**Dov Yarden Hebrew and Arabic linguistic Seminar at the École Normale** Workshops on Semitic Syntax and Morphology # Negation in Modern Standard Arabic&#58; tense and agreement ### *Abstract* This paper addresses two issues that characterize the (morpho)-syntax of sentential negation in Standard Arabic (SA) and modern Arabic varieties. The first one is parametric and addresses the location of negation in the clause structure. The second issue concerns the agreement markers realized on the negative particle *laysa* along with the temporal interpretation that some of the negative markers in SA encode, namely *lan* and *lam*. Two views have been contrasted in the literature: the *Low-Neg analysis*, according to which Neg is the complement of TP, and the *High- Neg analysis* whereby Neg is higher than T. In this study, I will argue that while the two views account form a good range of empirical facts, *Low-Neg analysis* lacks empirical adequacy. Similarly, the *High-Neg view* is hard to reconcile within the Spec-head agreement and the standard Agree approach. However, I will show that the *High-Neg analysis* can be still maintained under the Feature-Inheritance approach, in which T inherits its ø-features and Tense feature from C. **Keywords**: Negation; Agreement; Standard Arabic; Negative Projection; Feature Inheritance; Tense Phrase. ## Introduction In Standard Arabic (SA), there is currently a controversy regarding the exact syntactic position of NegP. This controversy stems from the observation that sentential negation in SA presents basically two challenging issues. The first issue concerns the Neg-subject agreement associated with the negative *laysa*, which, among other things, carries the agreement inflection carried by verbs, as indicated in the sentences below. 1 The ideas presented in this paper originated in my doctoral dissertation which I did at Mohammed V University- Rabat, Morocco in 2017. I am grateful to my advisors Abdellatif Al Ghadi and El Abbas Benmamoun for their comments on the different aspects of the analyses presented here. I would like to thank the participants and audience at the conference for their feedback. I should also thank the anonymous reviewers for their careful reading of the manuscript and their many insightful comments and suggestions. The usual disclaimer applies. (1) 1. lays-**uu** fii l-bayt-i NEG-3mp in the-house-GEN ‘They aren’t at home’ 2. lays-**at** mariiDat-an NEG-3fs sick-ACC ‘She isn’t sick’ The second problem addresses the issue of the temporal interpretation that *laa* and its variants *lam* and *lan* encode. The following examples are illustrative: (2) 1. Zayd-un laa yu-ħibb-u l-ʔaflaam-a Zayd-NOM NEG-Present 3m-write-IMP-3ms the-movies-ACC ‘Zayd doesn’t like movies’ 2. lam ya-xruʒ Zayd-un l-baariħat-a NEG-Past 3m-went out Zayd-NOM the-yesterday-ACC ‘Zayd didn’t go out yesterday’ 3. lan ya-xruʒ-a Zayd-un ɣad-an NEG-Future 3ms-went out Zayd-NOM tomorrow-ACC ‘Zayd won’t go out tomorrow’ These problems have been difficult to reconcile within the Spec-head agreement and the standard Agree approach<sup>2</sup>. To this end, the present paper attempts to propose a novel solution to these problems, providing a unifying account that would explain these otherwise unrelated behaviors. In particular, the main hypothesis defended here is that these behaviors are explained on the basis of Chomsky’s (2005) Feature-Inheritance mechanism, whereby T inherits its ø- features and tense from C. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 attempts to review the current analyses to the issues at hand. These analyses are referred to in the literature as *The Low-Neg Approach* and the 2 Expletive constructions pose a challenge to the spec-head agreement relation. Consider the following examples: 1. There are men in the room 2. There is a man in the garden In both examples, the auxiliary agrees with the complements not with *there*, as wrongly predicted by the spec-head relation. See Chomsky (2001) for a discussion. *High-Neg Approach*. Section 3. reviews the Agree mechanism proposed in The Minimalist Program. This includes a brief survey of the Agree system and the Feature-inheritance model. In light of this hypothesis, section 4 presents the basic analysis. Sections 5 and 6 provides an analysis to the observed adjacency requirement on negation and the syntactic representation of the negative *maa*, respectively. Finally, section 7 explores the possibility of reducing the different realizations of the negative particles to Late Insertion. ## The Position of Neg: Two Main Views The interaction of negation with tense and agreement has resulted in two major analyses attempting to capture the structural position of negation in the clause structure. These are referred to by Soltan (2011) as *Low-Neg Analysis* and *High-Neg Analysis* Each position proposes a different analysis and captures different empirical generalizations. The subsections that immediately follow summarize and discuss the major claims and generalizations of each. ## Low-Neg Analysis The *Low-Neg Analysis* suggests that SA is similar to English in that Neg is dominated by T, selecting VP as its complement. (3) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="382pt" height="267pt" viewBox="0 0 382 267" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 64.101562 12.75 C 64.15625 13.75 64.414062 13.964844 64.699219 13.25 C 64.96875 12.582031 65.898438 12 66.699219 12 C 67.871094 12 68.121094 13.101562 67.851562 17 C 67.648438 19.898438 67.917969 22 68.5 22 C 69.082031 22 69.351562 19.898438 69.148438 17 C 68.878906 13.101562 69.128906 12 70.300781 12 C 71.101562 12 72.03125 12.582031 72.300781 13.25 C 72.585938 13.964844 72.84375 13.75 72.898438 12.75 C 72.980469 11.351562 72.101562 11 68.5 11 C 64.898438 11 64.019531 11.351562 64.101562 12.75 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 74.851562 16.449219 C 74.558594 21.050781 74.773438 22 76.101562 22 C 77.234375 22 77.570312 21.300781 77.25 19.601562 C 76.894531 17.699219 77.289062 17.128906 79.148438 16.851562 C 80.9375 16.585938 81.5 15.898438 81.5 14 C 81.5 11.9375 80.949219 11.449219 78.351562 11.199219 L 75.199219 10.898438 Z M 80 14 C 80 15.101562 79.324219 16 78.5 16 C 77.675781 16 77 15.101562 77 14 C 77 12.898438 77.675781 12 78.5 12 C 79.324219 12 80 12.898438 80 14 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 50.300781 36.351562 C 38.101562 40.828125 28.28125 44.65625 28.5 44.851562 C 28.71875 45.042969 39.199219 41.496094 51.699219 37 L 74.5 28.800781 L 79 30.300781 C 81.476562 31.125 92.148438 34.945312 102.75 38.800781 C 113.351562 42.65625 121.992188 45.53125 121.984375 45.199219 C 121.964844 44.371094 75.898438 27.941406 74 28.085938 C 73.175781 28.148438 62.5 31.871094 50.300781 36.351562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 4.300781 57.648438 C 3.914062 58.710938 4.648438 60.125 6.351562 61.601562 C 7.851562 62.902344 9 64.335938 9 64.898438 C 9 66.371094 5.28125 66.199219 4.679688 64.699219 C 4.386719 63.96875 4.164062 64.199219 4.105469 65.300781 C 3.988281 67.601562 8.195312 67.671875 10.074219 65.398438 C 11.210938 64.027344 11 63.449219 8.601562 61.351562 C 7 59.949219 6.035156 58.277344 6.351562 57.449219 C 6.652344 56.648438 6.453125 56 5.898438 56 C 5.355469 56 4.628906 56.75 4.300781 57.648438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 8.5 57 C 8.859375 57.601562 9.28125 58 9.550781 58 C 9.820312 58 10 57.601562 10 57 C 10 56.429688 9.550781 56 8.949219 56 C 8.351562 56 8.15625 56.429688 8.5 57 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 120.101562 57.75 C 120.15625 58.75 120.414062 58.964844 120.699219 58.25 C 120.96875 57.582031 121.898438 57 122.699219 57 C 123.871094 57 124.121094 58.101562 123.851562 62 C 123.578125 65.898438 123.828125 67 125 67 C 126.195312 67 126.429688 65.949219 126.148438 61.851562 C 125.851562 57.449219 126.03125 56.785156 127.398438 57.300781 C 128.300781 57.636719 129 57.484375 129 56.949219 C 129 56.421875 127 56 124.5 56 C 120.898438 56 120.019531 56.351562 120.101562 57.75 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 131 57.601562 C 131 58.398438 131.46875 58.820312 132 58.5 C 132.601562 58.140625 132.78125 57.539062 132.453125 57 C 131.582031 55.558594 131 55.800781 131 57.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 13 64.800781 C 13 68.300781 13.433594 71 14 71 C 15.625 71 15.515625 61.199219 13.871094 59.5 C 13.335938 58.949219 13 61 13 64.800781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 16.601562 59.796875 C 18.351562 60.964844 18.824219 63.300781 17.734375 65.398438 C 17.007812 66.800781 17.109375 67.101562 18.199219 66.75 C 20 66.167969 20.457031 60.917969 18.800781 59.867188 C 17.199219 58.855469 15.085938 58.785156 16.601562 59.796875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 22.601562 60.574219 C 19.777344 63.363281 21.398438 67.058594 25.398438 66.953125 C 27.40625 66.902344 27.398438 66.859375 25.300781 66.007812 C 22.28125 64.78125 22.398438 63 25.5 63 C 28.199219 63 28.644531 62.042969 26.800781 60.199219 C 25.230469 58.628906 24.5 58.695312 22.601562 60.574219 Z M 26 61 C 26 61.578125 25.351562 62 24.449219 62 C 23.550781 62 23.152344 61.578125 23.5 61 C 23.859375 60.398438 24.480469 60 25.050781 60 C 25.621094 60 26 60.398438 26 61 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 30.5 60.601562 C 27.722656 63.378906 29.398438 67.058594 33.398438 66.953125 C 35.316406 66.90625 35.300781 66.820312 33.199219 65.972656 C 30.007812 64.679688 30.5 60.382812 33.800781 60.746094 C 35.101562 60.890625 35.828125 60.566406 35.476562 60 C 34.5625 58.527344 32.300781 58.800781 30.5 60.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 103.300781 81.300781 C 91.101562 85.75 81.28125 89.578125 81.5 89.800781 C 81.71875 90.019531 92.050781 86.539062 104.351562 82.101562 C 116.648438 77.660156 127.34375 74 128 74 C 128.65625 74 139.351562 77.660156 151.648438 82.101562 C 163.949219 86.539062 174.28125 90.019531 174.5 89.800781 C 175.167969 89.136719 129.699219 72.96875 127.5 73.089844 C 126.402344 73.152344 115.5 76.847656 103.300781 81.300781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 69 100.949219 C 69 101.484375 69.699219 101.636719 70.601562 101.300781 C 71.96875 100.785156 72.148438 101.449219 71.851562 105.851562 C 71.570312 109.949219 71.804688 111 73 111 C 74.195312 111 74.429688 109.949219 74.148438 105.851562 C 73.824219 101.050781 73.941406 100.738281 75.898438 101.25 C 77.101562 101.5625 78 101.414062 78 100.898438 C 78 100.398438 76 100 73.5 100 C 71 100 69 100.421875 69 100.949219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 171.5 105.5 C 171.5 108.601562 171.957031 111 172.550781 111 C 173.144531 111 173.46875 109.148438 173.300781 106.75 L 173 102.5 L 174.734375 104.898438 C 179.800781 111.898438 179.800781 111.898438 180.164062 105.699219 C 180.371094 102.199219 180.09375 100 179.449219 100 C 178.851562 100 178.570312 101.5 178.800781 103.5 C 179.015625 105.398438 178.972656 107 178.699219 107 C 178.429688 107 177.207031 105.398438 176.027344 103.5 C 172.863281 98.398438 171.5 99 171.5 105.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 199.5 105.449219 C 199.5 108.851562 199.925781 111 200.601562 111 C 201.242188 111 201.511719 110 201.25 108.601562 C 200.894531 106.699219 201.289062 106.128906 203.148438 105.851562 C 204.9375 105.585938 205.5 104.898438 205.5 103 C 205.5 100.917969 205 100.449219 202.5 100.199219 L 199.5 99.898438 Z M 204.5 103 C 204.5 103.855469 203.75 104.628906 202.75 104.800781 C 201.5 105.015625 201 104.5 201 103 C 201 101.5 201.5 100.984375 202.75 101.199219 C 203.75 101.371094 204.5 102.144531 204.5 103 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 183.601562 104.574219 C 180.777344 107.363281 182.398438 111.058594 186.398438 110.953125 C 188.40625 110.902344 188.398438 110.859375 186.300781 110.007812 C 183.28125 108.78125 183.398438 107 186.5 107 C 189.199219 107 189.644531 106.042969 187.800781 104.199219 C 186.230469 102.628906 185.5 102.695312 183.601562 104.574219 Z M 187 105 C 187 105.578125 186.351562 106 185.449219 106 C 184.550781 106 184.152344 105.578125 184.5 105 C 184.859375 104.398438 185.480469 104 186.050781 104 C 186.621094 104 187 104.398438 187 105 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 191.136719 104.300781 C 189.433594 106.378906 191.300781 111.484375 193.898438 111.863281 C 195.601562 112.113281 196.03125 112.628906 195.550781 113.851562 C 195.039062 115.148438 195.15625 115.246094 196.101562 114.300781 C 197.78125 112.621094 196.398438 110.011719 193.800781 109.953125 C 191.5 109.898438 191.5 109.898438 193.601562 109.050781 C 194.738281 108.589844 195.90625 107.101562 196.148438 105.800781 C 196.507812 103.898438 196.140625 103.359375 194.398438 103.199219 C 193.199219 103.089844 191.714844 103.589844 191.136719 104.300781 Z M 194.5 106 C 194.5 106.699219 193.921875 107.507812 193.25 107.75 C 192.511719 108.015625 192 107.300781 192 106 C 192 104.699219 192.511719 103.984375 193.25 104.25 C 193.921875 104.492188 194.5 105.300781 194.5 106 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 190 113.5 C 190 114.300781 190.441406 115 190.949219 115 C 191.457031 115 191.644531 114.300781 191.351562 113.5 C 191.058594 112.699219 190.613281 112 190.398438 112 C 190.1875 112 190 112.699219 190 113.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 166.699219 125.800781 C 153.699219 130.460938 143.179688 134.503906 143.398438 134.75 C 143.621094 134.996094 153.851562 131.558594 166.148438 127.101562 C 178.449219 122.640625 189.21875 119 190.101562 119 C 190.980469 119 201.699219 122.609375 214 127.050781 C 226.300781 131.488281 236.480469 134.921875 236.699219 134.699219 C 236.917969 134.480469 230.398438 131.902344 222.300781 129 C 214.199219 126.097656 203.628906 122.25 198.949219 120.5 L 190.398438 117.300781 L 166.699219 125.800781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 111.601562 145.699219 C 110.191406 147.109375 111.101562 149.824219 113.5 151.378906 C 114.898438 152.285156 116 153.484375 116 154.101562 C 116 154.714844 114.898438 155.003906 113.5 154.75 C 112.101562 154.496094 111 154.695312 111 155.199219 C 111 155.683594 112.300781 155.953125 113.800781 155.785156 C 117.601562 155.355469 117.9375 151.859375 114.398438 149.578125 C 112.898438 148.609375 112.042969 147.265625 112.378906 146.398438 C 112.953125 144.898438 112.664062 144.636719 111.601562 145.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 115.5 146 C 115.859375 146.601562 116.28125 147 116.550781 147 C 116.820312 147 117 146.601562 117 146 C 117 145.429688 116.550781 145 115.949219 145 C 115.351562 145 115.15625 145.429688 115.5 146 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 235.5 150.5 C 235.5 153.601562 235.957031 156 236.550781 156 C 237.144531 156 237.46875 154.148438 237.300781 151.75 L 237 147.5 L 238.734375 149.898438 C 243.800781 156.898438 243.800781 156.898438 244.164062 150.699219 C 244.371094 147.199219 244.09375 145 243.449219 145 C 242.851562 145 242.570312 146.5 242.800781 148.5 C 243.015625 150.398438 242.972656 152 242.699219 152 C 242.429688 152 241.207031 150.398438 240.027344 148.5 C 236.863281 143.398438 235.5 144 235.5 150.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 262.648438 146.5 C 262.941406 147.300781 263.386719 148 263.601562 148 C 263.8125 148 264 147.300781 264 146.5 C 264 145.699219 263.558594 145 263.050781 145 C 262.542969 145 262.355469 145.699219 262.648438 146.