environments.
    M. Abe, Y. Tokunaga, M. Tibouchi, R. Nishimaki and K. Xagawa.
    In NTT Technical Review, vol. 18(4), NTT Corporation, 2020, pp. 22–26.
    English translation of [NTT:ATTNX20j].
  3. [NTT:ATTNX20j] 計算環境の変化に対応する暗号理論研究の最前線. [html] [pdf]
    M. Abe, Y. Tokunaga, M. Tibouchi, R. Nishimaki and K. Xagawa.
    In NTT技術ジャーナル, vol. 32(2), NTT Corporation, 2020, pp. 23–26, in Japanese.
  4. [CRYPTREC:Tib17] Cryptographic multilinear maps: a status report. [pdf]
    M. Tibouchi.
    In CRYPTREC Technical Report, 2017.
  5. [PBC:OchRodTib16] Hashing into elliptic curves.
    E. Ochoa-Jiménez, F. Rodriguez-Henríquez and M. Tibouchi.
    In N. El Mrabet, M. Joye (Eds.), Guide to pairing-based cryptography, CRC Press, 2016.
  6. [NTT:Tib14e] Fully homomorphic encryption over the integers: from theory to practice.
    M. Tibouchi.
    In NTT Technical Review, vol. 12(7), NTT Corporation, 2014, pp. 26–31.
    English translation of [NTT:Tib14j].
  7. [NTT:Tib14j] 整数上完全準同型暗号の研究. [pdf]
    M. Tibouchi.
    In NTT技術ジャーナル, vol. 26(3), NTT Corporation, 2014, pp. 71–75, in Japanese.
  8. [FAC:NguTib12] Lattice-based fault attacks on signatures.
    P.Q. Nguyen and M. Tibouchi.
    In M. Joye, M. Tunstall (Eds.), Fault Analysis in Cryptography, Springer, 2012, pp. 201–220.
  9. [JJQ:Tib12] A Nagell algorithm in any characteristic.
    M. Tibouchi.
    In D. Naccache (Ed.), Cryptography and Security: From Theory to Applications, LNCS vol. 6805, Springer, 2012, pp. 474–479, Jean-Jacques Quisquater Festschrift.
  10. [ECS:Tib11b] Security reduction.
    M. Tibouchi.
    In H.C.A. van Tilborg, S. Jajodia (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security, 2nd Ed., Springer, 2011, pp. 1167–1168.
  11. [ECS:Tib11a] ISO-9796 signature standards.
    M. Tibouchi.
    In H.C.A. van Tilborg, S. Jajodia (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security, 2nd Ed., Springer, 2011, pp. 649–650.


Contributions to international workshops without proceedings.
  1. [NIST:EGNSTW24] Antrag: simplifying and improving Falcon without compromising security. [github] [nist]
    T. Espitau, J. Guiton, T.T.Q. Nguyen, C. Sun, M. Tibouchi and A. Wallet.
    In 5th NIST PQC Standardization Conference, 2024.
  2. [NIST:ETTW21] Mitaka: a simpler, parallelizable, maskable variant of Falcon. [nist]
    T. Espitau, A. Takahashi, M. Tibouchi and A. Wallet.
    In 3rd NIST PQC Standardization Conference, 2021.
  3. [NutMiC:KimTib19] Equidistribution among cosets of elliptic curve points in intervals.
    T. Kim and M. Tibouchi.
    In A. Joux, J. Pomykała (Eds.), NutMiC, 2019.
    Full version published as [KimTib20].
  4. [AGC2T:Tib17] Generalized Howgrave-Graham-Szydlo and side-channel attacks against BLISS.
    M. Tibouchi.
    In Y. Aubry, E. Howe, C. Ritzenthaler (Eds.), AGC2T 2017, 2017.
  5. [YACC:BisTib16] Constructing permutation rational functions from isogenies.
    G. Bisson and M. Tibouchi.
    In Y. Aubry et al. (Eds.), YACC 2016, 2016.
    Full version published as [BisTib18].
  6. [Fq:KimTib15] Pseudo-randomness of elliptic curve encoding functions.
    T. Kim and M. Tibouchi.
    In G. Effinger (Ed.), Fq12, 2015.
  7. [WCC:KimTib15] Improved elliptic curve hashing and point representation.
    T. Kim and M. Tibouchi.
    In P. Charpin, N. Sendrier, J.-P. Tillich (Eds.), WCC 2015, 2015.
    Full version published as [TibKim17].

