Damien Robert

Professional webpage

Welcome to my professional webpage.

You can also take a look at my personal webpage.


Last modification:
2024-07-18 17:46:29+0200


AVIsogenies (Abelian Varieties and Isogenies), with Gaëtan Bisson, Romain Cosset. Magma package devoted to the computation of isogenies between abelian varieties, 2010. Free software (LGPLv2+), registered to APP (reference IDDN.FR.001.440011.000.R.P.2010.000.10000). Latest version 0.7, released on 2021-03-13.


FromLatticesToModularForms, with Markus Kirschmer, Fabien Narbonne, Christophe Ritzenthaler. Computation of modular forms in the isogeny class spanned by products of elliptic curves, April 2020.


ThetaIsogenies, with Pierrick Dartois, Luciano Maino, Giacomo Pope. Fast computations of isogenies in dimension two, November 2023.

Kummer Line

Kummer Line. Toolbox for computing on Kummer lines, October 2023.

Non scientific software

On my personnal page, you will find the non scientific softwares I wrote.