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 119.5 154.148438 C 119.5 157.351562 119.839844 160 120.25 160 C 120.675781 160 121.039062 159 121.089844 157.699219 C 121.355469 150.898438 121.59375 149.636719 122.699219 149.273438 C 124.570312 148.65625 125.574219 151.898438 124.191406 154.101562 C 123.503906 155.199219 123.398438 156 123.949219 156 C 124.472656 156 125.382812 155.101562 125.976562 154 C 127.589844 151 125.699219 148.109375 122.199219 148.214844 C 119.570312 148.296875 119.5 148.449219 119.5 154.148438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 129.03125 149.5 C 128.339844 150.339844 128.0625 152.101562 128.398438 153.5 C 128.878906 155.5 129.550781 155.96875 131.75 155.851562 C 134.148438 155.71875 134.207031 155.644531 132.199219 155.261719 C 129.074219 154.664062 129.398438 152 132.601562 152 C 134.800781 152 134.972656 151.761719 134.03125 150 C 132.753906 147.601562 130.753906 147.398438 129.03125 149.5 Z M 133 150 C 133 150.53125 132.300781 151 131.5 151 C 130.699219 151 130 150.53125 130 150 C 130 149.46875 130.699219 149 131.5 149 C 132.300781 149 133 149.46875 133 150 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 137.601562 149.3125 C 136.164062 150.359375 135.859375 151.351562 136.351562 153.351562 C 136.871094 155.46875 137.550781 155.96875 139.75 155.851562 C 142.148438 155.71875 142.214844 155.648438 140.25 155.300781 C 138.65625 155.015625 138 154.199219 138 152.5 C 138 149.601562 139.855469 148.210938 141.203125 150.101562 C 142.058594 151.300781 142.144531 151.300781 141.804688 150.101562 C 141.230469 148.0625 139.699219 147.777344 137.601562 149.3125 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 247.601562 149.574219 C 244.777344 152.363281 246.398438 156.058594 250.398438 155.953125 C 252.40625 155.902344 252.398438 155.859375 250.300781 155.007812 C 247.28125 153.78125 247.398438 152 250.5 152 C 253.199219 152 253.644531 151.042969 251.800781 149.199219 C 250.230469 147.628906 249.5 147.695312 247.601562 149.574219 Z M 251 150 C 251 150.578125 250.351562 151 249.449219 151 C 248.550781 151 248.152344 150.578125 248.5 150 C 248.859375 149.398438 249.480469 149 250.050781 149 C 250.621094 149 251 149.398438 251 150 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 255.136719 149.300781 C 253.433594 151.378906 255.300781 156.484375 257.898438 156.863281 C 259.601562 157.113281 260.03125 157.628906 259.550781 158.851562 C 259.039062 160.148438 259.15625 160.246094 260.101562 159.300781 C 261.78125 157.621094 260.398438 155.011719 257.800781 154.953125 C 255.5 154.898438 255.5 154.898438 257.601562 154.050781 C 258.738281 153.589844 259.90625 152.101562 260.148438 150.800781 C 260.507812 148.898438 260.140625 148.359375 258.398438 148.199219 C 257.199219 148.089844 255.714844 148.589844 255.136719 149.300781 Z M 258.5 151 C 258.5 151.699219 257.921875 152.507812 257.25 152.75 C 256.511719 153.015625 256 152.300781 256 151 C 256 149.699219 256.511719 148.984375 257.25 149.25 C 257.921875 149.492188 258.5 150.300781 258.5 151 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 254 158.5 C 254 159.300781 254.441406 160 254.949219 160 C 255.457031 160 255.644531 159.300781 255.351562 158.5 C 255.058594 157.699219 254.613281 157 254.398438 157 C 254.1875 157 254 157.699219 254 158.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 227.199219 170.75 C 214.398438 175.445312 204.078125 179.480469 204.300781 179.699219 C 204.519531 179.921875 214.699219 176.488281 227 172.050781 C 239.300781 167.609375 250.105469 164 251.101562 164 C 252.089844 164 262.898438 167.613281 275.101562 172.019531 C 296.601562 179.78125 300.179688 180.945312 297 179.125 C 295.695312 178.378906 254 163.105469 251.5 162.460938 C 250.949219 162.316406 240 166.054688 227.199219 170.75 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 176.5 195.5 C 176.5 198.601562 176.957031 201 177.550781 201 C 178.167969 201 178.457031 199.25 178.25 196.75 L 177.898438 192.5 L 180.699219 196.75 C 182.214844 199.050781 183.796875 201 184.148438 201 C 184.503906 201 184.960938 198.5 185.148438 195.5 C 185.367188 192.101562 185.097656 190 184.449219 190 C 183.835938 190 183.546875 191.550781 183.75 193.75 L 184.101562 197.5 L 181.550781 194.5 C 180.105469 192.800781 179 191.175781 179 190.75 C 179 190.332031 178.449219 190 177.75 190 C 176.910156 190 176.5 191.800781 176.5 195.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 294.679688 194.699219 C 296.796875 201 297.753906 201.867188 298.992188 198.601562 C 300.394531 194.898438 300.28125 194.265625 298.617188 196.5 C 297.304688 198.261719 297.140625 198.148438 296.398438 194.949219 C 295.960938 193.050781 295.691406 191.164062 295.800781 190.75 C 295.910156 190.335938 295.351562 190 294.550781 190 C 293.316406 190 293.335938 190.699219 294.679688 194.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 301.851562 190.699219 C 304.007812 191.160156 304.171875 191.601562 303.851562 196.101562 C 303.5625 200.101562 303.792969 201 305.101562 201 C 306.234375 201 306.570312 200.300781 306.25 198.601562 C 305.894531 196.699219 306.289062 196.128906 308.148438 195.851562 C 309.9375 195.585938 310.5 194.898438 310.5 193 C 310.5 190.636719 310.199219 190.492188 305 190.351562 C 302 190.269531 300.566406 190.425781 301.851562 190.699219 Z M 309 193 C 309 194.101562 308.324219 195 307.5 195 C 306.675781 195 306 194.101562 306 193 C 306 191.898438 306.675781 191 307.5 191 C 308.324219 191 309 191.898438 309 193 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 188.03125 194.5 C 187.339844 195.339844 187.0625 197.101562 187.398438 198.5 C 187.878906 200.5 188.550781 200.96875 190.75 200.851562 C 193.148438 200.71875 193.207031 200.644531 191.199219 200.261719 C 188.074219 199.664062 188.398438 197 191.601562 197 C 193.800781 197 193.972656 196.761719 193.03125 195 C 191.753906 192.601562 189.753906 192.398438 188.03125 194.5 Z M 192 195 C 192 195.53125 191.300781 196 190.5 196 C 189.699219 196 189 195.53125 189 195 C 189 194.46875 189.699219 194 190.5 194 C 191.300781 194 192 194.46875 192 195 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 195.972656 194.5 C 194.195312 196.667969 196.101562 201.457031 198.898438 201.863281 C 200.601562 202.113281 201.03125 202.628906 200.550781 203.851562 C 200.039062 205.148438 200.15625 205.246094 201.101562 204.300781 C 202.78125 202.621094 201.398438 200.011719 198.800781 199.953125 C 196.5 199.898438 196.5 199.898438 198.601562 199.050781 C 199.738281 198.589844 200.90625 197.101562 201.148438 195.800781 C 201.507812 193.898438 201.140625 193.359375 199.398438 193.199219 C 198.199219 193.089844 196.640625 193.679688 195.972656 194.5 Z M 199 196 C 199 197.101562 198.550781 198 198 198 C 197.449219 198 197 197.101562 197 196 C 197 194.898438 197.449219 194 198 194 C 198.550781 194 199 194.898438 199 196 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 195 203.398438 C 195 204.1875 195.699219 205.070312 196.601562 205.421875 C 198.898438 206.3125 198.960938 205.796875 196.800781 203.726562 C 195.398438 202.382812 195 202.3125 195 203.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 302.398438 218 C 302.398438 224.300781 302.558594 226.898438 302.75 223.75 C 302.945312 220.550781 302.945312 215.449219 302.75 212.25 C 302.558594 209.101562 302.398438 211.699219 302.398438 218 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 179.554688 217.101562 C 177.617188 223.601562 177.609375 224 179.398438 224 C 180.300781 224 180.699219 223.441406 180.398438 222.601562 C 180.125 221.832031 180.410156 219.300781 181.03125 217 C 182.695312 210.8125 181.398438 210.898438 179.554688 217.101562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 184.699219 217.277344 C 183.214844 218.441406 182.625 220.199219 182.886719 222.699219 C 182.949219 223.308594 184.449219 223.800781 186.25 223.800781 C 189.308594 223.800781 189.503906 223.601562 189.566406 220.398438 C 189.648438 216.199219 188.789062 216.046875 187.316406 220 C 186.683594 221.699219 185.722656 223 185.101562 223 C 183.445312 223 183.769531 219.898438 185.648438 217.800781 C 187.5625 215.65625 187.101562 215.398438 184.699219 217.277344 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 191.949219 219.101562 C 190.210938 222.308594 191.398438 223.78125 195.699219 223.738281 C 197.800781 223.71875 198.964844 223.519531 198.300781 223.300781 C 197.550781 223.050781 197.269531 221.699219 197.550781 219.699219 L 198 216.5 L 196.480469 219.800781 C 194.550781 224 192.566406 224.128906 193.386719 220 C 194.082031 216.5 193.542969 216.164062 191.949219 219.101562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 297.800781 236.25 C 298.347656 236.933594 299.363281 239.398438 300.046875 241.699219 C 301.554688 246.800781 302.441406 247.050781 303.9375 242.800781 C 305.417969 238.601562 305.292969 237.890625 303.605469 240.898438 L 302.199219 243.398438 L 300.949219 239.199219 C 300.234375 236.800781 299.078125 235 298.25 235 C 297.25 235 297.109375 235.386719 297.800781 236.25 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 305 236.5 C 305 237.300781 305.1875 238 305.398438 238 C 305.613281 238 306.058594 237.300781 306.351562 236.5 C 306.644531 235.699219 306.457031 235 305.949219 235 C 305.441406 235 305 235.699219 305 236.5 "/> </g> </svg> (Benmamoun *et al.* 2010: 113) The Low-Neg Analysis is adopted in Benmamoun (1992, 2000), Ouhalla (1993) and Aoun *et al.* (2010). As pointed out in Aoun *et al.* (2010), Neg blocks movement of the verb to T. This movement is blocked by minimality constraints, namely Head Movement Constraint (Travis, 1984). Adjacent to T, it thus follows that Neg encodes tense. This approach also provides an adequate analysis of the surface realization of tense in *lam* and *lan*. In particular, when Neg merges with T<sub>PASTt</sub>, *lam* is spelled out, whereas *lan* is selected when Neg merges with T<sub>FUTURE</sub> (see for example Benmamoun, 2000). Furthermore, the *Low-Neg Analysis* seems to explain the discontinuous negative morpheme exhibited by some Arabic varieties. For instance, Moroccan Arabic (MA) is a language where sentential negation is morphosyntactically realized as either a discontinuous morpheme *ma-* *…-*ʃ or the non-discontinuous *ma*ʃ*i*. On the basis of the syntactic configuration in (3), the circumfixal behavior of the morpheme is the result of the successive-cyclic head movement of the verb to T, as shown in the derived structure in (4): (4) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="337pt" height="357pt" viewBox="0 0 337 357" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 88.351562 11.699219 C 89.863281 12.109375 90.136719 13 89.851562 16.601562 C 89.652344 19.101562 89.929688 21 90.5 21 C 91.082031 21 91.351562 19.050781 91.148438 16.351562 C 90.847656 12.351562 91.023438 11.785156 92.398438 12.300781 C 93.300781 12.636719 94 12.484375 94 11.949219 C 94 11.417969 92.351562 11.042969 90.25 11.101562 C 88.148438 11.15625 87.3125 11.421875 88.351562 11.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 95.5 16 C 95.5 19.101562 95.9375 21 96.648438 21 C 97.28125 21 97.574219 20.101562 97.300781 19 C 96.976562 17.699219 97.324219 17 98.300781 17 C 99.101562 17 100.371094 16.300781 101.023438 15.5 C 102.628906 13.535156 100.699219 11 97.601562 11 C 95.753906 11 95.5 11.601562 95.5 16 Z M 99.5 14 C 99.5 14.699219 98.921875 15.507812 98.25 15.75 C 97.511719 16.015625 97 15.300781 97 14 C 97 12.699219 97.511719 11.984375 98.25 12.25 C 98.921875 12.492188 99.5 13.300781 99.5 14 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 73 44 C 61.300781 52.789062 52.105469 60 52.601562 60 C 53.097656 60 62.699219 53.066406 74 44.550781 L 94.5 29.101562 L 136.5 70.5 L 115.5 49.25 C 103.9375 37.550781 94.457031 28 94.398438 28 C 94.34375 28 84.699219 35.210938 73 44 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 138 70.949219 C 138 71.484375 138.699219 71.636719 139.601562 71.300781 C 140.976562 70.785156 141.152344 71.351562 140.851562 75.351562 C 140.601562 78.648438 140.863281 80 141.75 80 C 142.566406 80 143 78.398438 143 75.398438 C 143 71.699219 143.292969 70.90625 144.5 71.351562 C 145.300781 71.644531 146 71.457031 146 70.949219 C 146 70.425781 144.199219 70 142 70 C 139.800781 70 138 70.425781 138 70.949219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 147.648438 71.5 C 147.941406 72.300781 148.386719 73 148.601562 73 C 148.8125 73 149 72.300781 149 71.5 C 149 70.699219 148.558594 70 148.050781 70 C 147.542969 70 147.355469 70.699219 147.648438 71.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 146 82 C 146 82.550781 136.769531 96.699219 125.449219 113.5 C 114.132812 130.300781 105.257812 143.976562 105.699219 143.949219 C 106.140625 143.921875 115.675781 130.101562 126.851562 113.300781 L 147.199219 82.699219 L 173.101562 108.601562 C 187.300781 122.800781 199.003906 134.046875 199.011719 133.5 C 199.019531 132.75 147.199219 81.183594 146.300781 81.046875 C 146.121094 81.019531 146 81.398438 146 82 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 98.351562 142.699219 C 99.863281 143.109375 100.136719 144 99.851562 147.601562 C 99.652344 150.101562 99.929688 152 100.5 152 C 101.066406 152 101.347656 150.101562 101.148438 147.601562 C 100.863281 144 101.136719 143.109375 102.648438 142.699219 C 103.667969 142.425781 102.699219 142.199219 100.5 142.199219 C 98.300781 142.199219 97.332031 142.425781 98.351562 142.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 200.085938 147 C 202.445312 149.800781 204.453125 152 204.648438 152 C 204.847656 152 205 149.800781 205 147 C 205 144.199219 204.625 142 204.148438 142 C 203.679688 142 203.480469 143.449219 203.699219 145.25 L 204.101562 148.5 L 201.097656 145.300781 C 196.261719 140.140625 195.453125 141.5 200.085938 147 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 220.5 147 C 220.5 150.101562 220.9375 152 221.648438 152 C 222.28125 152 222.574219 151.101562 222.300781 150 C 221.976562 148.699219 222.324219 148 223.300781 148 C 224.101562 148 225.371094 147.300781 226.023438 146.5 C 227.628906 144.535156 225.699219 142 222.601562 142 C 220.753906 142 220.5 142.601562 220.5 147 Z M 224.5 145 C 224.5 145.699219 223.921875 146.507812 223.25 146.75 C 222.511719 147.015625 222 146.300781 222 145 C 222 143.699219 222.511719 142.984375 223.25 143.25 C 223.921875 143.492188 224.5 144.300781 224.5 145 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 207.699219 145.621094 C 207.320312 145.988281 207 147.398438 207 148.699219 C 207 151.300781 209.570312 152.828125 211.199219 151.199219 C 211.886719 150.515625 211.648438 150.246094 210.449219 150.351562 C 209.449219 150.4375 208.507812 149.964844 208.25 149.25 C 207.984375 148.511719 208.699219 148 210 148 C 211.300781 148 212.035156 147.507812 211.800781 146.800781 C 211.300781 145.300781 208.777344 144.574219 207.699219 145.621094 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 213.566406 146.300781 C 212.636719 149.199219 213.550781 154.484375 215 154.589844 C 215.898438 154.65625 216 154.539062 215.25 154.300781 C 214.550781 154.074219 214 153.503906 214 153 C 214 151.640625 217.761719 151.898438 218.320312 153.300781 C 218.59375 153.984375 218.84375 153.75 218.898438 152.75 C 218.964844 151.613281 218.300781 151 217 151 C 215 151 215 151 217.101562 148.898438 C 218.800781 147.199219 218.953125 146.640625 217.898438 145.960938 C 215.898438 144.667969 214.042969 144.8125 213.566406 146.300781 Z M 217 147.5 C 217 148.300781 216.578125 149 216.101562 149 C 214.800781 149 213.878906 147.421875 214.699219 146.601562 C 215.851562 145.449219 217 145.898438 217 147.