Hand-made comfortable covid mask

Sanitary masks made of fabric feel very unconfortable to me. They go into my eyes. They fog my glasses. They stick to my nose when I inhale, which makes it hard to breathe (only a few square millimeters of exchange surface) and smears them with snot.

I have decided to invent my own model. Using my default source material: soda bottle.

In this instance, a bottle of flavored ice tea Lipton, because they are quite supple and their neck is very large.

First step: cut off the top of the bottle. Make a deep narrow indentation for the nose and a wide shallow indentation for the chin.

[top of the bottle, indented]

Second step: I had a drop of self-adhesive gasket. I applied a length of it along the edge of the plastic, with some extra margin.

At this point, I can hold the mask on my mouth, it doesn't hinder breathing. But if I close the bottle, it prevents it.


Third step: I used a rubber band to attach a fabric mask to the neck of the bottle.

[fabric attached with a rubber band]

Fourth step: I stuck an elastic band to the sides. Yes, I reused the band from old underwear. I stapled the end of the elastic bands to adhesive electrical tape, and stuck the tape on the plastic.

[elastic bands]

[attachment of the elastic bands]

Final trial. Breathing is easy. I do not feel air leaking on the sides. The fabric raises and falls with my breath. It works.

[final trial]

Update: with a custom-made fabric pouch.

[updated trial]

I also read that paper napkins could be more efficient than cotton. Since all it takes is an elastic band to affix it, it is probably an option to consider. Here with a single sheet of good tissue paper.

[with tissue paper]

Possible enhancements:

If you know somebody who manufactures sanitary masks based on similar principles, please let me know (my e-mail address is on the top of the page). If you want do do so yourself, please go ahead and let me get on.

New version:

[new verion]

The result is quite satisfactory.

By the way, this was my inspiration, and the kind of mask I wish we could buy, preferably a transparant variant:
