Félix Foutel-Rodier

Félix Foutel-Rodier

Glasstone Research Fellow
Department of Statistics
University of Oxford

branching Wright-Fisher


I am a Glasstone Research Fellow (postdoc) working at the Department of Statistics of the University of Oxford. Before that I did a postdoc at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) with Arthur Charpentier and Hélène Guérin on stochastic models related to the COVID-19 epidemic.

I completed my PhD at the LPSM (Sorbonne Université) under the supervision of Amaury Lambert and Emmanuel Schertzer. I was member of the SMILE group, which gathers probabilists and biologists interested in modeling life evolution, and is hosted at the Collège de France. My PhD manuscript can be found here.

I study probabilistic objects arising from various population models, such as coalescent processes, branching processes, and random trees. I am also interested in the application of these objects to the understanding of biological phenomena, mainly in population genetics and epidemiology.



  1. Félix Foutel-Rodier, Arthur Charpentier, and Hélène Guérin (2025)
    Optimal vaccination policy to prevent endemicity: a stochastic model
    Journal of Mathematical Biology (90), 55 pp.
    doi: 10.1007/s00285-024-02171-z, arXiv:2306.13633
  2. Félix Foutel-Rodier and Emmanuel Schertzer (2023)
    Convergence of genealogies through spinal decomposition with an application to population genetics
    Probability Theory and Related Fields (187), pp 697–751
    doi: 10.1007/s00440-023-01223-7, arXiv:2201.12412
  3. Jean-Jil Duchamps, Félix Foutel-Rodier, and Emmanuel Schertzer (2023)
    General epidemiological models: Law of large numbers and contact tracing
    Electronic Journal of Probability (28), 37 pp.
    doi: 10.1214/23-EJP992, arXiv:2106.13135
  4. Félix Foutel-Rodier, François Blanquart, Philibert Courau, Peter Czuppon, Jean-Jil Duchamps, Jasmine Gamblin, Élise Kerdoncuff, Rob Kulathinal, Léo Régnier, Laura Vuduc, Amaury Lambert*, and Emmanuel Schertzer* (2022)
    From individual-based epidemic model to McKendrick-von Foerster PDEs: a guide to modeling and inferring COVID-19 dynamics
    Journal of Mathematical Biology (85), 44 pp.
    doi: 10.1007/s00285-022-01794-4, arXiv:2007.09622
  5. Félix Foutel-Rodier, Amaury Lambert, and Emmanuel Schertzer (2021)
    Exchangeable coalescents, ultrametric spaces, nested interval-partitions: A unifying approach
    Annals of Applied Probability (31), pp 2046–2090.
    doi: 10.1214/20-AAP1641,  arXiv:1807.05165
  6. François Bienvenu, Jean-Jil Duchamps, and Félix Foutel-Rodier (2021)
    The Moran forest
    Random Structures & Algorithms (59), pp 155–188.
    doi: 10.1002/rsa.20997,  arXiv:1906.08806
  7. Félix Foutel-Rodier and Alison Etheridge (2020)
    The spatial Muller's ratchet: surfing of deleterious mutations during range expansion
    Theoretical Population Biology (135), pp 19–31.
    doi: 10.1016/j.tpb.2020.07.002,  bioRxiv:10.1101
  8. Félix Foutel-Rodier, Amaury Lambert, and Emmanuel Schertzer (2020)
    Kingman's coalescent with erosion
    Electronic Journal of Probability (25), 33 pp.
    doi: 10.1214/20-EJP450,  arXiv:1907.05845

Brief CV

2022–current Postdoc in math, Department of Statistics, University of Oxford
2021–2022 Postdoc in math, Department of Mathematics, UQAM
2018–2021 PhD in math, LPSM, Sorbonne Université
2016–2017 Master's degree in Probability Theory, Sorbonne Université
2015–2016 First year Master's degree in Evolutionary Biology, École Normale Supérieure
2014–2015 Bachelor's degree in Biology, École Normale Supérieure
2014 Admission to École Normale Supérieure
2012–2014 Classe préparatoire BCPST, Lycée Henri 4

You can find a more detailled version here.


felix.foutel-rodier stats.ox.ac.uk

Department of Statistics
24-29 St Giles'
Oxford OX1 3LB
United Kingdom