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 95.605469 164.800781 C 93.304688 168.523438 81.023438 216.601562 77.445312 235.898438 C 72.714844 261.398438 73.046875 274.019531 78.757812 285.5 C 88.507812 305.101562 113.453125 326 127.101562 326 C 136.058594 326 141.972656 310.898438 146.445312 276.601562 C 147.855469 265.800781 147.894531 262.808594 146.601562 264.101562 C 146.324219 264.375 145.164062 271.300781 144.019531 279.5 C 139.53125 311.601562 134.539062 324 126.101562 324 C 122.445312 324 112.601562 319.082031 105.5 313.714844 C 92.101562 303.578125 81.503906 289.765625 77.800781 277.601562 C 75.996094 271.675781 75.789062 269.199219 76.335938 260.101562 C 77.402344 242.277344 84.339844 209.5 93.867188 177.300781 C 96.027344 170 97.417969 164 96.949219 164 C 96.441406 164 95.902344 164.320312 95.605469 164.800781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 193.800781 186.300781 C 179.699219 197.875 168.257812 207.558594 168.449219 207.75 C 168.644531 207.941406 180.351562 198.679688 194.550781 187.101562 L 220.300781 166.101562 L 224.398438 169.300781 C 226.652344 171.058594 238.351562 180.300781 250.351562 189.800781 C 262.351562 199.300781 272.378906 206.921875 272.601562 206.699219 C 273.042969 206.257812 222.300781 166.027344 220.699219 165.554688 C 220.042969 165.359375 207.898438 174.722656 193.800781 186.300781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 155.050781 217.398438 C 156.753906 219.300781 158.695312 221.59375 159.449219 222.601562 C 160.644531 224.191406 160.839844 223.800781 161.148438 219.199219 C 161.371094 215.898438 161.097656 214 160.398438 214 C 159.757812 214 159.464844 215.351562 159.699219 217.25 L 160.101562 220.5 L 157.300781 217.25 C 155.75 215.449219 153.941406 214 153.25 214 C 152.550781 214 153.347656 215.5 155.050781 217.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 284.5 219 C 284.5 222.101562 284.9375 224 285.648438 224 C 286.28125 224 286.574219 223.101562 286.300781 222 C 285.976562 220.699219 286.324219 220 287.300781 220 C 288.101562 220 289.371094 219.300781 290.023438 218.5 C 291.628906 216.535156 289.699219 214 286.601562 214 C 284.753906 214 284.5 214.601562 284.5 219 Z M 288.5 217 C 288.5 217.699219 287.921875 218.507812 287.25 218.75 C 286.511719 219.015625 286 218.300781 286 217 C 286 215.699219 286.511719 214.984375 287.25 215.25 C 287.921875 215.492188 288.5 216.300781 288.5 217 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 163.699219 217.621094 C 163.320312 217.988281 163 219.398438 163 220.699219 C 163 223.300781 165.570312 224.828125 167.199219 223.199219 C 167.886719 222.515625 167.648438 222.246094 166.449219 222.351562 C 165.449219 222.4375 164.507812 221.964844 164.25 221.25 C 163.984375 220.511719 164.699219 220 166 220 C 167.300781 220 168.035156 219.507812 167.800781 218.800781 C 167.300781 217.300781 164.777344 216.574219 163.699219 217.621094 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 170.699219 217.601562 C 170.308594 217.992188 170 219.550781 170 221.148438 C 170 223.648438 170.339844 223.980469 172.75 223.851562 C 175.050781 223.726562 175.140625 223.632812 173.300781 223.300781 C 171.101562 222.898438 171.101562 222.898438 173.101562 220.898438 C 174.199219 219.800781 174.816406 218.449219 174.472656 217.898438 C 173.78125 216.800781 171.667969 216.632812 170.699219 217.601562 Z M 173 219.5 C 173 220.300781 172.53125 221 172 221 C 171.46875 221 171 220.300781 171 219.5 C 171 218.699219 171.46875 218 172 218 C 172.53125 218 173 218.699219 173 219.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 278.757812 221 C 279.1875 224 279.261719 224.046875 281.101562 222.398438 C 282.101562 221.503906 282.976562 219.941406 282.949219 219.101562 C 282.921875 218.140625 282.480469 218.5 281.851562 220 L 280.800781 222.5 L 279.910156 220.199219 C 278.703125 217.078125 278.242188 217.398438 278.757812 221 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 153.5 223 C 153.15625 223.570312 153.351562 224 153.949219 224 C 154.550781 224 155 223.570312 155 223 C 155 222.398438 154.820312 222 154.550781 222 C 154.28125 222 153.859375 222.398438 153.5 223 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 169.644531 226.199219 C 170.308594 227.300781 173.660156 227.371094 174.3125 226.300781 C 174.585938 225.851562 173.550781 225.457031 171.949219 225.398438 C 170.351562 225.34375 169.339844 225.695312 169.644531 226.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 283.398438 255 C 283.398438 269.601562 283.558594 275.550781 283.75 268.25 C 283.941406 260.949219 283.941406 249.050781 283.75 241.75 C 283.558594 234.449219 283.398438 240.398438 283.398438 255 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 179.648438 241.648438 C 179.292969 242.007812 179 244.75 179 247.75 C 179 252.148438 178.710938 253.09375 177.5 252.648438 C 176.699219 252.355469 176 252.566406 176 253.101562 C 176 253.671875 176.75 253.972656 177.75 253.800781 C 179.132812 253.5625 179.5625 252.300781 179.800781 247.800781 C 180.03125 243.398438 180.488281 241.996094 181.800781 241.648438 C 183.199219 241.277344 183.21875 241.183594 181.898438 241.101562 C 181 241.042969 180.015625 241.285156 179.648438 241.648438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 139.542969 247.601562 C 138.660156 251.101562 139.347656 251.667969 140.753906 248.601562 C 141.394531 247.199219 141.527344 245.859375 141.050781 245.550781 C 140.59375 245.253906 139.898438 246.199219 139.542969 247.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 143 246.199219 C 143 247.066406 142.722656 248.648438 142.398438 249.648438 C 141.964844 250.988281 142.269531 250.851562 143.5 249.148438 C 144.730469 247.449219 144.894531 246.496094 144.101562 245.699219 C 143.273438 244.875 143 245 143 246.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 145.75 248 C 145.496094 249.699219 145.605469 251 146 251 C 147 251 147.898438 246.050781 147 245.496094 C 146.546875 245.214844 146.003906 246.300781 145.75 248 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 150.199219 246.199219 C 148.800781 247.601562 148.589844 251 149.898438 251 C 150.347656 251 150.65625 250.050781 150.601562 248.851562 C 150.542969 247.648438 151.117188 246.480469 151.898438 246.199219 C 152.957031 245.824219 153.140625 246.351562 152.648438 248.351562 C 152.257812 249.949219 152.394531 251 153 251 C 153.570312 251 154 250.398438 154 249.601562 C 154 248.8125 154.269531 247.5 154.613281 246.601562 C 155.339844 244.699219 152.003906 244.398438 150.199219 246.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 162.128906 266.699219 C 160.191406 270.34375 154.863281 289 152.964844 298.800781 C 148.117188 323.800781 152.070312 335.308594 166.898438 339.367188 C 184.203125 344.109375 221.5 344.152344 267.5 339.488281 C 289.199219 337.289062 296 334.976562 296 329.800781 C 296 327.5 284.417969 315.28125 283.300781 316.398438 C 282.917969 316.78125 285.199219 319.570312 288.300781 322.519531 C 299.496094 333.160156 296.199219 334.828125 256.699219 338.511719 C 233.898438 340.636719 197.738281 341.480469 185 340.183594 C 165.398438 338.1875 159.628906 336.027344 155.660156 329.199219 C 150.542969 320.394531 153.554688 296.300781 163.019531 270.300781 C 164.804688 265.398438 164.175781 262.855469 162.128906 266.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 279.75 285 C 280.003906 286.699219 280.546875 287.785156 281 287.503906 C 281.898438 286.949219 281 282 280 282 C 279.605469 282 279.496094 283.300781 279.75 285 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 281.101562 295.601562 C 281.164062 296.800781 281.382812 297.019531 281.699219 296.199219 C 281.96875 295.5 281.921875 294.621094 281.601562 294.300781 C 281.285156 293.984375 281.046875 294.601562 281.101562 295.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 269 300.699219 C 269 302.5 269.363281 304 269.800781 304 C 270.253906 304 270.578125 302.851562 270.550781 301.351562 C 270.523438 299.851562 271.105469 298.484375 271.898438 298.199219 C 272.96875 297.820312 273.179688 298.449219 272.800781 300.851562 C 272.496094 302.75 272.757812 304 273.449219 304 C 274.0625 304 274.578125 302.949219 274.550781 301.75 C 274.523438 300.550781 274.96875 299.5 275.5 299.5 C 276.03125 299.5 276.476562 300.550781 276.449219 301.75 C 276.421875 302.949219 276.796875 304 277.25 304 C 277.722656 304 277.964844 302.550781 277.800781 300.75 C 277.519531 297.691406 277.25 297.496094 273.25 297.449219 C 269.050781 297.402344 269 297.4375 269 300.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 284.511719 298 C 284.15625 298.582031 284.550781 298.75 285.449219 298.398438 C 286.351562 298.050781 287 298.21875 287 298.800781 C 287 299.332031 286.300781 300.066406 285.5 300.371094 C 282.902344 301.363281 283.699219 304 286.601562 304 C 288.601562 304 289.0625 303.632812 288.601562 302.398438 C 288.285156 301.558594 288 299.898438 288 298.898438 C 288 296.898438 285.570312 296.273438 284.511719 298 Z M 287 302 C 287 302.601562 286.601562 303 286 303 C 285.398438 303 285 302.601562 285 302 C 285 301.398438 285.398438 301 286 301 C 286.601562 301 287 301.398438 287 302 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 280 304.800781 C 280 305.429688 279.25 305.644531 278.25 305.300781 C 276.851562 304.820312 276.75 304.96875 277.75 306.050781 C 278.675781 307.050781 279.3125 307.089844 280.199219 306.199219 C 280.898438 305.5 281.109375 304.730469 280.699219 304.351562 C 280.316406 303.996094 280 304.199219 280 304.800781 "/> </g> </svg> As it stands, verb movement to tense must go through the negative<sup>3</sup> projection. Being morphologically dependent, this allows the negative morpheme to form a complex morphological unit with the verb (Benmamoun, 2000; Loutfi, 2017). 3 For the analysis that the verb moves to T, the interested reader is referred to Benmamoun (2000) and Aoun *et al.* (2010). ## High-Neg Negation The proponents of this approach (Fassi Fehri, 1993; Shlonsky, 1997; Soltan, 2006, 2011; Benmamoun *et al.* 2013) assume the configuration in (9), wherein Neg is higher than T. (5) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="331pt" height="255pt" viewBox="0 0 331 255" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 70.851562 16.5 C 70.640625 19.800781 70.917969 22 71.550781 22 C 72.144531 22 72.449219 20.148438 72.25 17.75 C 71.90625 13.550781 71.921875 13.523438 73.699219 15.550781 C 74.65625 16.636719 76.296875 18.75 77.199219 20.050781 C 78.863281 22.449219 78.902344 22.457031 78.949219 20.351562 C 78.976562 19.148438 78.648438 18.046875 78.199219 17.851562 C 77.757812 17.65625 76.394531 16.050781 75.148438 14.25 C 73.902344 12.449219 72.519531 11 72.050781 11 C 71.585938 11 71.039062 13.5 70.851562 16.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 78.5 12 C 78.859375 12.601562 79.28125 13 79.550781 13 C 79.820312 13 80 12.601562 80 12 C 80 11.429688 79.550781 11 78.949219 11 C 78.351562 11 78.15625 11.429688 78.5 12 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 98.5 16.449219 C 98.5 20.25 98.894531 22 99.75 22 C 100.417969 22 101 20.949219 101 19.75 C 101 18.351562 101.851562 17.121094 103.25 16.5 C 104.550781 15.921875 105.5 14.65625 105.5 13.5 C 105.5 11.957031 104.699219 11.429688 102 11.199219 L 98.5 10.898438 Z M 104 14 C 104 15.101562 103.324219 16 102.5 16 C 101.675781 16 101 15.101562 101 14 C 101 12.898438 101.675781 12 102.5 12 C 103.324219 12 104 12.898438 104 14 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 83.085938 15.398438 C 81.015625 17.910156 82.101562 21.488281 85 21.710938 C 86.398438 21.816406 86.753906 21.675781 85.800781 21.394531 C 82.898438 20.53125 82.75 18 85.601562 18 C 87.398438 18 88.011719 17.523438 87.789062 16.300781 C 87.367188 14 84.667969 13.484375 83.085938 15.398438 Z M 86.5 16 C 86.847656 16.578125 86.449219 17 85.550781 17 C 84.648438 17 84 16.578125 84 16 C 84 15.398438 84.378906 15 84.949219 15 C 85.519531 15 86.140625 15.398438 86.5 16 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 90.601562 14.699219 C 89.421875 15.878906 90 19.027344 91.5 19.601562 C 93.398438 20.324219 96.269531 18.089844 95.609375 16.398438 C 95.335938 15.699219 95.652344 14.914062 96.300781 14.699219 C 96.949219 14.484375 96.050781 14.253906 94.351562 14.199219 C 92.648438 14.144531 90.921875 14.375 90.601562 14.699219 Z M 94 17 C 94 19.101562 92.542969 19.679688 91.484375 18 C 90.765625 16.851562 91.699219 15 93 15 C 93.550781 15 94 15.898438 94 17 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 92.300781 22.300781 C 93.898438 22.929688 94.886719 23.957031 94.601562 24.699219 C 94.332031 25.398438 94.515625 26 95 26 C 96.398438 26 96.886719 23.285156 95.699219 22.101562 C 95.097656 21.496094 93.449219 21.046875 92.050781 21.101562 L 89.5 21.199219 L 92.300781 22.300781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 89 23.949219 C 89 24.519531 89.398438 25.140625 90 25.5 C 90.582031 25.847656 91 25.449219 91 24.550781 C 91 23.648438 90.582031 23 90 23 C 89.398438 23 89 23.378906 89 23.949219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 76.5 32.601562 C 69.898438 35.019531 59.414062 38.84375 53.199219 41.101562 C 47 43.351562 42.082031 45.378906 42.300781 45.601562 C 42.519531 45.820312 53.199219 42.207031 66.101562 37.550781 L 89.5 29.101562 L 112.949219 37.550781 C 125.851562 42.199219 136.578125 45.796875 136.800781 45.550781 C 137.179688 45.125 135.699219 44.5625 109.101562 35.003906 C 98.398438 31.160156 89.351562 28.046875 89.050781 28.101562 C 88.746094 28.15625 83.101562 30.179688 76.5 32.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 10.300781 57.648438 C 9.914062 58.710938 10.648438 60.125 12.351562 61.601562 C 13.851562 62.902344 15 64.335938 15 64.898438 C 15 66.371094 11.28125 66.199219 10.679688 64.699219 C 10.386719 63.96875 10.164062 64.199219 10.105469 65.300781 C 9.988281 67.601562 14.195312 67.671875 16.074219 65.398438 C 17.210938 64.027344 17 63.449219 14.601562 61.351562 C 13 59.949219 12.035156 58.277344 12.351562 57.449219 C 12.652344 56.648438 12.453125 56 11.898438 56 C 11.355469 56 10.628906 56.75 10.300781 57.648438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 14.5 57 C 14.859375 57.601562 15.28125 58 15.550781 58 C 15.820312 58 16 57.601562 16 57 C 16 56.429688 15.550781 56 14.949219 56 C 14.351562 56 14.15625 56.429688 14.5 57 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 136.5 61.5 C 136.5 64.601562 136.957031 67 137.550781 67 C 138.167969 67 138.457031 65.25 138.25 62.75 L 137.898438 58.5 L 140.699219 62.75 C 142.214844 65.050781 143.796875 67 144.148438 67 C 144.503906 67 144.960938 64.5 145.148438 61.5 C 145.367188 58.101562 145.097656 56 144.449219 56 C 143.835938 56 143.546875 57.550781 143.75 59.75 L 144.101562 63.5 L 141.550781 60.5 C 140.105469 58.800781 139 57.175781 139 56.75 C 139 56.328125 138.449219 56 137.75 56 C 136.910156 56 136.5 57.800781 136.5 61.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 163.25 58.25 C 163.128906 60.050781 163.285156 60.199219 164.03125 59 C 165.152344 57.199219 165.21875 56 164.199219 56 C 163.773438 56 163.328125 57.050781 163.25 58.25 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 19 64.800781 C 19 68.300781 19.433594 71 20 71 C 21.625 71 21.515625 61.199219 19.871094 59.5 C 19.335938 58.949219 19 61 19 64.800781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 22.601562 59.796875 C 24.351562 60.964844 24.824219 63.300781 23.734375 65.398438 C 23.007812 66.800781 23.109375 67.101562 24.199219 66.75 C 26 66.167969 26.457031 60.917969 24.800781 59.867188 C 23.199219 58.855469 21.085938 58.785156 22.601562 59.796875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 28.601562 60.574219 C 25.777344 63.363281 27.398438 67.058594 31.398438 66.953125 C 33.40625 66.902344 33.398438 66.859375 31.300781 66.007812 C 28.28125 64.78125 28.398438 63 31.5 63 C 34.199219 63 34.644531 62.042969 32.800781 60.199219 C 31.230469 58.628906 30.5 58.695312 28.601562 60.574219 Z M 32 61 C 32 61.578125 31.351562 62 30.449219 62 C 29.550781 62 29.152344 61.578125 29.5 61 C 29.859375 60.398438 30.480469 60 31.050781 60 C 31.621094 60 32 60.398438 32 61 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 36.5 60.601562 C 33.722656 63.378906 35.398438 67.058594 39.398438 66.953125 C 41.316406 66.90625 41.300781 66.820312 39.199219 65.972656 C 36.007812 64.679688 36.5 60.382812 39.800781 60.746094 C 41.101562 60.890625 41.828125 60.566406 41.476562 60 C 40.5625 58.527344 38.300781 58.800781 36.5 60.