Try it

DSVG Sky runs in a web browser, provided it supports recent ECMAScript and SVG. Just click here and it should start.

If it does not work, ensure your web browser is modern enough. DSVG Sky is known to work with Firefox 2.0 and later. It probably will not work with any version of microsoft internet explorer.

If it still does not work, please let me know.

Download / How does it work

If you want to install DSVG Sky on your computer and be able to run it offline, you need to save the following files all in the same directory:

You also may want data_to_ecamscript (9.1 ko), a perl script used to generate the astronomical_data.js file from the VSOP87, ELP82 and SMART97 data that were once available on the Bureau des Longitudes FTP site. These data seems to be still available on the University of Strabourg FTP site: VSOP87, ELP82, SMART97.


DSVG Sky was written by Nicolas George. It can be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence version 2.0. The astronomical_data.js file is only numerical data, without creative originality; it does therefore not fall under the jurisdiction of the copyright laws.


Supported features

  • Sky display with sun, moon and planets.
  • Right-click menu.


  • Better drawing of the ground boundary.
  • Grid and/or display of the azimuth and elevation.
  • Planets phases.
  • Moon eclipses.
  • Choice of the point of view.
  • Equatorial mount and tracking.
  • Stars.