Elyes Boughattas 
Who am I? I am currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Bath, under the supervision of Daniel Loughran. I obtained my PhD thesis in mathematics at Université Sorbonne-Paris-Nord in 2023, entitled De l'arithmétique des variétés rationnellement connexes sur un corps de fonctions de courbe (english translation: Of the arithmetic of rationally connected varieties on function fields of curves), under the supervision of Olivier Wittenberg. My current research focuses on rational points on varieties: their existence (Hasse principle), their distribution (density, weak approximation, strong approximation, Brauer-Manin obstruction, fibration method...) and applications of these aspects to the inverse Galois problem and its local-global avatar, the Grunwald problem.
I am also interested in the following topics, which are closely related to chasing rational points:
- Stable homology and its applications to the study of Hurwitz spaces;
- Malle's conjecture;
- Logic, model theory.
In this website, you should be able to find informations on my research, my teachings, but also mathematical curiosities deniying the Ordo ab Chao principle.
As an enemy of personal data receivers, you will find no photograph of myself on this website, but here is one which most closely approximates it.
Mailing address
Office 1.03, Building 6W
Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Bath
Claverton Down, Bath
United Kingdom
E-mail address