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 148.03125 60.5 C 147.339844 61.339844 147.0625 63.101562 147.398438 64.5 C 147.878906 66.5 148.550781 66.96875 150.75 66.851562 C 153.148438 66.71875 153.207031 66.644531 151.199219 66.261719 C 148.074219 65.664062 148.398438 63 151.601562 63 C 153.800781 63 153.972656 62.761719 153.03125 61 C 151.753906 58.601562 149.753906 58.398438 148.03125 60.5 Z M 152 61 C 152 61.53125 151.300781 62 150.5 62 C 149.699219 62 149 61.53125 149 61 C 149 60.46875 149.699219 60 150.5 60 C 151.300781 60 152 60.46875 152 61 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 155.601562 59.699219 C 154.421875 60.878906 155 64.027344 156.5 64.601562 C 158.398438 65.324219 161.269531 63.089844 160.609375 61.398438 C 160.335938 60.699219 160.652344 59.914062 161.300781 59.699219 C 161.949219 59.484375 161.050781 59.253906 159.351562 59.199219 C 157.648438 59.144531 155.925781 59.375 155.601562 59.699219 Z M 159 62 C 159 63.101562 158.550781 64 158 64 C 156.699219 64 155.765625 62.148438 156.484375 61 C 157.542969 59.320312 159 59.898438 159 62 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 157.300781 67.300781 C 158.898438 67.929688 159.886719 68.957031 159.601562 69.699219 C 159.332031 70.398438 159.515625 71 160 71 C 161.398438 71 161.886719 68.285156 160.699219 67.101562 C 160.097656 66.496094 158.449219 66.046875 157.050781 66.101562 L 154.5 66.199219 L 157.300781 67.300781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 154 68.949219 C 154 69.519531 154.398438 70.140625 155 70.5 C 155.578125 70.847656 156 70.449219 156 69.550781 C 156 68.648438 155.578125 68 155 68 C 154.398438 68 154 68.378906 154 68.949219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 127.699219 81.449219 C 115.199219 86.027344 104.585938 90.140625 104.199219 90.550781 C 103.828125 90.949219 104.199219 91.066406 105 90.800781 C 105.824219 90.527344 116.699219 86.597656 129.101562 82.101562 L 151.699219 73.898438 L 168.601562 80.035156 C 192.699219 88.785156 199.578125 91.109375 198.5 90.144531 C 197.472656 89.226562 152.398438 72.917969 151.199219 73.03125 C 150.816406 73.070312 140.199219 76.871094 127.699219 81.449219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 75.5 106.5 C 75.5 109.601562 75.957031 112 76.550781 112 C 77.144531 112 77.46875 110.148438 77.300781 107.75 L 77 103.5 L 78.734375 105.898438 C 83.800781 112.898438 83.800781 112.898438 84.164062 106.699219 C 84.371094 103.199219 84.09375 101 83.449219 101 C 82.851562 101 82.570312 102.5 82.800781 104.5 C 83.015625 106.398438 82.972656 108 82.699219 108 C 82.429688 108 81.207031 106.398438 80.027344 104.5 C 76.863281 99.398438 75.5 100 75.5 106.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 194.101562 102.75 C 194.15625 103.75 194.414062 103.964844 194.699219 103.25 C 194.96875 102.582031 195.898438 102 196.699219 102 C 197.871094 102 198.121094 103.101562 197.851562 107 C 197.578125 110.898438 197.828125 112 199 112 C 200.195312 112 200.429688 110.949219 200.148438 106.851562 C 199.851562 102.449219 200.03125 101.785156 201.398438 102.300781 C 202.300781 102.636719 203 102.484375 203 101.949219 C 203 101.421875 201 101 198.5 101 C 194.898438 101 194.019531 101.351562 194.101562 102.75 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 205.5 106.449219 C 205.5 109.851562 205.925781 112 206.601562 112 C 207.242188 112 207.511719 111 207.25 109.601562 C 206.894531 107.699219 207.289062 107.128906 209.148438 106.851562 C 210.9375 106.585938 211.5 105.898438 211.5 104 C 211.5 101.917969 211 101.449219 208.5 101.199219 L 205.5 100.898438 Z M 210.5 104 C 210.5 104.855469 209.75 105.628906 208.75 105.800781 C 207.5 106.015625 207 105.5 207 104 C 207 102.5 207.5 101.984375 208.75 102.199219 C 209.75 102.371094 210.5 103.144531 210.5 104 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 87.601562 105.574219 C 84.777344 108.363281 86.398438 112.058594 90.398438 111.953125 C 92.40625 111.902344 92.398438 111.859375 90.300781 111.007812 C 87.28125 109.78125 87.398438 108 90.5 108 C 93.199219 108 93.644531 107.042969 91.800781 105.199219 C 90.230469 103.628906 89.5 103.695312 87.601562 105.574219 Z M 91 106 C 91 106.578125 90.351562 107 89.449219 107 C 88.550781 107 88.152344 106.578125 88.5 106 C 88.859375 105.398438 89.480469 105 90.050781 105 C 90.621094 105 91 105.398438 91 106 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 95.136719 105.300781 C 93.433594 107.378906 95.300781 112.484375 97.898438 112.863281 C 99.601562 113.113281 100.03125 113.628906 99.550781 114.851562 C 99.039062 116.148438 99.15625 116.246094 100.101562 115.300781 C 101.78125 113.621094 100.398438 111.011719 97.800781 110.953125 C 95.5 110.898438 95.5 110.898438 97.601562 110.050781 C 98.738281 109.589844 99.90625 108.101562 100.148438 106.800781 C 100.507812 104.898438 100.140625 104.359375 98.398438 104.199219 C 97.199219 104.089844 95.714844 104.589844 95.136719 105.300781 Z M 98.5 107 C 98.5 107.699219 97.921875 108.507812 97.25 108.75 C 96.511719 109.015625 96 108.300781 96 107 C 96 105.699219 96.511719 104.984375 97.25 105.25 C 97.921875 105.492188 98.5 106.300781 98.5 107 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 94 114.5 C 94 115.300781 94.445312 116 94.949219 116 C 95.457031 116 95.644531 115.300781 95.351562 114.5 C 95.054688 113.699219 94.613281 113 94.398438 113 C 94.1875 113 94 113.699219 94 114.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 181.5 126.101562 C 169.398438 130.5 159.050781 134.550781 158.5 135.101562 C 157.945312 135.652344 160.398438 135.007812 164 133.648438 C 167.578125 132.300781 178.25 128.414062 187.75 125 L 205 118.800781 L 222.25 125.050781 C 231.75 128.492188 242.421875 132.378906 246 133.699219 C 249.601562 135.027344 252.054688 135.660156 251.5 135.113281 C 250.320312 133.953125 206.300781 117.914062 204.601562 118.027344 C 203.996094 118.066406 193.601562 121.699219 181.5 126.101562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 134.546875 147.800781 C 134.113281 148.933594 134.75 150.183594 136.449219 151.550781 C 137.851562 152.675781 139 154.140625 139 154.800781 C 139 156.386719 135.320312 156.300781 134.679688 154.699219 C 134.414062 154.03125 134.15625 154.300781 134.101562 155.300781 C 134.019531 156.761719 134.601562 157.042969 137.199219 156.804688 C 141.601562 156.394531 142.421875 152.613281 138.5 150.800781 C 136.699219 149.96875 136.042969 149.046875 136.363281 147.800781 C 136.957031 145.5 135.417969 145.5 134.546875 147.800781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 139.5 147 C 139.859375 147.601562 140.28125 148 140.550781 148 C 140.820312 148 141 147.601562 141 147 C 141 146.429688 140.550781 146 139.949219 146 C 139.351562 146 139.15625 146.429688 139.5 147 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 241 146.949219 C 241 147.484375 241.699219 147.636719 242.601562 147.300781 C 243.96875 146.785156 244.148438 147.449219 243.851562 151.851562 C 243.570312 155.949219 243.804688 157 245 157 C 246.195312 157 246.429688 155.949219 246.148438 151.851562 C 245.824219 147.050781 245.941406 146.738281 247.898438 147.25 C 249.101562 147.5625 250 147.414062 250 146.898438 C 250 146.398438 248 146 245.5 146 C 243 146 241 146.421875 241 146.949219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 251.25 148.25 C 251.128906 150.050781 251.285156 150.199219 252.03125 149 C 253.152344 147.199219 253.21875 146 252.199219 146 C 251.773438 146 251.328125 147.050781 251.25 148.25 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 143 154.800781 C 143 158.300781 143.4375 161 144 161 C 145.640625 161 145.613281 151.300781 143.96875 149.601562 C 143.375 148.988281 143 151 143 154.800781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 146.601562 149.796875 C 148.351562 150.964844 148.820312 153.300781 147.734375 155.398438 C 147.007812 156.800781 147.109375 157.097656 148.199219 156.75 C 150 156.167969 150.457031 150.917969 148.800781 149.867188 C 147.199219 148.855469 145.085938 148.785156 146.601562 149.796875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 153.085938 150.398438 C 151.015625 152.910156 152.101562 156.488281 155 156.710938 C 156.398438 156.816406 156.753906 156.675781 155.800781 156.394531 C 152.898438 155.53125 152.75 153 155.601562 153 C 157.398438 153 158.011719 152.523438 157.789062 151.300781 C 157.367188 149 154.667969 148.484375 153.085938 150.398438 Z M 156.5 151 C 156.847656 151.578125 156.449219 152 155.550781 152 C 154.648438 152 154 151.578125 154 151 C 154 150.398438 154.378906 150 154.949219 150 C 155.519531 150 156.140625 150.398438 156.5 151 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 161.066406 150.398438 C 159.003906 152.910156 160.101562 156.488281 163 156.710938 C 164.398438 156.816406 164.753906 156.675781 163.800781 156.386719 C 161.8125 155.785156 160.855469 153.601562 161.664062 151.5 C 162.320312 149.800781 164.644531 149.488281 165.398438 151 C 165.667969 151.539062 165.769531 151.398438 165.613281 150.699219 C 165.21875 148.898438 162.449219 148.71875 161.066406 150.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 224.5 171.101562 C 212.398438 175.5 202.050781 179.574219 201.5 180.148438 C 200.949219 180.726562 202.300781 180.5 204.5 179.644531 C 213.199219 176.257812 247.519531 164 248.300781 164 C 249.070312 164 260.5 168.03125 286.5 177.46875 C 292 179.464844 296.050781 180.675781 295.5 180.152344 C 294.175781 178.902344 249.898438 162.9375 248 163.027344 C 247.175781 163.066406 236.601562 166.699219 224.5 171.101562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 199.101562 192.75 C 199.15625 193.75 199.414062 193.964844 199.699219 193.25 C 199.96875 192.582031 200.898438 192 201.699219 192 C 202.871094 192 203.121094 193.101562 202.851562 197 C 202.648438 199.898438 202.921875 202 203.5 202 C 204.078125 202 204.351562 199.898438 204.148438 197 C 203.878906 193.101562 204.128906 192 205.300781 192 C 206.101562 192 207.03125 192.582031 207.300781 193.25 C 207.585938 193.964844 207.84375 193.75 207.898438 192.75 C 207.980469 191.351562 207.101562 191 203.5 191 C 199.898438 191 199.019531 191.351562 199.101562 192.75 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 281.800781 192.25 C 282.347656 192.933594 283.363281 195.398438 284.046875 197.699219 C 285.554688 202.800781 286.441406 203.050781 287.9375 198.800781 C 289.417969 194.601562 289.292969 193.890625 287.605469 196.898438 L 286.199219 199.398438 L 284.949219 195.199219 C 284.234375 192.800781 283.078125 191 282.25 191 C 281.25 191 281.109375 191.386719 281.800781 192.25 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 289 192.5 C 289 193.300781 289.1875 194 289.398438 194 C 289.613281 194 290.058594 193.300781 290.351562 192.5 C 290.644531 191.699219 290.457031 191 289.949219 191 C 289.441406 191 289 191.699219 289 192.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 292.5 196.449219 C 292.5 200.25 292.894531 202 293.75 202 C 294.417969 202 295 200.949219 295 199.75 C 295 198.351562 295.851562 197.121094 297.25 196.5 C 298.550781 195.921875 299.5 194.65625 299.5 193.5 C 299.5 191.957031 298.699219 191.429688 296 191.199219 L 292.5 190.898438 Z M 298 194 C 298 195.101562 297.324219 196 296.5 196 C 295.675781 196 295 195.101562 295 194 C 295 192.898438 295.675781 192 296.5 192 C 297.324219 192 298 192.898438 298 194 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 290.398438 218.5 C 290.398438 224.601562 290.554688 226.917969 290.75 223.699219 C 290.941406 220.5 290.941406 215.570312 290.75 212.699219 C 290.554688 209.816406 290.398438 212.398438 290.398438 218.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 287.679688 239.699219 C 289.796875 246 290.753906 246.867188 291.992188 243.601562 C 293.394531 239.898438 293.28125 239.265625 291.617188 241.5 C 290.304688 243.261719 290.140625 243.148438 289.398438 239.949219 C 288.960938 238.050781 288.691406 236.164062 288.800781 235.75 C 288.910156 235.335938 288.351562 235 287.550781 235 C 286.316406 235 286.335938 235.699219 287.679688 239.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 293.800781 235.699219 C 294.5 235.96875 295.378906 235.921875 295.699219 235.601562 C 296.015625 235.285156 295.398438 235.046875 294.398438 235.101562 C 293.199219 235.164062 292.980469 235.382812 293.800781 235.699219 "/> </g> </svg> The arguments advanced for the *High-Neg Analysis* are manifold. The first argument comes from the order of morphemes in MA. In particular, MA forms future tense periphrastically via the auxiliary *ɣadi* or its clitic variant {*ɣa*-}, as illustrated in (6): 6) Mohammed ɣadi y-Safr ɣədda Mohammed WILL-3ms 3ms-travel tomorrow ‘Mohammed is travelling tomorrow’ The future auxiliary encodes the future interpretation. As a result, the verb does not move to T. This explains the imperfective morphology on the verb. Note, however, in the context of negation, the realization of the negative morpheme is realized on the auxiliary *ɣadi*, contrary to the pattern predicated by the *Low-Neg Analysis*. To be precise, the *Low-Neg Analysis* would predict that the sentence in (7-b) is grammatical. This is largely because Neg in (7) is closer to the verb than T. (7) 1. Mohammed ma-ɣadi-ʃ y-Safr ɣədda Mohammed NEG-WILL-3ms-NEG 3ms-travel tomorrow ‘Mohammed is not travelling tomorrow’ 2. \*Mohammed ɣadi ma-y-Safr-ʃ ɣədda Mohammed WILL-3ms NEG-3ms-travel-NEG tomorrow The second argument in favor of the structure in (5) comes from the accusative case assigned by *laa* in (8) (Benmamoun *et al.,* 2013:101). (8) 1. mudarris-un ɣaaɁib-un NEG teacher-ms.NOM absent-3ms.NOM ‘A teacher is absent’ 2. laa mudarris-a ɣaaɁib-un NEG teacher-ms.ACC absent-3ms.NOM ‘No teacher is absent’ Interestingly, similar behavior is exhibited by the complementizers *Ɂanna* and *Ɂinna*, both of which assign accusative case to the subject they immediately c-command (see Aoun *et al.* 2010 for analysis along these lines). (9) 1. Hind-un fii l-bayti Hind-NOM in the-house-GEN ‘Hind is at home’ 2. Ɂinna Hind-an fii l-bayti COMP Hind-ACC in the-house-GEN ‘(I confirm that) Hind is at home’ As the data in (9) and (10) show, in the presence of the relevant case assigner, the subject receives the accusative case; otherwise it is in the nominative case, as shown in (9-a) and (10-a). In fact, such a generalization is hard to explain under the *Low-Neg Analysis*. For one thing, if we assume that Neg is a case assigner, we would predict that the sentence in (10-b) is grammatical. This is because in (10-b) the closet case assigner that immediately c-commands Zayd is Neg<sup>4</sup>, as is evident from the fact that Neg is a closer case assigner to the subject than T. (10) 1. Zayd-un laa yu-ħibb-u l-ʔaflaam-a Zayd-NOM NEG-Present 3m-write-IMP-3ms the-movies-ACC ‘Zayd doesn’t like movies’ 4 However, note that this prediction is contingent upon the assumption that *Zayd* is base-generated in the specifier of the VP (see Mohammed, 2000). 