Curriculum Vitae (summary)

Personal information

Date and place of birth February 9, 1985 in Paris (France)
Nationality French
Current position Theoretical physicist, external collaborator with the Theory Department, CERN (Switzerland)

Previous work experience

2019-2022 Senior Research Fellow at the Theory Department, CERN (Geneva, Switzerland)
2014-2019 Senior postdoctoral researcher at ITP Tübingen, University of Tübingen (Tübingen, Germany)
2011-2014 Postdoctoral researcher with a teaching duty at ITP Karlsruhe, KIT (Karlsruhe, Germany)
2009-2011 PhD candidate and teaching assistant at LPT Orsay and Paris-Sud 11 University (Orsay, France)
2008-2009 PhD candidate as a civil servant in training at LPT Orsay and Paris-Sud 11 University (Orsay, France)

Education, fellowships, and awards

Jun. 2018 DAAD travel fellowship, 950 €
Oct. - Dec. 2017 IAS Durham COFUND Senior Research Fellowship
£ 3000 + accommodation + travel expenses
7 Oct. 2014 Prize for the best pedagogical talk
Annual Workshop of the Kepler-Kolleg, Heiligkreuztal (Germany)
8 Feb. 2012 PhD in theoretical particle physics, LPT Orsay and Paris-Sud 11 University (Orsay, France)
(3-year PhD fellowship granted, ∼35.7 k€ / year)
Date of defense: October 10th, 2011. Obtained with the highest distinction
PhD advisor: Dr. Abdelhak Djouadi (LPT Orsay, CNRS and Paris-Sud 11 University)
2008 Master of sciences in theoretical physics
École Normale Supérieure and Paris 6 University (now Sorbonne University) (Paris, France)
Obtained with the next-to highest distinction (15.6/20)
2005-2009 Civil servant in training at École Normale Supérieure de Cachan
after having passed a highly competitive exam
(4-year fellowship granted, ∼33.5 k€ / year, selection ratio ∼6%)

Lab visits and trainings

2017 Three-month stay at IPPP Durham, Durham University (Durham, UK);
Senior Research Fellowship (COFUND) awarded

One-month stay at IFIRSE Theoretical Physics Group, ICISE (Quy Nhon, Vietnam)
2009 Three-month stay at CERN, Theory Department (Meyrin, Switzerland)
2007 Five-month internship at SLAC, Theory Group (Menlo Park, USA)
Supersymmetry and precision measurements at the ILC, supervisor: Pr. Dr. JoAnne Hewett

Teaching activities

2014-2019 2h special lecture on supersymmetry at high energy colliders (in German),
tutorial courses in quantum field theory (40 hrs), 1st year of Master's degree and
in classical electromagnetism (35 hrs), 1st year of Bachelor's degree
University of Tübingen (Tübingen, Germany)
2012-2013 Tutorial courses in quantum field theory in German (10 hrs)
1st year of Master's degree, KIT (Karlsruhe, Germany)
2009-2011 Teaching assistant, tutorial and laboratory courses in classical dynamics and electrodynamics (136 hrs), 1st and 2nd years of Bachelor's degree, Paris-Sud 11 University (Orsay, France)
2008-2009 Teacher assistant in Physics and Chemistry (one hour, twice a week)
Advanced Mathematics, Physics and Engineering Classes in Lycée Henri 4 and Lycée Stanislas (Paris, France). Doing oral exams to prepare for the competitive entrance exams for French engineering schools
2006-2007 Physics and Chemistry teacher during a one semester internship (two hours a week)
Last year of high school before the A-level exam in sciences, Lycée J-B Say (Paris, France)

Supervision, organization, services

Since 2020 Nominated CERN representative at the European Committee for Future Accelerators, Early-Career Researcher Panel
Since 2014 Referee for JHEP, EPJC, Nuclear Physics B, Reports on Progress in Physics, Quantum Information Processing, Physical Review D, Physical Review Letters, and Physics Letters B
2014-2021 Co-supervisor of two successful PhD theses obtained with honors, University of Tübingen (Tübingen, German
2013-2014 Co-supervisor of a Master's thesis, organizer of the weekly lab seminar during the Summer Semester, KIT (Karlsruhe, Germany)
2011-2012 Supervision of students in a research seminar course, 3rd year of Bachelor's degree, KIT (Karlsruhe, Germany)
2010-2011 Elected representative at the French National Council for Research and Teaching (CNESER)


French Native speaker
English Fluent (European level C2)
German Fluent (European level C2)
Italian Spoken and read

Computer skills

Programming languages Fortran, C/C++, Perl, Python
Operating systems UNIX, Linux, MacOS/MacOS X, Windows
HEP Tools Mathematica, FeynArts/FormCalc, HDecay, Pythia basics, Gnuplot, FORM
General programs Emacs, LibreOffice, Microsoft Office, Inscape, Gimp


Sports Hiking, alpinism and climbing, running, occasionally soccer
Member of the Swiss Alpine Club (CAS, Geneva Section)
Instrument Has been playing classical guitar for 30 years
First Aid AFPS (French training for the basic steps in first aid)
Public Outreach Various interviews for a general public online science magazine, official translation in French of the CERN Safety Report, various outreach talks