Conférence: Groupes et Géométrie à grande échelle

lundi 7 juin - vendredi 11 juin 2010
English version

à Clermont-Ferrand (France), université Blaise Pascal

Organisateurs: Indira Chatterji (Orléans), Yves de Cornulier (Rennes), Vincent Lafforgue (Paris VI) et Yves Stalder (Clermont-Ferrand)

Cette rencontre a été financée par le projet ANR QuantiT, avec le soutien du GDR "Géométrie non commutative", de l'UMR 6620 et du CNRS, ainsi que la participation de l'Université Blaise Pascal, du Conseil Régional d'Auvergne, du Conseil Général du Puy-de-Dôme et de la Ville de Clermont-Ferrand.

Il y a eu des mini-cours par

Emmanuel Breuillard (Paris XI-Orsay) Approximate groups
Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace (Univ. Cath. Louvain) Rank, lattices, and asymptotic cones in nonpositive curvature
Alain Valette (Neuchâtel) On a-T-menability and its permanence properties

ainsi que des exposés par

Tim Austin (Univ. California Los Angeles (UCLA)) Irrational L2-Betti numbers
Sylvain Barré (Vannes) Groups of rank in the interval [1,2]
François Dahmani (Toulouse 3) The isomorphism problem and pinched negative curvature
Maria Paula Gomez Aparicio (Paris XI-Orsay) Twisting property (T) by finite dimensional non-unitary representations
Luc Guyot (Göttingen) Limits of metabelian groups
Andrei Jaikin Zapirain (Uni. Aut. Madrid) Property (T) for groups graded by root systems
Fanny Kassel (Paris XI-Orsay) Deformation of discrete isometry groups for non-Riemannian symmetric spaces
Jean Lécureux (Lyon 1) Boundary amenability of groups acting on buildings
Gilbert Levitt (Caen) McCool groups
Soyoung Moon (Neuchâtel) On the class of groups with transitive and faithful amenable actions
Assaf Naor (New York Univ.) L1-embeddings of the Heisenberg group and fast estimation of graph isoperimetry

Les résumés

On peut trouver ici des enregistrement audio et des notes manuscrites de certains des mini-cours et exposés.

Voici le programme. Début de la conférence : lundi 7 juin à 14:45, fin vendredi 11 juin à 12:30.

Un financement partiel (généralement les frais d'hôtel) a été accordée à quelques jeunes participants; la date limite de demande de support est maintenant expirée et aucune nouvelle demande de financement ne sera prise en compte.

Liste des participants

Renseignements utiles

Pour davantage d'informations, contactez les organisateurs à l'adresse donnée sur le lien suivant.

Conference: Groups and large scale Geometry

in Clermont-Ferrand (France)
Version en français

Monday, June 7th to Friday, June 11th, 2010


Indira Chatterji (Orléans), Yves de Cornulier (Rennes), Vincent Lafforgue (Paris VI), and Yves Stalder (Clermont-Ferrand)

This conference was sponsored by the ANR project QuantiT, with a participation by the GDR "Géométrie non commutative", the UMR 6620 et du CNRS, the Université Blaise Pascal, the Conseil Régional d'Auvergne, the Conseil Général du Puy-de-Dôme, and the Ville de Clermont-Ferrand.

There were mini-courses by

Emmanuel Breuillard (Paris XI-Orsay) Approximate groups
Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace (Univ. Cath. Louvain) Rank, lattices, and asymptotic cones in nonpositive curvature
Alain Valette (Neuchâtel) On a-T-menability and its permanence properties

as well as talks by

Tim Austin (Univ. California Los Angeles (UCLA)) Irrational L2-Betti numbers
Sylvain Barré (Vannes) Groups of rank in the interval [1,2]
François Dahmani (Toulouse 3) The isomorphism problem and pinched negative curvature
Maria Paula Gomez Aparicio (Paris XI-Orsay) Twisting property (T) by finite dimensional non-unitary representations
Luc Guyot (Göttingen) Limits of metabelian groups
Andrei Jaikin Zapirain (Uni. Aut. Madrid) Property (T) for groups graded by root systems
Fanny Kassel (Paris XI-Orsay) Deformation of discrete isometry groups for non-Riemannian symmetric spaces
Jean Lécureux (Lyon 1) Boundary amenability of groups acting on buildings
Gilbert Levitt (Caen) McCool groups
Soyoung Moon (Neuchâtel) On the class of groups with transitive and faithful amenable actions
Assaf Naor (New York Univ.) L1-embeddings of the Heisenberg group and fast estimation of graph isoperimetry


You can find here recordings and written notes for some of the lectures and talks.

Here is the program. The conference began on Monday, June the 7th at 14:45 and will end on Friday, June the 11th at 12:30.

Partial support (usually, reasonable lodging expenses) was granted to a few PhD students and young researchers, the application deadline has expired and applications are no longer admissible.

List of participants

Useful information

For more information email the organizers at the address given in the following link.