2. \*Zayd-an laa yu-ħibb-u l-ʔaflaam-a Zayd-ACC NEG-Present 3m-write-IMP-3ms the-movies-ACC For another, the accusative case assigned to the subject in (8-b) above will be mysterious, for the evident reason that there is no overt case assigner. This would also regard accusative case as a default form on a par with nominative case. This is not cross-linguistically valid, however (see McFadden, 2004). To sum up, in this section I have explored the two main views proposed to account for the representation of sentential negation in SA and in modern Arabic dialects. I have shown that each approach makes different predications. The *High-Neg Approach* has been shown to make the correct predications. However, the High-Neg view is hard to reconcile within the Spec-head agreement and the standard Agree approach (Chomsky, 2001). I will show that the High-Neg analysis can be still maintained under the Feature-Inheritance approach, in which T inherits its ø- features and Tense feature from C (Chomsky, 2004, 2005; Richards, 2007), supporting the syntactic configuration in (11): (11) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="356pt" height="83pt" viewBox="0 0 356 83" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 67.199219 16.199219 C 64.292969 19.105469 66.898438 24.675781 70.699219 23.675781 C 72.171875 23.285156 72.101562 23.183594 70.300781 23.105469 C 67.949219 23.003906 66.628906 20.199219 67.652344 17.5 C 68.09375 16.34375 69.050781 15.945312 70.648438 16.25 C 71.949219 16.5 73 16.296875 73 15.800781 C 73 14.496094 68.601562 14.800781 67.199219 16.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 158 15.398438 C 158 15.5625 159.816406 17.699219 162 20.101562 L 166 24.5 L 166 19.75 C 166 17.148438 165.613281 15 165.148438 15 C 164.679688 15 164.5 16.449219 164.75 18.25 L 165.199219 21.5 L 162.5 18.199219 C 160.289062 15.5 158 14.074219 158 15.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 237.75 15.699219 C 238.453125 15.980469 239 17.898438 239 20.101562 C 239 22.199219 239.414062 24 239.898438 24 C 240.386719 24 240.570312 22.199219 240.300781 20.101562 C 239.890625 16.898438 240.132812 16.109375 241.648438 15.699219 C 242.652344 15.429688 241.898438 15.199219 240 15.199219 C 238.101562 15.199219 237.070312 15.429688 237.75 15.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 273.257812 16.699219 C 272.839844 17.78125 273.398438 18.925781 274.800781 19.84375 C 277.5 21.613281 277.625 23.394531 275 22.71875 C 273.898438 22.433594 273 22.605469 273 23.101562 C 273 23.605469 274.101562 24 275.5 24 C 278.601562 24 278.941406 20.566406 276 18.980469 C 274.898438 18.386719 274 17.425781 274 16.851562 C 274 16.273438 274.898438 16.023438 276 16.300781 C 277.101562 16.574219 278 16.394531 278 15.898438 C 278 14.308594 273.910156 15 273.257812 16.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 287.84375 19.5 C 288.195312 24.101562 289.6875 25.246094 291.882812 22.601562 C 293.253906 20.949219 292.300781 18 290.398438 18 C 289.652344 18 289 17.300781 289 16.5 C 289 15.699219 288.648438 15 288.25 15 C 287.832031 15 287.652344 17 287.84375 19.5 Z M 291.5 21 C 291.5 21.699219 290.921875 22.507812 290.25 22.75 C 289.511719 23.015625 289 22.300781 289 21 C 289 19.699219 289.511719 18.984375 290.25 19.25 C 290.921875 19.492188 291.5 20.300781 291.5 21 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 310.800781 17.5 C 310.105469 18.195312 311 24 311.800781 24 C 312.5 24 312.5 18.199219 311.800781 17.5 C 311.5 17.199219 311.101562 17.199219 310.800781 17.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 168.398438 19.5 C 167.160156 22.699219 170.722656 25.871094 172.441406 23.101562 C 172.746094 22.609375 172.25 22.269531 171.351562 22.351562 C 170.457031 22.429688 169.5625 21.648438 169.398438 20.648438 C 169.167969 19.226562 169.550781 18.914062 171.050781 19.300781 C 172.148438 19.582031 172.757812 19.40625 172.445312 18.898438 C 171.59375 17.519531 169.019531 17.898438 168.398438 19.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 175.597656 19.101562 C 174.085938 24 174.058594 26.113281 175.5 26.667969 C 177.101562 27.285156 180 25.5 180 23.898438 C 180 23.40625 179.101562 23 178 23 C 176.699219 23 176 22.300781 176 21 C 176 19.898438 176.496094 19 177.101562 19 C 177.6875 19 177.941406 19.699219 177.648438 20.5 C 177.355469 21.300781 177.566406 22 178.101562 22 C 179.574219 22 178.800781 18.742188 177.199219 18.203125 C 176.554688 17.984375 175.816406 18.398438 175.597656 19.101562 Z M 178.199219 25.199219 C 177.300781 26.101562 176.699219 26.101562 175.800781 25.199219 C 174.851562 24.25 175.101562 24 177 24 C 178.898438 24 179.148438 24.25 178.199219 25.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 280.75 21 C 281.09375 23.300781 281.726562 24 283.449219 24 C 285.457031 24 285.636719 23.648438 285.101562 20.75 C 284.507812 17.550781 284.496094 17.542969 284.160156 20.300781 C 283.746094 23.699219 282 23.863281 282 20.5 C 282 19.101562 281.625 18 281.148438 18 C 280.667969 18 280.496094 19.300781 280.75 21 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 295.148438 21.648438 C 295.066406 23.949219 294.441406 26.023438 293.75 26.300781 C 292.789062 26.683594 292.800781 26.824219 293.800781 26.898438 C 295.515625 27.027344 296.214844 24.800781 295.714844 20.800781 C 295.335938 17.777344 295.289062 17.851562 295.148438 21.648438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 298.398438 19.5 C 297.160156 22.699219 300.722656 25.871094 302.441406 23.101562 C 302.738281 22.625 302.199219 22.269531 301.300781 22.351562 C 300.382812 22.429688 299.414062 21.648438 299.199219 20.648438 C 298.878906 19.167969 299.25 18.941406 301.050781 19.5 C 302.550781 19.96875 303.070312 19.832031 302.609375 19.101562 C 301.640625 17.554688 299.054688 17.800781 298.398438 19.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 306 18.398438 C 306 18.632812 306.648438 19.050781 307.550781 19.398438 C 308.449219 19.75 308.839844 19.582031 308.480469 19 C 307.921875 18.101562 306 17.636719 306 18.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 304.050781 20.800781 C 303.988281 23.5 306.566406 24.886719 308.320312 23.101562 C 309.265625 22.140625 309.148438 22.03125 307.75 22.550781 C 306.484375 23.019531 305.738281 22.550781 305.050781 20.851562 L 304.101562 18.5 L 304.050781 20.800781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 164.699219 29.398438 C 163.234375 32.5 163.207031 33 164.5 33 C 165.644531 33 166 34.300781 166 38.5 L 166 44 L 70.101562 44 L 69.398438 26.5 L 69.5 44.5 L 239.5 44.5 L 240.601562 32.5 L 241.5 44.5 L 302 45 L 302 39 C 302 34.300781 302.335938 33 303.550781 33 C 304.945312 33 304.941406 32.699219 303.5 30 C 302.59375 28.300781 301.726562 27 301.5 27 C 301.273438 27 300.40625 28.300781 299.5 30 C 298.058594 32.699219 298.054688 33 299.449219 33 C 300.660156 33 301 34.199219 301 38.5 L 301 44 L 241.898438 44 L 242.039062 38.199219 C 242.273438 28.398438 242.117188 27.300781 240.5 27.300781 C 239.601562 27.300781 238.242188 28.550781 237.398438 30.148438 C 236.085938 32.648438 236.089844 33 237.449219 33 C 238.660156 33 239 34.199219 239 38.5 L 239 44 L 167 44 L 167 38.601562 C 167 35.199219 167.464844 33.03125 168.25 32.75 C 169.210938 32.402344 169.140625 31.550781 167.949219 29.050781 L 166.398438 25.800781 L 164.699219 29.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 38 55.949219 C 38 56.484375 38.699219 56.636719 39.601562 56.300781 C 40.949219 55.792969 41.136719 56.351562 40.800781 59.851562 C 40.480469 63.148438 40.726562 64 42 64 C 43.273438 64 43.519531 63.148438 43.199219 59.851562 C 42.863281 56.351562 43.050781 55.792969 44.398438 56.300781 C 45.300781 56.636719 46 56.484375 46 55.949219 C 46 55.425781 44.199219 55 42 55 C 39.800781 55 38 55.425781 38 55.949219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 79 56.648438 C 79 57.566406 78.289062 59.101562 77.398438 60.101562 C 76.511719 61.101562 76.074219 62.34375 76.417969 62.898438 C 77.203125 64.164062 84.882812 64 85.683594 62.699219 C 86.054688 62.101562 85.941406 61.910156 85.398438 62.222656 C 84.101562 62.980469 80.726562 59.308594 82 58.523438 C 83.785156 57.417969 83.101562 55 81 55 C 79.800781 55 79 55.660156 79 56.648438 Z M 82 56.449219 C 82 56.71875 81.601562 57.140625 81 57.5 C 80.429688 57.84375 80 57.648438 80 57.050781 C 80 56.449219 80.429688 56 81 56 C 81.601562 56 82 56.179688 82 56.449219 Z M 80.5 62.800781 C 79.832031 63.46875 78 62 78 60.800781 C 78 60.199219 78.601562 60.300781 79.5 61.050781 C 80.300781 61.71875 80.765625 62.53125 80.5 62.800781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 103.5 59.5 C 103.5 63 103.867188 64 105.148438 64 C 106.378906 64 106.660156 63.449219 106.25 61.851562 C 105.867188 60.351562 106.046875 59.910156 106.851562 60.398438 C 107.449219 60.765625 108 60.597656 108 60.050781 C 108 59.449219 107.570312 59 107 59 C 106.4375 59 106 58.300781 106 57.398438 C 106 56.28125 106.601562 55.949219 108 56.300781 C 109.101562 56.574219 110 56.394531 110 55.898438 C 110 55.402344 108.550781 55 106.75 55 C 103.570312 55 103.5 55.101562 103.5 59.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 152 55.949219 C 152 56.484375 152.699219 56.636719 153.601562 56.300781 C 154.949219 55.792969 155.136719 56.351562 154.800781 59.851562 C 154.480469 63.148438 154.726562 64 156 64 C 157.273438 64 157.519531 63.148438 157.199219 59.851562 C 156.863281 56.351562 157.050781 55.792969 158.398438 56.300781 C 159.300781 56.636719 160 56.484375 160 55.949219 C 160 55.425781 158.199219 55 156 55 C 153.800781 55 152 55.425781 152 55.949219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 188.699219 55.601562 C 187.394531 56.90625 187.898438 64 189.300781 64 C 190.167969 64 190.515625 62.648438 190.351562 59.949219 C 190.207031 57.648438 190.511719 56.160156 191.050781 56.5 C 191.566406 56.828125 192 56.601562 192 56 C 192 54.800781 189.769531 54.53125 188.699219 55.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 250 55.398438 C 250 55.617188 251.101562 57.75 252.398438 60.050781 C 254.265625 63.351562 254.886719 63.875 255.1875 62.398438 C 255.65625 60.101562 252.980469 55 251.300781 55 C 250.601562 55 250 55.183594 250 55.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 256.699219 57 C 256.398438 58.199219 256.621094 58.738281 257.25 58.351562 C 257.917969 57.9375 258.117188 58.851562 257.800781 60.851562 C 257.417969 63.25 257.679688 64 258.898438 64 C 260.109375 64 260.5 62.898438 260.5 59.5 C 260.5 56 260.132812 55 258.851562 55 C 257.941406 55 256.976562 55.898438 256.699219 57 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 280.5 59.5 C 280.5 62.199219 280.960938 64 281.648438 64 C 282.316406 64 282.589844 63.199219 282.300781 62.101562 C 282.035156 61.101562 282.320312 59.890625 282.898438 59.550781 C 283.589844 59.140625 284 59.851562 284 61.449219 C 284 62.851562 284.449219 64 285 64 C 285.539062 64 286 62.800781 286 61.398438 C 286 59.601562 285.386719 58.644531 284 58.300781 C 282.898438 58.023438 282 57.167969 282 56.398438 C 282 55.601562 281.679688 55 281.25 55 C 280.832031 55 280.5 57 280.5 59.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 295.75 56.75 C 295.453125 57.851562 295.734375 59.378906 296.351562 60.050781 C 297.238281 61.019531 297.148438 61.175781 295.949219 60.75 C 295.054688 60.429688 293.894531 61 293.199219 62.101562 C 292.1875 63.699219 292.246094 64 293.550781 64 C 294.449219 64 294.847656 63.582031 294.5 63 C 294.160156 62.4375 294.75 62 295.851562 62 C 296.949219 62 297.972656 62.5 298.199219 63.148438 C 298.410156 63.75 299.125 64.109375 299.699219 63.898438 C 300.425781 63.636719 300.03125 62 298.550781 59.101562 C 296.65625 55.398438 296.214844 55.027344 295.75 56.75 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 125.398438 57 C 124.296875 58.105469 124.800781 64 126 64 C 126.457031 64 126.5625 63.101562 126.25 61.898438 C 125.9375 60.699219 126.300781 59.414062 127.101562 58.898438 C 128.199219 58.191406 128.222656 58 127.199219 58 C 126.5 58 126.183594 57.539062 126.515625 57 C 127.316406 55.699219 126.699219 55.699219 125.398438 57 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 270.300781 57.101562 C 269.007812 58.394531 269.898438 64 271.398438 64 C 272.042969 64 272.429688 62.5 272.335938 60.398438 C 272.144531 56.300781 271.746094 55.652344 270.300781 57.101562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 48.699219 58.601562 C 48.3125 58.988281 48 60.351562 48 61.648438 C 48 63.351562 48.609375 64 50.199219 64 C 52.300781 64 52.3125 63.933594 50.449219 62.550781 C 48.648438 61.210938 48.640625 61.097656 50.351562 61.050781 C 51.351562 61.023438 52.011719 60.449219 51.789062 59.800781 C 51.28125 58.300781 49.636719 57.664062 48.699219 58.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 54 61 C 54 62.699219 54.433594 64 55 64 C 55.546875 64 56 62.851562 56 61.449219 C 56 59.851562 56.410156 59.140625 57.101562 59.550781 C 57.679688 59.890625 57.964844 61.101562 57.699219 62.101562 C 57.410156 63.199219 57.726562 64 58.449219 64 C 59.242188 64 59.535156 62.898438 59.25 61 C 58.890625 58.601562 58.320312 58 56.398438 58 C 54.398438 58 54 58.5 54 61 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 61.4375 59.101562 C 61.050781 59.730469 61.601562 61.011719 62.601562 61.800781 C 64.199219 63.0625 64.222656 63.207031 62.75 62.699219 C 61.75 62.355469 61 62.507812 61 63.050781 C 61 63.574219 61.898438 64 63 64 C 65.300781 64 65.636719 62.089844 63.703125 60 C 62.777344 59 62.789062 58.863281 63.75 59.398438 C 64.449219 59.792969 65 59.617188 65 59 C 65 57.625 62.296875 57.699219 61.4375 59.101562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 67.699219 58.601562 C 67.3125 58.988281 67 60.351562 67 61.648438 C 67 63.351562 67.609375 64 69.199219 64 C 71.300781 64 71.3125 63.933594 69.449219 62.550781 C 67.648438 61.210938 67.640625 61.097656 69.351562 61.050781 C 70.351562 61.023438 71.011719 60.449219 70.789062 59.800781 C 70.28125 58.300781 68.636719 57.664062 67.699219 58.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 92.179688 59.300781 C 90.410156 61.558594 91.199219 64 93.699219 64 C 95 64 96.058594 63.652344 96.132812 63.199219 C 96.816406 59.101562 96.578125 58 95 58 C 94 58 92.746094 58.578125 92.179688 59.300781 Z M 94.5 60 C 94.171875 60.546875 94.398438 61 95 61 C 95.601562 61 95.828125 61.453125 95.5 62 C 95.140625 62.601562 94.5 63 93.898438 63 C 93.300781 63 93.140625 62.601562 93.5 62 C 93.828125 61.453125 93.601562 61 93 61 C 92.398438 61 92.171875 60.546875 92.5 60 C 92.859375 59.398438 93.5 59 94.101562 59 C 94.699219 59 94.859375 59.398438 94.5 60 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 112.050781 59.398438 C 110.425781 61.371094 111.398438 64.023438 113.699219 63.898438 C 114.800781 63.839844 115.03125 63.613281 114.300781 63.320312 C 112.492188 62.597656 112.699219 61 114.601562 61 C 115.5 61 116.019531 60.476562 115.789062 59.800781 C 115.144531 57.898438 113.433594 57.71875 112.050781 59.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 118.519531 59 C 118.199219 59.519531 118.550781 59.757812 119.25 59.5 C 120.089844 59.1875 120.636719 59.851562 120.699219 61.25 C 120.753906 62.449219 120.566406 62.894531 120.300781 62.199219 C 119.644531 60.484375 118 60.699219 118 62.5 C 118 63.394531 118.949219 64 120.351562 64 C 122.386719 64 122.640625 63.601562 122.257812 61 C 121.828125 58.101562 119.757812 56.992188 118.519531 59 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 129.199219 60.75 C 129.429688 62.851562 130.113281 63.570312 132.101562 63.800781 C 134.488281 64.074219 134.664062 63.851562 134.25 61.050781 C 134 59.351562 133.46875 58 133.050781 58 C 132.628906 58 132.496094 59.101562 132.75 60.5 C 133.019531 62 132.761719 63 132.101562 63 C 131.484375 63 131 61.898438 131 60.5 C 131 59.101562 130.539062 58 129.949219 58 C 129.378906 58 129.035156 59.25 129.199219 60.75 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 137 61.050781 C 137 62.648438 137.457031 64 138 64 C 138.550781 64 139 63.101562 139 62 C 139 60.898438 139.449219 60 140 60 C 141.914062 60 141 58.40625 139 58.253906 C 137.441406 58.132812 137 58.75 137 61.050781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 143.335938 59.5 C 142.503906 61.699219 143.738281 63.992188 145.699219 63.890625 C 146.800781 63.835938 147.015625 63.605469 146.25 63.300781 C 145.550781 63.019531 145 61.851562 145 60.648438 C 145 58.949219 145.199219 58.804688 145.949219 59.949219 C 146.472656 60.75 147.167969 61.132812 147.5 60.800781 C 148.472656 59.828125 147.101562 58 145.398438 58 C 144.601562 58 143.636719 58.699219 143.335938 59.