Density of compressible types and some consequences (with M. Bays and I. Kaplan) [ arXiv ]

Dependent finitely homogeneous rosy structures (with A. Onshuus) [ arXiv ]

A note on stability and NIP in one variable [ arXiv ]

Twin-width IV: ordered graphs and matrices (with É. Bonnet, U. Giocanti, P. Ossona de Mendez, S. Thomassé, S. Toruńczyk) [ arXiv ]

Dp and other minimalities (with E. Walsberg) [ arXiv ]

On omega-categorical structures with few finite substructures [ arXiv ]

The classification of homogeneous finite-dimensional permutation structures (with S. Braunfeld)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 27 (2020), no. 1, Paper 38 [ DOI | arXiv ]

NIP omega-categorical structures: the rank 1 case [ arXiv ]

Linear orders in NIP structures
Advances in Mathematics, Volume 395 (2022) [ DOI |arXiv ]

Automorphism groups of finite topological rank (with I. Kaplan)
Trans. of the AMS, Volume 372 (2019), 2011--2043 [ DOI | arXiv ]

On amalgamation in NTP_2 theories and generically simple generics
Notre Dame J. of Formal Logic, Volume 61 - 2 (2020), 233--243. [ DOI | arXiv ]

Some NIP-like phenomena in NTP_2 (with I. Kaplan) [ arXiv ]

Boundedness and absoluteness of some dynamical invariants in model theory (with K. Krupinski and L. Newelski)
J. Math. Logic, Volume 19-2 (2019) [ DOI | arXiv ]

Stabilizers, NTP_2 groups with f-generics, and PRC fields (with S. Montenegro and A. Onshuus)
J. Inst. Math. Jussieu, Volume 19-3 (2020), 821--853 [ DOI | arXiv ]

NIP henselian valued fields (with F. Jahnke)
Archive Math. Logic, Volume 59 (2020), 167--178 [ DOI | arXiv ]

Some remarks on dp-minimal groups (with I. Kaplan and E. Levi)
Groups, Modules, and Model Theory - Surveys and recent developments, Springer 2017 [ DOI | arXiv ]

Type decomposition in NIP theories
J. European Math Soc., Volume 22-2 (2020) 455--476 [ DOI | arXiv ]

Henselian valued fields and inp-minimality (with A. Chernikov)
J. Symbolic Logic, Volume 84-4 (2019) 1510-1526 [ DOI | arXiv ]

Exact saturation in simple and NIP theories (with I. Kaplan and S. Shelah)
J. Math Logic, Volume 17-1 (2017) [ DOI | arXiv ]

Tame topology over dp-minimal structures (with E. Walsberg)
Notre Dame J. of Formal Logic, Volume 60- 1 (2019), 61--76 [ DOI | arXiv ]

A Note on "Regularity lemma for distal structures"
Proceedings of the AMS, Volume 144-8 (2016) 3573—3578 [ DOI | arXiv ]

Definable and invariant types in enrichments of NIP theories (with S. Rideau)
J. Symbolic Logic, Volume 82-1 (2017) 317-324 [ DOI | arXiv ]

Dp-minimal valued fields (with F. Jahnke and E. Walsberg)
J. Symbolic Logic, Volume 82-1 (2017) 151-165 [ DOI | arXiv ]

VC-sets and generic compact domination
Israel J. of Math, Volume 218, Issue 1 (2017) 27-41 [ DOI | arXiv ]

Definably amenable NIP groups (with A. Chernikov)
J. Amer. Math. Soc. 31 (2018), no. 3, 609–641 [ DOI | arXiv ]

Rosenthal compacta and NIP formulas
Fundamenta Mathematicae, Volume 231 (2015) 81–92 [ DOI | arXiv ]

Invariant types in NIP theories
J. Math. Logic, Volume 15-2 (2015) [ DOI | arXiv ]

The affine and projective groups are maximal (with I. Kaplan)
Trans of the AMS 368-7 (2016) 5229—5245 [ DOI | arXiv ]

External definability and groups in NIP theories (with A. Chernikov and A. Pillay)
J. London Math. Soc. Volume 90-1 (2014) 213–240 [ DOI | arXiv ]

Honest compressions and their application to compression schemes (with R. Livni)
Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT), 2013 [ pdf ]

The Borel cardinality of Lascar strong types (with I. Kaplan and B. Miller)
J. London Math. Soc. Volume 90-2 (2014) 609—630 [ DOI | arXiv ]

Dp-minimality: invariant types and dp-rank
J. Symbolic Logic, Volume 79-4 (2014) 1025—1045 [ DOI | arXiv ]

On forking and definability of types in some dp-minimal theories (with S. Starchenko)
J. Symbolic Logic, Volume 79-4 (2014) 1020—1024 [ DOI | arXiv ]

Externally definable sets and dependent pairs II (with A. Chernikov)
Trans. of the AMS, Volume 367-7 (2015), 5217—5235 [ DOI | arXiv ]

Groups and fields with NTP2 (with A. Chernikov and I. Kaplan)
Proceedings of the AMS 143 (2015), 395-406 [ DOI | arXiv ]

Witnessing dp-rank (with I. Kaplan)
Notre Dame J. of Formal Logic, Volume 55-3 (2014), 419–429 [ DOI | arXiv ]

A note on generically stable measures and fsg groups (with E. Hrushovski and A. Pillay)
Notre Dame J. of Formal Logic, Volume 53-4 (2012) 599—605 [ DOI | arXiv ]

Distal and non-distal NIP theories
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164-3 (2013) 294-318 [ DOI | arXiv ]

Adding linear orders (with S. Shelah)
J. Symbolic Logic Volume 77 (2012) 717-725 [ DOI | arXiv ]

Finding generically stable measures
J. Symbolic Logic Volume 77, Issue 1 (2012) 263–278 [ DOI | arXiv ]

Externally definable sets and dependent pairs (with A. Chernikov)
Israel J. of Math., Volume 194, Issue 1 (2013) 409-425 [ DOI | arXiv ]

On dp-minimal ordered structures
J. Symbolic Logic, Volume 76-2 (2011) [ DOI | arXiv ]

Generically stable and smooth measures in NIP theories (with E. Hrushovski and A. Pillay)
Trans. of the AMS 365 (2013), 2341-2366 [ DOI | arXiv ]