Domestic symposia

Contributions to Japanese symposia and research meetings.
  1. [SCIS:TanTibAbe24] Fair exchange with smart contract revisited: combine ZKCP and FairSwap.
    H. Tang, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2024, 2024.
  2. [SCIS:SuzTibAbe24] Peregrine格子ベース署名方式に対する暗号解析の改良.
    M. Suzuki, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2024, 2024.
  3. [SCIS:SOTA24] Expanding challenge space on composing generalized sigma-protocols.
    Z. Shang, M. Ohkubo, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2024, 2024.
  4. [SCIS:NPTA24] 分散Mercurial署名による複数権限者でのUnlinkability.
    M. Nanri, O. Pérez Kempner, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2024, 2024, in Japanese.
  5. [SCIS:KatTibAbe24] MLWEとMSIS仮定ベースのTwo-round n-out-of-n署名プロトコルの実装.
    Y. Kataoka, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2024, 2024, in Japanese.
  6. [ISEC:SLZEYTA23] Peregrine格子ベース署名方式に対する暗号解析の改良.
    M. Suzuki, X. Lin, S. Zhang, T. Espitau, Y. Yu, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In ISEC研究会, 2023, in Japanese.
  7. [SCIS:ZATA23] Optimistic signed exchange revisited.
    H. Zhang, M. Ambrona, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2023, 2023.
  8. [SCIS:SuzTibAbe23] Cryptanalysis of the randomized version of DRS scheme.
    M. Suzuki, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2023, 2023.
  9. [SCIS:SOTA23] Non-interactive proof of knowledge from Fiat-Shamir and correlation intractable hash.
    Z. Shang, M. Ohkubo, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2023, 2023.
  10. [SCIS:SETA23] Generating Falcon trapdoors via Gibbs sampler.
    C. Sun, T. Espitau, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2023, 2023.
  11. [SCIS:POTA23] Composition of zero-knowledge proof protocols from MPC-in-the-head with pre-processing.
    Z. Peng, M. Ohkubo, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2023, 2023.
  12. [SCIS:AOSTA23] 通貨選択アルゴリズムを最適化したトークン型電子現金方式のCBDCへの適用可能性検討.
    K. Arakawa, T. Okuda, T. Saito, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2023, 2023, in Japanese.
  13. [SCIS:ZATA23] Comparison of transaction costs of different fair exchange protocols.
    H. Zhang, M. Ambrona, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2022, 2022.
  14. [SCIS:YuaTibAbe22] Quantum-accessible security of stateless hash-based signature schemes.
    Q. Yuan, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2022, 2022.
  15. [SCIS:ShaTibAbe22] A study of non-malleability definitions on timed commitments.
    Z. Shang, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2022, 2022.
  16. [SCIS:SETA22] Optimal lattice trapdoor for the Klein-GPV and Peikert samplers.
    C. Sun, T. Espitau, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2022, 2022.
  17. [SCIS:AOSTA22] トークン型電子現金方式のCentral Bank Digital Currency(CBDC)への適用可能性に関する初期検討.
    K. Arakawa, T. Okuda, T. Saito, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2022, 2022, in Japanese.
  18. [SCIS:YuaTibAbe21] Security notions of stateful signature schemes.
    Q. Yuan, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2021, 2021.
  19. [SCIS:YamTibAbe21] コミットアンドプルーブ非対話ゼロ知識証明を用いたブラックボックス構成に関する考察.
    K. Yamashita, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2021, 2021, in Japanese.
  20. [SCIS:ShaTibAbe21] Variants of time-lock puzzles from randomized encodings.
    Z. Shang, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2021, 2021.
  21. [SCIS:SETA21] Towards improving lattice attacks on (EC)DSA.
    C. Sun, T. Espitau, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2021, 2021.
  22. [SCIS:YamTibAbe20] 二つの暗号文の等価性証明をブラックボックス方式で行うことに関する考察.
    K. Yamashita, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2020, 2020, in Japanese.
  23. [SCIS:SunTibAbe20] On the hardness of LWE with non-uniform binary-error.
    C. Sun, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2020, 2020.
  24. [SCIS:KKTAC20] プライバシ保護深層学習のためのSGX分散処理の提案.
    H. Kano, F. Kato, M. Tibouchi, M. Abe and Y. Cao.
    In SCIS 2020, 2020, in Japanese.
  25. [SCIS:YamTibAbe19] 証拠識別不可能性を持たないオラクルに基づく拡張ブラックボックス構成に関する考察.
    K. Yamashita, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2019, 2019, in Japanese.
  26. [SCIS:SunTibAbe19] Sample-time trade-off for the Arora-Ge attack on binary-error LWE.
    C. Sun, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2019, 2019.
  27. [SCIS:KatTibAbe19] IntelSGXを用いた関数型タイムリリース暗号.
    H. Kano, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In SCIS 2019, 2019, in Japanese.
  28. [ISEC:TakTibAbe18] 特異曲線圧縮点展開攻撃のビットコイン用楕円曲線への応用.
    A. Takahashi, M. Tibouchi and M. Abe.
    In ISEC研究会, 2018, in Japanese.
  29. [SCIS:TTAO18] Curve25519のKummer商上署名方式qDSAに対するフォールト攻撃.
    A. Takahashi, M. Tibouchi, M. Abe and T. Okamoto.
    In SCIS 2018, 2018, in Japanese.
  30. [SCIS:BooTib18] BLISS格子ベース署名に対しるサイドチャネル攻撃および整数上LWE問題について.
    J. Bootle and M. Tibouchi.
    In SCIS 2018, 2018, in Japanese.
  31. [SCIS:AITTTHF18] 秘密計算の実用可能性.
    T. Araki, D. Ikarashi, K. Takahashi, T. Takenouchi, M. Tibouchi, G. Hanaoka and J. Furukawa.
    In SCIS 2018, 2018, in Japanese.
  32. [ISEC:TTAO17] ノンスに偏りのあるSchnorr型署名に対するBleichenbacher攻撃の最適化.
    A. Takahashi, M. Tibouchi, M. Abe and T. Okamoto.
    In ISEC研究会, 2017, in Japanese.
  33. [SCIS:KimTib17] Extension of the GLV/GLS recomposition method of Aranha et al..
    E. Kim and M. Tibouchi.
    In SCIS 2017, 2017.
  34. [SCIS:BisTib17] 同種写像を用いた置換有理関数の生成手法.
    G. Bisson and M. Tibouchi.
    In SCIS 2017, 2017, in Japanese.
  35. [SCIS:KimTib16] 楕円曲線符号化関数の擬似ランダム性について.
    T. Kim and M. Tibouchi.
    In SCIS 2016, 2016, in Japanese.
  36. [SCIS:KimTib15b] Optimizing obfuscation: towards smaller matrix branching programs.
    J. Kim and M. Tibouchi.
    In SCIS 2015, 2015.
  37. [SCIS:KimTib15a] Differential fault attacks on GLS curves.
    T. Kim and M. Tibouchi.
    In SCIS 2015, 2015.
  38. [SCIS:FouLepTib15] Co-ACD仮定とそれを基にした準同型暗号方式の安全性評価.
    P.-A. Fouque, T. Lepoint and M. Tibouchi.
    In SCIS 2015, 2015, in Japanese.
  39. [SCIS:Tibouchi14] 素数位数楕円曲線上の点を一様に近いビットストリングとして表す手法.
    M. Tibouchi.
    In SCIS 2014, 2014, in Japanese.
  40. [SCIS:Tibouchi13] Impossibility of symmetric structure-preserving signatures with single verification equation.
    M. Abe, M. Ohkubo and M. Tibouchi.
    In SCIS 2013, 2013.
  41. [SCIS:Tibouchi12] A note on hashing to BN curves.
    M. Tibouchi.
    In SCIS 2012, 2012.