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 162 61.050781 C 162 62.648438 162.457031 64 163 64 C 163.550781 64 164 63.101562 164 62 C 164 60.898438 164.449219 60 165 60 C 166.914062 60 166 58.40625 164 58.253906 C 162.441406 58.132812 162 58.75 162 61.050781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 168.441406 59.101562 C 167.929688 59.925781 168.148438 60.128906 169.148438 59.75 C 170.160156 59.367188 170.628906 59.851562 170.699219 61.351562 C 170.757812 62.550781 170.578125 62.949219 170.300781 62.25 C 170.019531 61.550781 169.402344 61.246094 168.898438 61.5625 C 167.160156 62.652344 168.101562 64 170.601562 64 C 172.730469 64 173.054688 63.601562 172.789062 61.300781 C 172.460938 58.398438 169.726562 57.019531 168.441406 59.101562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 175 61 C 175 62.699219 175.433594 64 176 64 C 176.550781 64 177 62.851562 177 61.449219 C 177 59.851562 177.410156 59.140625 178.101562 59.550781 C 178.679688 59.890625 178.964844 61.101562 178.699219 62.101562 C 178.410156 63.199219 178.726562 64 179.449219 64 C 180.242188 64 180.535156 62.898438 180.25 61 C 179.890625 58.601562 179.320312 58 177.398438 58 C 175.398438 58 175 58.5 175 61 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 182.4375 59.101562 C 182.050781 59.730469 182.601562 61.011719 183.601562 61.800781 C 185.199219 63.0625 185.222656 63.207031 183.75 62.699219 C 182.75 62.355469 182 62.507812 182 63.050781 C 182 63.574219 182.898438 64 184 64 C 186.300781 64 186.636719 62.089844 184.703125 60 C 183.777344 59 183.789062 58.863281 184.75 59.398438 C 185.449219 59.792969 186 59.617188 186 59 C 186 57.625 183.296875 57.699219 182.4375 59.101562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 193.050781 59.398438 C 191.425781 61.371094 192.398438 64.023438 194.699219 63.898438 C 195.800781 63.839844 196.03125 63.613281 195.300781 63.320312 C 193.492188 62.597656 193.699219 61 195.601562 61 C 196.5 61 197.019531 60.476562 196.789062 59.800781 C 196.144531 57.898438 194.433594 57.71875 193.050781 59.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 199 61.050781 C 199 62.648438 199.457031 64 200 64 C 200.550781 64 201 63.101562 201 62 C 201 60.898438 201.449219 60 202 60 C 203.914062 60 203 58.40625 201 58.253906 C 199.441406 58.132812 199 58.75 199 61.050781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 263.519531 59 C 263.199219 59.519531 263.550781 59.757812 264.25 59.5 C 265.089844 59.1875 265.636719 59.851562 265.699219 61.25 C 265.753906 62.449219 265.566406 62.894531 265.300781 62.199219 C 264.644531 60.484375 263 60.699219 263 62.5 C 263 63.394531 263.949219 64 265.351562 64 C 267.386719 64 267.640625 63.601562 267.257812 61 C 266.828125 58.101562 264.757812 56.992188 263.519531 59 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 275.039062 59.5 C 273.445312 61.417969 274.398438 64 276.699219 64 C 278 64 278.117188 63.71875 277.199219 62.800781 C 275.433594 61.03125 275.699219 58.9375 277.601562 59.65625 C 278.699219 60.074219 279.058594 59.910156 278.621094 59.199219 C 277.636719 57.609375 276.535156 57.699219 275.039062 59.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 303.433594 59.398438 C 303.132812 60.1875 303.03125 62.050781 303.199219 63.648438 C 303.421875 65.75 304.027344 66.5 305.5 66.5 C 306.601562 66.5 307.636719 65.710938 307.800781 64.75 C 307.996094 63.613281 307.449219 63 306.25 63 C 305.140625 63 304.339844 62.199219 304.25 61 C 304.167969 59.898438 304.527344 59 305.050781 59 C 305.601562 59 306 59.648438 306 60.550781 C 306 61.449219 306.421875 61.847656 307 61.5 C 307.570312 61.15625 308 60.300781 308 59.5 C 308 57.601562 304.148438 57.515625 303.433594 59.398438 Z M 306.699219 65.601562 C 306.378906 65.921875 305.5 65.96875 304.800781 65.699219 C 303.980469 65.382812 304.199219 65.164062 305.398438 65.101562 C 306.398438 65.046875 307.015625 65.285156 306.699219 65.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 310 61.050781 C 310 62.648438 310.457031 64 311 64 C 311.550781 64 312 63.101562 312 62 C 312 60.898438 312.449219 60 313 60 C 314.914062 60 314 58.40625 312 58.253906 C 310.441406 58.132812 310 58.75 310 61.050781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 316.699219 58.601562 C 316.3125 58.988281 316 60.351562 316 61.648438 C 316 63.351562 316.609375 64 318.199219 64 C 320.300781 64 320.3125 63.933594 318.449219 62.550781 C 316.648438 61.210938 316.640625 61.097656 318.351562 61.050781 C 319.351562 61.023438 320.011719 60.449219 319.789062 59.800781 C 319.28125 58.300781 317.636719 57.664062 316.699219 58.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 322.335938 59.5 C 321.503906 61.699219 322.738281 63.992188 324.699219 63.890625 C 325.800781 63.835938 326.015625 63.605469 325.25 63.300781 C 324.550781 63.019531 324 61.851562 324 60.648438 C 324 58.949219 324.199219 58.804688 324.949219 59.949219 C 325.472656 60.75 326.167969 61.132812 326.5 60.800781 C 327.472656 59.828125 326.101562 58 324.398438 58 C 323.601562 58 322.636719 58.699219 322.335938 59.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 98 61 C 98 61.535156 98.949219 62 100.050781 62 C 101.148438 62 101.820312 61.535156 101.5 61 C 101.167969 60.449219 100.25 60 99.449219 60 C 98.648438 60 98 60.449219 98 61 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 288 61 C 288 61.53125 288.699219 62 289.5 62 C 290.300781 62 291 61.53125 291 61 C 291 60.46875 290.300781 60 289.5 60 C 288.699219 60 288 60.46875 288 61 "/> </g> </svg> Before proceeding to the proposed analysis, some background concepts on the theory of Feature inheritance is deemed convenient. ## Feature-Inheritance In the Minimalist Program (MP), Chomsky (2004) abandons the assumption that agreement is established in a Spec-head relation; rather, the process whereby agreement is obtained is the operation Agree. In particular, Agree establishes an agreement relation between two elements. The first element is the Probe, while the other one is the Goal, a process seen as a mutual valuation of features, in that the Probe enters the derivation with unvalued uninterpretable features but the Goal enters the derivation with these features valued (and vice versa). The existence of unvalued features in both makes them active, hence visible to the computational system. Once the agreement relation between the two is established, both the Probe and the Goal are rendered inactive, i.e. no longer accessible to further operations (Chomsky, 2001: 6). (12) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="418pt" height="286pt" viewBox="0 0 418 286" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 122.351562 3.699219 C 123.863281 4.109375 124.136719 5 123.851562 8.601562 C 123.652344 11.101562 123.933594 13 124.5 13 C 125.066406 13 125.347656 11.101562 125.148438 8.601562 C 124.863281 5 125.136719 4.109375 126.648438 3.699219 C 127.667969 3.425781 126.699219 3.199219 124.5 3.199219 C 122.300781 3.199219 121.332031 3.425781 122.351562 3.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 130.5 7.949219 C 130.5 11.148438 130.921875 13 131.648438 13 C 132.316406 13 132.589844 12.199219 132.300781 11.101562 C 131.941406 9.742188 132.398438 9.007812 133.898438 8.53125 C 136.96875 7.550781 136.300781 3.578125 133 3.191406 C 130.625 2.914062 130.5 3.148438 130.5 7.949219 Z M 134.5 6 C 134.5 6.699219 133.921875 7.507812 133.25 7.75 C 132.511719 8.015625 132 7.300781 132 6 C 132 4.699219 132.511719 3.984375 133.25 4.25 C 133.921875 4.492188 134.5 5.300781 134.5 6 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 101 32.6875 C 81.699219 47.171875 76.289062 51.484375 80 49.429688 C 80.820312 48.976562 90.5 41.839844 101.398438 33.648438 C 119.199219 20.277344 121.511719 18.832031 123.300781 19.949219 C 124.402344 20.636719 138.601562 32.300781 154.898438 45.902344 C 181.699219 68.269531 190.574219 75.375 186 70.800781 C 184.554688 69.351562 126 20.675781 123 18.425781 C 121.792969 17.519531 117.5 20.300781 101 32.6875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 63.351562 54.601562 C 62.910156 55.753906 63.550781 56.988281 65.351562 58.449219 C 66.851562 59.667969 68 60.902344 68 61.300781 C 68 62.539062 64.238281 62.101562 63.71875 60.800781 C 63.429688 60.078125 63.15625 60.300781 63.101562 61.300781 C 63.023438 62.714844 63.601562 63.03125 65.800781 62.785156 C 69.300781 62.390625 70.253906 58.550781 67.101562 57.558594 C 65.898438 57.183594 65 56.300781 65 55.5 C 65 53.699219 67.617188 53.542969 68.320312 55.300781 C 68.613281 56.03125 68.835938 55.800781 68.886719 54.699219 C 69 52.398438 64.222656 52.3125 63.351562 54.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 71 61.199219 C 71 63.800781 71.433594 66 71.949219 66 C 72.457031 66 72.644531 65.300781 72.351562 64.5 C 71.964844 63.449219 72.398438 63 73.800781 63 C 76.078125 63 77.34375 60.601562 76.496094 57.898438 C 76.105469 56.660156 75.050781 56.070312 73.449219 56.199219 C 71.203125 56.382812 71 56.800781 71 61.199219 Z M 75.445312 58.699219 C 76.28125 60.898438 74.410156 62.8125 72.898438 61.300781 C 71.683594 60.082031 72.398438 57 73.898438 57 C 74.375 57 75.105469 57.800781 75.445312 58.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 79.039062 57.398438 C 78.355469 58.226562 78.09375 59.800781 78.457031 60.898438 C 79.179688 63.101562 81.511719 63.605469 82.621094 61.800781 C 82.992188 61.199219 82.824219 60.996094 82.25 61.351562 C 81.691406 61.695312 80.640625 61.300781 80 60.5 C 79.019531 59.273438 79.199219 59 81 59 C 82.300781 59 83.03125 58.507812 82.792969 57.800781 C 82.144531 55.898438 80.429688 55.71875 79.039062 57.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 85.390625 57.5 C 84.496094 59.800781 85.449219 62.441406 87.300781 62.785156 C 88.199219 62.953125 89 62.605469 89 62.050781 C 89 61.460938 88.449219 61.109375 87.75 61.25 C 87.058594 61.386719 86.34375 60.449219 86.148438 59.148438 C 85.851562 57.148438 86.136719 56.902344 88.050781 57.5 C 89.550781 57.96875 90.070312 57.832031 89.609375 57.101562 C 88.640625 55.554688 86.050781 55.800781 85.390625 57.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 191.351562 78.699219 C 192.863281 79.109375 193.136719 80 192.851562 83.601562 C 192.652344 86.101562 192.933594 88 193.5 88 C 194.078125 88 194.351562 86.050781 194.148438 83.351562 C 193.847656 79.351562 194.023438 78.785156 195.398438 79.300781 C 196.300781 79.636719 197 79.484375 197 78.949219 C 197 78.417969 195.351562 78.042969 193.25 78.101562 C 191.148438 78.15625 190.3125 78.421875 191.351562 78.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 199.648438 79.5 C 199.941406 80.300781 200.386719 81 200.601562 81 C 200.8125 81 201 80.300781 201 79.5 C 201 78.699219 200.558594 78 200.050781 78 C 199.542969 78 199.355469 78.699219 199.648438 79.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 176 110.550781 C 162.699219 120.664062 153.546875 126.957031 152 127.050781 C 150.101562 127.164062 149.945312 127.320312 151.351562 127.699219 C 152.863281 128.109375 153.136719 129 152.851562 132.601562 C 152.652344 135.101562 152.933594 137 153.5 137 C 154.078125 137 154.351562 135.101562 154.148438 132.5 C 153.871094 128.898438 154.121094 128 155.398438 128 C 156.300781 128 157 127.605469 157 127.101562 C 157 125.601562 197.070312 95.824219 198.398438 96.339844 C 199.058594 96.589844 209.5 104.621094 221.5 114.105469 C 252.300781 138.441406 252.496094 138.59375 251.699219 137.300781 C 251.046875 136.234375 201.199219 96.386719 198.601562 94.851562 C 197.996094 94.492188 187.800781 101.578125 176 110.550781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 113.199219 135.472656 C 107.546875 137.234375 104.550781 140.101562 102.3125 145.898438 C 99.789062 152.425781 99.859375 180.101562 102.425781 191.5 C 106.769531 210.800781 111.011719 218.648438 118.699219 221.621094 C 125.566406 224.277344 149.101562 224.019531 165.199219 221.113281 C 171.601562 219.957031 177.714844 219.292969 178.699219 219.648438 C 180.101562 220.15625 180.246094 220.023438 179.351562 219.050781 C 178.449219 218.070312 175.398438 218.292969 165.300781 220.066406 C 151.898438 222.417969 129.144531 223.277344 121.800781 221.703125 C 113.855469 220.003906 108.449219 212.300781 104.960938 197.699219 C 102.425781 187.101562 102.433594 187 106 187 C 108.199219 187 108.972656 186.53125 108.898438 185.25 C 108.84375 184.25 108.578125 184.058594 108.28125 184.800781 C 107.578125 186.550781 104 186.300781 104 184.5 C 104 183.699219 104.46875 183 105 183 C 105.570312 183 106 182.550781 106 181.949219 C 106 181.351562 105.570312 181.15625 105 181.5 C 104.441406 181.835938 104 181.148438 104 179.949219 C 104 178.25 104.417969 177.90625 106 178.300781 C 107.101562 178.574219 108 178.417969 108 177.949219 C 108 177.480469 106.550781 176.964844 104.75 176.800781 L 101.5 176.5 L 101.5 163.5 C 101.5 146.800781 103.003906 142.21875 109.800781 138.246094 C 114.289062 135.621094 115.101562 135.5 128 135.5 C 136.398438 135.5 139.988281 135.234375 137.5 134.792969 C 131 133.644531 117.902344 134.011719 113.199219 135.472656 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 144.90625 145.300781 C 144.503906 152.199219 144.628906 154 145.5 154 C 146.042969 154 146.410156 151.898438 146.300781 149.398438 C 146.144531 145.800781 146.414062 144.921875 147.550781 145.351562 C 148.351562 145.652344 149 145.453125 149 144.898438 C 149 143.410156 144.992188 143.800781 144.90625 145.300781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 265.5 149 C 265.5 152.101562 265.9375 154 266.648438 154 C 267.28125 154 267.574219 153.101562 267.300781 152 C 266.976562 150.699219 267.324219 150 268.300781 150 C 269.101562 150 270.371094 149.300781 271.023438 148.5 C 272.628906 146.535156 270.699219 144 267.601562 144 C 265.753906 144 265.5 144.601562 265.5 149 Z M 269.5 147 C 269.5 147.699219 268.921875 148.507812 268.25 148.75 C 267.511719 149.015625 267 148.300781 267 147 C 267 145.699219 267.511719 144.984375 268.25 145.25 C 268.921875 145.492188 269.5 146.300781 269.5 147 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 161.699219 146.601562 C 161.105469 147.195312 162.300781 154 163 154 C 163.394531 154 163.503906 152.699219 163.25 151 C 162.921875 148.800781 163.214844 148 164.351562 148 C 165.308594 148 166.015625 149.050781 166.199219 150.75 C 166.46875 153.203125 166.949219 153.53125 170.648438 153.800781 C 174.449219 154.074219 174.753906 153.914062 174.25 151.898438 C 173.875 150.398438 174.257812 149.285156 175.449219 148.398438 C 177.117188 147.160156 177.101562 147.105469 175.101562 147.25 C 173.523438 147.363281 173 148.101562 173 150.199219 C 173 151.699219 172.535156 153 172 153 C 171.433594 153 171 151.699219 171 150 C 171 148.300781 170.652344 147 170.199219 147 C 169.746094 147 169.421875 148.148438 169.449219 149.648438 C 169.476562 151.148438 168.957031 152.496094 168.25 152.75 C 167.417969 153.050781 167 152.199219 167 150.199219 C 167 147.800781 166.5 147.109375 164.5 146.75 C 163.101562 146.496094 161.867188 146.433594 161.699219 146.