
  • veronica [dot] miro [at] crg [dot] eu
  • veronica [dot] miropina [at] normalesup [dot] org



During my postdoc at UNAM, I co-supervised two undergraduate students with Adrián González Casanova: Fernanda López Eslava (Mathematics) and Amilkar Gazque Espinosa de los Monteros (Applied mathematics).

In 2019, I taught two undergraduate courses at UNAM: Probability II with Lizbeth Penaloza Velasco and a seminar on Stochastic Processes and their applications in Biology with Adrian Gonzalez Casanova.

During my PhD, I was a teaching assistant at Université Pierre et Marie Curie and École Normale Supérieure (Paris). I teached Mathematics for Biologists at ENS (master's level). I also participated in several courses such as Basic Probability, Differential equations and Analysis, at undergrad level at UPMC.

Here is a video of a talk I gave (in Spanish) at a seminar for undergrad students at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Mexico).