Manuscripts available on preprint servers and not formally published yet.
  1. [EPRINT:ABBOST24] Critical round in multi-round proofs: compositions and transformation to trapdoor commitments. [eprint]
    M. Abe, D. Balbás, D. Bui, M. Ohkubo, Z. Shang and M. Tibouchi.
    In IACR ePrint Archive, 2024.
  2. [EPRINT:LTYZ24] Do not disturb a sleeping Falcon: floating-point error sensitivity of the Falcon sampler and its consequences. [eprint]
    X. Lin, M. Tibouchi, S. Zhang and Y. Yu.
    In IACR ePrint Archive, 2024.
  3. [EPRINT:ANOPST24] Scalable mixnets from mercurial signatures on randomizable ciphertexts. [eprint]
    M. Abe, M. Nanri, M. Ohkubo, O. Pérez Kempner, D. Slamanig and M. Tibouchi.
    In IACR ePrint Archive, 2024.


For now, just my Ph.D. thesis.
  1. [PhD:Tibouchi11] Hachage vers les courbes elliptiques et cryptanalyse de schémas RSA (Hashing to elliptic curves and cryptanalysis of RSA-based schemes). [tel]
    M. Tibouchi.
    Ph.D. thesis from University Paris Diderot and University of Luxembourg, September 2011.
    Supervised by D. Naccache and J.-S. Coron.
    Introduction in French, main matter in English.