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 132.648438 147.648438 C 132.289062 148.007812 132 149.601562 132 151.199219 C 132 153.601562 132.378906 154.046875 134.199219 153.800781 C 135.714844 153.59375 136.601562 152.550781 137.050781 150.449219 C 137.605469 147.851562 137.375 147.371094 135.5 147.199219 C 134.300781 147.089844 133.003906 147.296875 132.648438 147.648438 Z M 135.527344 150.101562 C 135.910156 151.300781 135.941406 152.449219 135.601562 152.78125 C 134.851562 153.507812 133.035156 151 133.011719 149.199219 C 132.980469 147.152344 134.789062 147.800781 135.527344 150.101562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 149.699219 147.621094 C 149.320312 147.988281 149 149.398438 149 150.699219 C 149 153.300781 151.570312 154.828125 153.199219 153.199219 C 153.886719 152.515625 153.648438 152.246094 152.449219 152.351562 C 151.449219 152.4375 150.507812 151.964844 150.25 151.25 C 149.984375 150.511719 150.699219 150 152 150 C 153.300781 150 154.035156 149.507812 153.800781 148.800781 C 153.300781 147.300781 150.777344 146.574219 149.699219 147.621094 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 155.511719 148 C 155.15625 148.578125 155.550781 148.746094 156.449219 148.398438 C 157.351562 148.050781 158 148.21875 158 148.800781 C 158 149.332031 157.300781 150.066406 156.5 150.371094 C 153.902344 151.363281 154.699219 154 157.601562 154 C 159.601562 154 160.0625 153.632812 159.601562 152.398438 C 159.285156 151.558594 159 149.898438 159 148.898438 C 159 146.898438 156.570312 146.273438 155.511719 148 Z M 158 152 C 158 152.601562 157.601562 153 157 153 C 156.398438 153 156 152.601562 156 152 C 156 151.398438 156.398438 151 157 151 C 157.601562 151 158 151.398438 158 152 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 178.699219 147.621094 C 178.320312 147.988281 178 149.398438 178 150.699219 C 178 153.300781 180.570312 154.828125 182.199219 153.199219 C 182.886719 152.515625 182.648438 152.246094 181.449219 152.351562 C 180.449219 152.4375 179.507812 151.964844 179.25 151.25 C 178.984375 150.511719 179.699219 150 181 150 C 182.300781 150 183.035156 149.507812 182.800781 148.800781 C 182.300781 147.300781 179.777344 146.574219 178.699219 147.621094 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 184.480469 148 C 184.089844 148.628906 184.59375 150 185.648438 151.199219 C 187.324219 153.101562 187.332031 153.242188 185.75 152.699219 C 184.75 152.355469 184 152.507812 184 153.050781 C 184 153.574219 184.898438 154 186 154 C 188.480469 154 188.589844 152.300781 186.277344 149.699219 C 184.589844 147.800781 184.589844 147.730469 186.25 148.300781 C 187.25 148.644531 188 148.472656 188 147.898438 C 188 146.621094 185.28125 146.699219 184.480469 148 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 259.757812 151 C 260.1875 154 260.261719 154.046875 262.101562 152.398438 C 263.101562 151.503906 263.976562 149.941406 263.949219 149.101562 C 263.921875 148.140625 263.480469 148.5 262.851562 150 L 261.800781 152.5 L 260.910156 150.199219 C 259.703125 147.078125 259.242188 147.398438 259.757812 151 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 139.75 150.699219 C 140.449219 150.980469 141.550781 150.980469 142.25 150.699219 C 142.949219 150.421875 142.398438 150.199219 141 150.199219 C 139.601562 150.199219 139.050781 150.421875 139.75 150.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 150.5 165 C 150.5 170 150.5 170 153.75 170 C 155.550781 170 157 169.621094 157 169.148438 C 157 168.699219 155.851562 168.511719 154.550781 168.75 C 152.273438 169.167969 152.105469 168.898438 152.148438 165 C 152.195312 161.101562 152.371094 160.832031 154.601562 161.25 C 155.898438 161.492188 157 161.3125 157 160.851562 C 157 160.378906 155.550781 160 153.75 160 C 150.5 160 150.5 160 150.5 165 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 159.5 164.949219 C 159.5 168.148438 159.921875 170 160.648438 170 C 161.316406 170 161.589844 169.199219 161.300781 168.101562 C 160.941406 166.742188 161.398438 166.007812 162.898438 165.53125 C 165.96875 164.550781 165.300781 160.578125 162 160.191406 C 159.625 159.914062 159.5 160.148438 159.5 164.949219 Z M 163.5 163 C 163.5 163.699219 162.921875 164.507812 162.25 164.75 C 161.511719 165.015625 161 164.300781 161 163 C 161 161.699219 161.511719 160.984375 162.25 161.25 C 162.921875 161.492188 163.5 162.300781 163.5 163 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 167.5 164.949219 C 167.5 168.148438 167.921875 170 168.648438 170 C 169.316406 170 169.589844 169.199219 169.300781 168.101562 C 168.941406 166.742188 169.398438 166.007812 170.898438 165.53125 C 173.96875 164.550781 173.300781 160.578125 170 160.191406 C 167.625 159.914062 167.5 160.148438 167.5 164.949219 Z M 171.5 163 C 171.5 163.699219 170.921875 164.507812 170.25 164.75 C 169.511719 165.015625 169 164.300781 169 163 C 169 161.699219 169.511719 160.984375 170.25 161.25 C 170.921875 161.492188 171.5 162.300781 171.5 163 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 236.300781 181.804688 C 212.898438 201.03125 206.84375 206.226562 209.699219 204.617188 C 210.308594 204.277344 222.351562 194.582031 236.550781 183 C 259.050781 164.648438 262.503906 162.171875 263.898438 163.359375 C 283.5 180.035156 327.21875 216.082031 327.5 215.800781 C 327.9375 215.359375 263.800781 161.699219 262.398438 161.335938 C 261.902344 161.203125 250.199219 170.382812 236.300781 181.804688 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 154.5 165 C 154.859375 165.601562 155.28125 166 155.550781 166 C 155.820312 166 156 165.601562 156 165 C 156 164.429688 155.550781 164 154.949219 164 C 154.351562 164 154.15625 164.429688 154.5 165 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 9 177.398438 C 9 177.617188 10.085938 179.699219 11.398438 182 C 13.628906 185.898438 13.878906 186.050781 14.925781 184.101562 C 16.214844 181.699219 16.421875 179.832031 15.183594 181.800781 C 14.527344 182.839844 14.015625 182.398438 13.199219 180.101562 C 12.597656 178.398438 11.398438 177 10.550781 177 C 9.648438 177 9 177.167969 9 177.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 16.648438 178.5 C 16.355469 179.300781 16.613281 180 17.199219 180 C 17.890625 180 18.078125 181.300781 17.699219 183.5 C 17.21875 186.300781 17.441406 187 18.800781 187 C 20.160156 187 20.5 186 20.5 182 C 20.5 178 20.167969 177 18.851562 177 C 17.949219 177 16.949219 177.683594 16.648438 178.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 24.300781 182.101562 C 23.089844 184.800781 22.480469 187 22.949219 187 C 23.425781 187 24.0625 185.898438 24.398438 184.5 C 24.734375 183.101562 25.441406 182 26 182 C 26.558594 182 27.265625 183.101562 27.601562 184.5 C 27.9375 185.898438 28.816406 187 29.601562 187 C 31.4375 187 31.328125 186.300781 28.726562 181.398438 L 26.5 177.199219 L 24.300781 182.101562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 34.351562 177.699219 C 35.863281 178.109375 36.136719 179 35.851562 182.601562 C 35.578125 186 35.839844 187 37 187 C 38.167969 187 38.421875 186 38.148438 182.5 C 37.816406 178.300781 39.121094 176.28125 40.28125 179.199219 C 40.578125 179.941406 40.84375 179.75 40.898438 178.75 C 40.980469 177.308594 40.25 177.019531 36.75 177.101562 C 34.449219 177.152344 33.347656 177.429688 34.351562 177.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 43.523438 179.300781 C 41.5625 182.101562 41.578125 183.46875 43.601562 185.464844 C 45.199219 187.039062 49.582031 187.515625 50.402344 186.199219 C 50.679688 185.753906 49.699219 185.421875 48.199219 185.449219 C 45.808594 185.492188 45.5 185.101562 45.5 182 C 45.5 179.398438 45.988281 178.410156 47.398438 178.148438 C 48.398438 177.964844 49.703125 178.4375 50.148438 179.148438 C 50.800781 180.183594 51.003906 180.101562 51.015625 178.800781 C 51.035156 176.128906 45.488281 176.5 43.523438 179.300781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 53.5 182 C 53.5 185.800781 53.859375 187 55 187 C 56.140625 187 56.5 185.800781 56.5 182 C 56.5 178.199219 56.140625 177 55 177 C 53.859375 177 53.5 178.199219 53.5 182 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 58.5 182 C 58.5 185.800781 58.859375 187 60 187 C 61.140625 187 61.5 185.800781 61.5 182 C 61.5 178.199219 61.140625 177 60 177 C 58.859375 177 58.5 178.199219 58.5 182 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 71.648438 180.601562 C 70.675781 182.601562 70.144531 184.445312 70.449219 184.75 C 70.753906 185.054688 71.378906 184.25 71.851562 182.949219 L 72.699219 180.601562 L 73.449219 183.050781 C 73.847656 184.351562 74.152344 185.851562 74.101562 186.25 C 74.042969 186.671875 74.851562 187 75.949219 187 C 77.878906 187 77.878906 186.949219 75.800781 182.25 C 74.652344 179.648438 73.632812 177.386719 73.550781 177.25 C 73.46875 177.109375 72.621094 178.601562 71.648438 180.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 80.636719 178.898438 C 79.726562 179.898438 79 181.410156 79 182.300781 C 79 186.601562 87.234375 188.996094 88.277344 185 C 88.617188 183.699219 88.308594 183 87.398438 183 C 86.585938 183 86 183.648438 86 184.550781 C 86 185.460938 85.300781 185.964844 84.300781 185.777344 C 81.714844 185.28125 81.800781 178.667969 84.398438 178.164062 C 85.398438 177.972656 86.703125 178.4375 87.148438 179.148438 C 87.800781 180.183594 88.003906 180.101562 88.015625 178.800781 C 88.042969 176.429688 82.820312 176.5 80.636719 178.898438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 91.5 182 C 91.5 186 91.832031 187 93.148438 187 C 94.324219 187 94.667969 186.351562 94.351562 184.75 L 93.898438 182.5 L 95.550781 184.75 C 96.429688 185.949219 97.875 187 98.648438 187 C 99.902344 187 99.894531 186.699219 98.601562 184.800781 C 97.507812 183.199219 97.390625 182.246094 98.167969 181.300781 C 99.703125 179.433594 97.398438 177 94.101562 177 C 91.65625 177 91.5 177.300781 91.5 182 Z M 96.5 180 C 96.5 180.699219 95.921875 181.507812 95.25 181.75 C 94.511719 182.015625 94 181.300781 94 180 C 94 178.699219 94.511719 177.984375 95.25 178.25 C 95.921875 178.492188 96.5 179.300781 96.5 180 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 111.5 182 C 111.5 186.898438 111.5625 187 114.648438 187 C 116.75 187 118.015625 186.417969 118.449219 185.25 C 118.96875 183.851562 118.839844 183.761719 117.800781 184.800781 C 116.132812 186.46875 114 186.300781 114 184.5 C 114 183.699219 114.46875 183 115 183 C 115.570312 183 116 182.550781 116 181.949219 C 116 181.351562 115.570312 181.15625 115 181.5 C 114.441406 181.835938 114 181.148438 114 179.949219 C 114 178.25 114.417969 177.90625 116 178.300781 C 117.101562 178.574219 118 178.394531 118 177.898438 C 118 177.402344 116.550781 177 114.75 177 C 111.5 177 111.5 177 111.5 182 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 150.570312 178.601562 C 148.789062 180.398438 148.636719 182.398438 150.066406 185.101562 C 151.074219 187 155.4375 187.757812 156.402344 186.199219 C 156.679688 185.753906 155.699219 185.421875 154.199219 185.449219 C 151.808594 185.492188 151.5 185.101562 151.5 182 C 151.5 178.800781 151.734375 178.503906 154.25 178.550781 C 155.75 178.578125 157 178.234375 157 177.800781 C 157 176.398438 152.152344 177 150.570312 178.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 159.511719 181 C 159.15625 181.578125 159.550781 181.746094 160.449219 181.398438 C 161.351562 181.050781 162 181.21875 162 181.800781 C 162 182.332031 161.300781 183.066406 160.5 183.371094 C 157.902344 184.363281 158.699219 187 161.601562 187 C 163.601562 187 164.0625 186.632812 163.601562 185.398438 C 163.285156 184.558594 163 182.898438 163 181.898438 C 163 179.898438 160.570312 179.273438 159.511719 181 Z M 162 185 C 162 185.601562 161.601562 186 161 186 C 160.398438 186 160 185.601562 160 185 C 160 184.398438 160.398438 184 161 184 C 161.601562 184 162 184.398438 162 185 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 166 181.898438 C 166 182.898438 166.828125 184.132812 167.75 184.5 C 169.324219 185.128906 169.300781 185.285156 167.5 186.050781 C 165.898438 186.730469 165.839844 186.914062 167.199219 186.960938 C 169.800781 187.058594 170.519531 184.859375 168.398438 183.296875 C 166.800781 182.121094 166.738281 181.75 168 180.949219 C 169.285156 180.136719 169.25 180 167.75 180 C 166.738281 180 166 180.800781 166 181.898438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 172.039062 181.398438 C 171.359375 182.226562 171.097656 183.800781 171.457031 184.898438 C 172.179688 187.101562 174.511719 187.605469 175.621094 185.800781 C 175.992188 185.199219 175.824219 184.996094 175.25 185.351562 C 174.691406 185.695312 173.640625 185.300781 173 184.5 C 172.019531 183.273438 172.199219 183 174 183 C 175.300781 183 176.03125 182.507812 175.789062 181.800781 C 175.144531 179.898438 173.429688 179.71875 172.039062 181.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 64.75 183.699219 C 65.449219 183.980469 66.550781 183.980469 67.25 183.699219 C 67.949219 183.421875 67.398438 183.199219 66 183.199219 C 64.601562 183.199219 64.050781 183.421875 64.75 183.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 186.351562 226.601562 C 185.910156 227.753906 186.550781 228.988281 188.351562 230.449219 C 189.851562 231.667969 191 232.902344 191 233.300781 C 191 234.527344 187.199219 234 186.679688 232.699219 C 186.414062 232.03125 186.15625 232.300781 186.101562 233.300781 C 186.019531 234.714844 186.601562 235.03125 188.800781 234.785156 C 192.300781 234.390625 193.253906 230.550781 190.101562 229.558594 C 188.898438 229.183594 188 228.300781 188 227.5 C 188 225.699219 190.617188 225.542969 191.320312 227.300781 C 191.613281 228.03125 191.835938 227.800781 191.886719 226.699219 C 192 224.398438 187.226562 224.3125 186.351562 226.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 194.949219 229.75 C 195.414062 233.75 195.871094 234.554688 197.851562 234.851562 C 199.148438 235.042969 200.648438 234.753906 201.199219 234.199219 C 201.828125 233.574219 201.25 233.386719 199.648438 233.699219 C 197.589844 234.105469 196.976562 233.699219 196.449219 231.601562 C 196.101562 230.199219 196.03125 228.078125 196.300781 227 C 196.601562 225.800781 196.320312 225 195.601562 225 C 194.765625 225 194.566406 226.449219 194.949219 229.75 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 205.5 230 C 205.5 235.101562 205.5 235.101562 208.5 234.800781 C 211.367188 234.511719 211.5 234.300781 211.5 230 C 211.5 225.699219 211.367188 225.488281 208.5 225.199219 C 205.5 224.898438 205.5 224.898438 205.5 230 Z M 210.65625 227.199219 C 211.074219 227.871094 210.851562 228.578125 210.148438 228.800781 C 209.257812 229.085938 209.234375 229.601562 210.066406 230.601562 C 211.390625 232.1875 210.5 234 208.398438 234 C 207.421875 234 207 232.800781 207 230 C 207 226 208.976562 224.488281 210.65625 227.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 215.851562 229.648438 C 216.089844 232.851562 215.855469 234.082031 215.101562 233.601562 C 214.5 233.21875 214 233.398438 214 234 C 214 234.582031 214.800781 234.949219 215.699219 234.777344 C 218.101562 234.320312 219.433594 225 217.101562 225 C 215.828125 225 215.570312 225.949219 215.851562 229.648438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 220.5 230 C 220.5 235 220.5 235 223.75 235 C 225.550781 235 227 234.621094 227 234.148438 C 227 233.699219 225.851562 233.511719 224.550781 233.75 C 222.273438 234.167969 222.105469 233.898438 222.148438 230 C 222.195312 226.101562 222.371094 225.832031 224.601562 226.25 C 225.898438 226.492188 227 226.308594 227 225.851562 C 227 225.378906 225.550781 225 223.75 225 C 220.5 225 220.5 225 220.5 230 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 230.199219 226.199219 C 227.144531 229.257812 229.800781 235.6875 233.699219 234.667969 C 235.171875 234.285156 235.101562 234.183594 233.300781 234.105469 C 230.828125 233.996094 229.507812 231.101562 230.511719 228 C 231.222656 225.800781 234.035156 225.433594 235.898438 227.300781 C 236.832031 228.234375 236.949219 228.101562 236.429688 226.699219 C 235.683594 224.699219 231.996094 224.402344 230.199219 226.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 240.351562 225.699219 C 241.863281 226.109375 242.136719 227 241.851562 230.601562 C 241.652344 233.101562 241.933594 235 242.5 235 C 243.082031 235 243.351562 233.050781 243.148438 230.351562 C 242.847656 226.351562 243.023438 225.785156 244.398438 226.300781 C 245.300781 226.636719 246 226.484375 246 225.949219 C 246 225.417969 244.351562 225.042969 242.25 225.101562 C 240.148438 225.15625 239.3125 225.417969 240.351562 225.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 224.5 230 C 224.859375 230.601562 225.28125 231 225.550781 231 C 225.820312 231 226 230.601562 226 230 C 226 229.429688 225.550781 229 224.949219 229 C 224.351562 229 224.15625 229.429688 224.5 230 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 202.90625 243.300781 C 202.503906 250.199219 202.628906 252 203.5 252 C 204.042969 252 204.410156 249.898438 204.300781 247.398438 C 204.144531 243.800781 204.414062 242.917969 205.550781 243.351562 C 206.351562 243.652344 207 243.453125 207 242.898438 C 207 241.410156 202.992188 241.800781 202.90625 243.300781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 219.699219 244.601562 C 219.105469 245.195312 220.300781 252 221 252 C 221.398438 252 221.503906 250.699219 221.25 249 C 220.921875 246.800781 221.214844 246 222.351562 246 C 223.308594 246 224.015625 247.050781 224.199219 248.75 C 224.46875 251.203125 224.949219 251.53125 228.648438 251.800781 C 232.449219 252.074219 232.753906 251.914062 232.25 249.898438 C 231.875 248.398438 232.257812 247.285156 233.449219 246.398438 C 235.117188 245.160156 235.101562 245.105469 233.101562 245.25 C 231.523438 245.363281 231 246.101562 231 248.199219 C 231 249.699219 230.535156 251 230 251 C 229.433594 251 229 249.699219 229 248 C 229 246.300781 228.652344 245 228.199219 245 C 227.746094 245 227.421875 246.148438 227.449219 247.648438 C 227.480469 249.148438 226.957031 250.496094 226.25 250.75 C 225.417969 251.050781 225 250.199219 225 248.199219 C 225 245.800781 224.5 245.109375 222.5 244.75 C 221.101562 244.496094 219.867188 244.433594 219.699219 244.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 190.648438 245.648438 C 190.289062 246.007812 190 247.601562 190 249.199219 C 190 251.601562 190.378906 252.046875 192.199219 251.800781 C 193.714844 251.59375 194.601562 250.550781 195.050781 248.449219 C 195.605469 245.851562 195.375 245.371094 193.5 245.199219 C 192.300781 245.089844 191.003906 245.296875 190.648438 245.648438 Z M 193.527344 248.101562 C 193.910156 249.300781 193.941406 250.449219 193.601562 250.78125 C 192.851562 251.507812 191.035156 249 191.011719 247.199219 C 190.980469 245.152344 192.789062 245.800781 193.527344 248.101562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 207.699219 245.621094 C 207.320312 245.988281 207 247.398438 207 248.699219 C 207 251.300781 209.570312 252.828125 211.199219 251.199219 C 211.886719 250.515625 211.648438 250.246094 210.449219 250.351562 C 209.449219 250.433594 208.507812 249.964844 208.25 249.25 C 207.984375 248.511719 208.699219 248 210 248 C 211.300781 248 212.035156 247.507812 211.800781 246.800781 C 211.300781 245.300781 208.777344 244.574219 207.699219 245.621094 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 213.511719 246 C 213.15625 246.582031 213.550781 246.75 214.449219 246.398438 C 215.351562 246.050781 216 246.21875 216 246.800781 C 216 247.332031 215.300781 248.066406 214.5 248.371094 C 211.902344 249.363281 212.699219 252 215.601562 252 C 217.601562 252 218.0625 251.632812 217.601562 250.398438 C 217.285156 249.558594 217 247.898438 217 246.898438 C 217 244.898438 214.570312 244.273438 213.511719 246 Z M 216 250 C 216 250.601562 215.601562 251 215 251 C 214.398438 251 214 250.601562 214 250 C 214 249.398438 214.398438 249 215 249 C 215.601562 249 216 249.398438 216 250 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 236.699219 245.621094 C 236.320312 245.988281 236 247.398438 236 248.699219 C 236 251.300781 238.570312 252.828125 240.199219 251.199219 C 240.886719 250.515625 240.648438 250.246094 239.449219 250.351562 C 238.449219 250.433594 237.507812 249.964844 237.25 249.25 C 236.984375 248.511719 237.699219 248 239 248 C 240.300781 248 241.035156 247.507812 240.800781 246.800781 C 240.300781 245.300781 237.777344 244.574219 236.699219 245.621094 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 242.480469 246 C 242.089844 246.628906 242.59375 248 243.648438 249.199219 C 245.324219 251.101562 245.332031 251.242188 243.75 250.699219 C 242.75 250.355469 242 250.507812 242 251.050781 C 242 251.574219 242.898438 252 244 252 C 246.480469 252 246.589844 250.300781 244.277344 247.699219 C 242.589844 245.800781 242.589844 245.730469 244.25 246.300781 C 245.25 246.644531 246 246.472656 246 245.898438 C 246 244.621094 243.28125 244.699219 242.480469 246 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 338.800781 247.75 C 339.3125 248.75 339.894531 250.078125 340.148438 250.851562 C 340.5 251.898438 340.921875 251.800781 342.050781 250.398438 C 342.855469 249.398438 342.96875 248.910156 342.300781 249.300781 C 341.578125 249.71875 340.859375 249.199219 340.5 248 C 340.171875 246.898438 339.449219 246 338.898438 246 C 338.269531 246 338.234375 246.648438 338.800781 247.75 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 197.75 248.699219 C 198.449219 248.980469 199.550781 248.980469 200.25 248.699219 C 200.949219 248.417969 200.398438 248.199219 199 248.199219 C 197.601562 248.199219 197.050781 248.417969 197.75 248.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 205.570312 259.601562 C 203.789062 261.398438 203.636719 263.398438 205.066406 266.101562 C 206.074219 268 210.4375 268.757812 211.402344 267.199219 C 211.679688 266.753906 210.699219 266.421875 209.199219 266.449219 C 206.808594 266.492188 206.5 266.101562 206.5 263 C 206.5 259.800781 206.734375 259.503906 209.25 259.550781 C 210.75 259.578125 212 259.234375 212 258.800781 C 212 257.398438 207.152344 258 205.570312 259.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 214.511719 262 C 214.15625 262.582031 214.550781 262.75 215.449219 262.398438 C 216.351562 262.050781 217 262.21875 217 262.800781 C 217 263.332031 216.300781 264.066406 215.5 264.371094 C 212.902344 265.363281 213.699219 268 216.601562 268 C 218.601562 268 219.0625 267.632812 218.601562 266.398438 C 218.285156 265.558594 218 263.898438 218 262.898438 C 218 260.898438 215.570312 260.273438 214.511719 262 Z M 217 266 C 217 266.601562 216.601562 267 216 267 C 215.398438 267 215 266.601562 215 266 C 215 265.398438 215.398438 265 216 265 C 216.601562 265 217 265.398438 217 266 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 220.375 262.199219 C 220.011719 262.796875 220.800781 264.195312 222.101562 265.25 L 224.5 267.199219 L 222.25 266.699219 C 221.050781 266.433594 220 266.621094 220 267.101562 C 220 268.445312 223.757812 268.199219 224.621094 266.800781 C 224.988281 266.203125 224.199219 264.804688 222.898438 263.75 C 221.300781 262.449219 221.082031 261.984375 222.25 262.351562 C 223.25 262.664062 224 262.472656 224 261.898438 C 224 260.570312 221.234375 260.800781 220.375 262.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 226.699219 261.621094 C 226.320312 261.988281 226 263.398438 226 264.699219 C 226 267.300781 228.570312 268.828125 230.199219 267.199219 C 230.886719 266.515625 230.648438 266.246094 229.449219 266.351562 C 228.449219 266.433594 227.507812 265.964844 227.25 265.25 C 226.984375 264.511719 227.699219 264 229 264 C 230.300781 264 231.035156 263.507812 230.800781 262.800781 C 230.300781 261.300781 227.777344 260.574219 226.699219 261.621094 "/> </g> </svg> The possible Probes are for instance C, T and little *v*, whereas the Goal is any DP with matching features in the c-commanding domain of the Probe. As shown in the tree diagram in (12), T enters the derivation with uninterpretable (unvalued) ø-features. As a probe, T locates a local suitable goal with active matching features in its search domain. T will locate the closest active DP. As demonstrated in (12), the DP located in the specifier of *v*P qualifies as such a candidate as it has an unvalued case feature. The DP then values the unvalued ø-features of T, which in turn values the unvalued case feature on the nominal expression. It is customary that DPs move to \[Spec, T\] to check the strong EPP feature (Chomsky, 1995), a feature requiring that a DP must occupy the \[Spec, T\]. In the MP, this process is seen as a by-product of Agree. Of interest to the present purposes is Chomsky’s (2004, 2005) assumption that the formal features associated with T are inherited from the phase head C (complementizer). Two syntactic corollaries arise herein. First, T is a probe only when it is selected by C. In view of this fact, raising and ECM (Exceptional Case Marking) are given a straightforward analysis, i.e. each construction lacks C (Richards, 2007). Second, operations such as subject-verb agreement and subject movement now arise via the mechanism of Feature Inheritance. In a finite declarative sentence, this is visualized in (13) below: (13) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="322pt" height="98pt" viewBox="0 0 322 98" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 14.199219 23.199219 C 11.144531 26.257812 13.800781 32.6875 17.699219 31.667969 C 19.171875 31.285156 19.101562 31.183594 17.300781 31.105469 C 14.832031 30.996094 13.507812 28.101562 14.511719 25 C 15.222656 22.800781 18.035156 22.433594 19.898438 24.300781 C 20.832031 25.234375 20.949219 25.101562 20.429688 23.699219 C 19.683594 21.699219 15.996094 21.402344 14.199219 23.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 136.351562 22.699219 C 137.863281 23.109375 138.136719 24 137.851562 27.601562 C 137.652344 30.101562 137.933594 32 138.5 32 C 139.078125 32 139.351562 30.050781 139.148438 27.351562 C 138.847656 23.351562 139.023438 22.785156 140.398438 23.300781 C 141.300781 23.636719 142 23.484375 142 22.949219 C 142 22.417969 140.351562 22.042969 138.25 22.101562 C 136.148438 22.15625 135.3125 22.417969 136.351562 22.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 220.347656 23.601562 C 219.925781 24.710938 220.601562 26.03125 222.300781 27.414062 C 225.601562 30.09375 225.679688 31.40625 222.5 30.785156 C 221.101562 30.515625 220 30.671875 220 31.148438 C 220 31.625 221.101562 32 222.5 32 C 226.300781 32 226.929688 29.167969 223.699219 26.601562 C 220.5 24.0625 220.1875 22.578125 223 23.292969 C 224.101562 23.570312 225 23.394531 225 22.898438 C 225 21.296875 220.996094 21.898438 220.347656 23.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 228.949219 26.75 C 229.472656 31.25 229.65625 31.5 232.5 31.5 C 235.34375 31.5 235.527344 31.25 236.050781 26.75 C 236.398438 23.75 236.214844 22 235.550781 22 C 234.910156 22 234.636719 23.800781 234.851562 26.601562 C 235.175781 30.898438 235.046875 31.175781 232.851562 30.851562 C 230.804688 30.546875 230.5 29.949219 230.5 26.25 C 230.5 23.949219 230.019531 22 229.449219 22 C 228.785156 22 228.601562 23.75 228.949219 26.75 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 238.5 27.050781 L 238.5 32.101562 L 242 31.800781 C 245.324219 31.515625 245.507812 31.300781 245.625 27.5 C 245.765625 23.101562 244.839844 22 241 22 C 238.671875 22 238.5 22.351562 238.5 27.050781 Z M 243.601562 25.449219 C 243.28125 26.75 243.46875 28.191406 244 28.519531 C 245.425781 29.402344 244.199219 31 242.101562 31 C 240.660156 31 240.300781 30.199219 240.300781 27 C 240.300781 23.699219 240.640625 23 242.25 23 C 243.84375 23 244.089844 23.449219 243.601562 25.449219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 249.851562 26.648438 C 250.089844 29.851562 249.855469 31.082031 249.101562 30.601562 C 248.527344 30.234375 248 30.449219 248 31.050781 C 248 31.71875 248.5 32.035156 249.199219 31.800781 C 250.800781 31.269531 252.125 22 250.601562 22 C 249.9375 22 249.640625 23.851562 249.851562 26.648438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 254.5 27 C 254.5 32 254.5 32 257.75 32 C 259.550781 32 261 31.621094 261 31.148438 C 261 30.699219 259.851562 30.511719 258.550781 30.75 C 256.25 31.171875 256.101562 30.949219 256.148438 27.148438 C 256.191406 23.851562 256.597656 23.027344 258.351562 22.699219 C 259.925781 22.40625 259.699219 22.261719 257.5 22.148438 C 254.558594 22.003906 254.5 22.101562 254.5 27 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 263.570312 23.601562 C 261.789062 25.398438 261.636719 27.398438 263.066406 30.101562 C 264.074219 32 268.4375 32.757812 269.402344 31.199219 C 269.679688 30.753906 268.699219 30.421875 267.199219 30.449219 C 264.808594 30.492188 264.5 30.101562 264.5 27 C 264.5 23.800781 264.734375 23.503906 267.25 23.550781 C 268.75 23.578125 270 23.234375 270 22.800781 C 270 21.398438 265.152344 22 263.570312 23.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 273.351562 22.699219 C 274.863281 23.109375 275.136719 24 274.851562 27.601562 C 274.652344 30.101562 274.933594 32 275.5 32 C 276.066406 32 276.347656 30.101562 276.148438 27.601562 C 275.863281 24 276.136719 23.109375 277.648438 22.699219 C 278.667969 22.425781 277.699219 22.199219 275.5 22.199219 C 273.300781 22.199219 272.332031 22.425781 273.351562 22.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 258.5 27 C 258.859375 27.601562 259.28125 28 259.550781 28 C 259.820312 28 260 27.601562 260 27 C 260 26.429688 259.550781 26 258.949219 26 C 258.351562 26 258.15625 26.429688 258.5 27 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 17.199219 46.75 L 17 58 L 127 58 L 127 50.5 C 127 44.5 127.300781 43 128.5 43 C 129.300781 43 130 42.765625 130 42.5 C 130 41.601562 126.984375 36 126.5 36 C 126.015625 36 123 41.601562 123 42.5 C 123 42.765625 123.699219 43 124.5 43 C 125.699219 43 126 44.398438 126 50 L 126 57 L 18.101562 57 L 17.398438 35.5 L 17.199219 46.75 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 137.199219 46.75 L 137 58 L 247 58 L 247 50.5 C 247 44.5 247.300781 43 248.5 43 C 249.300781 43 250 42.765625 250 42.5 C 250 41.601562 246.984375 36 246.5 36 C 246.015625 36 243 41.601562 243 42.5 C 243 42.765625 243.699219 43 244.5 43 C 245.699219 43 246 44.398438 246 50 L 246 57 L 138.101562 57 L 137.398438 35.5 L 137.199219 46.75 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 36.351562 72.699219 C 37.863281 73.109375 38.136719 74 37.851562 77.601562 C 37.578125 81 37.839844 82 39 82 C 40.167969 82 40.421875 81 40.148438 77.5 C 39.816406 73.300781 41.121094 71.28125 42.28125 74.199219 C 42.578125 74.941406 42.84375 74.75 42.898438 73.75 C 42.980469 72.308594 42.25 72.019531 38.75 72.101562 C 36.449219 72.15625 35.347656 72.429688 36.351562 72.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 44.5 76.949219 C 44.5 80.949219 44.84375 82 46.148438 82 C 47.304688 82 47.648438 81.398438 47.300781 80 C 47.023438 78.898438 47.183594 78 47.648438 78 C 48.117188 78 49.0625 78.898438 49.75 80 C 50.582031 81.332031 52.050781 82 54.148438 82 C 55.851562 82 57 81.699219 56.648438 81.351562 C 56.3125 81.011719 56.53125 80.050781 57.101562 79.351562 C 57.671875 78.648438 57.839844 78 57.449219 78 C 57.03125 78 56.113281 78.800781 55.382812 79.800781 C 53.605469 82.222656 51.5 80 51.5 75.699219 C 51.5 72.773438 51.199219 72.472656 48 72.199219 L 44.5 71.898438 Z M 50 75 C 50 76.101562 49.324219 77 48.5 77 C 47.675781 77 47 76.101562 47 75 C 47 73.898438 47.675781 73 48.5 73 C 49.324219 73 50 73.898438 50 75 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 65.945312 73.699219 C 66.511719 74.667969 68.34375 77.050781 69.898438 78.851562 L 72.800781 82.199219 L 73.148438 77.101562 C 73.375 73.800781 73.113281 72 72.398438 72 C 71.761719 72 71.46875 73.148438 71.699219 74.75 L 72.101562 77.5 L 69.917969 74.699219 C 67.5 71.601562 64.226562 70.777344 65.945312 73.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 76.601562 72.699219 C 75.242188 74.058594 76.101562 76.523438 78.699219 78.726562 L 81.5 81.101562 L 78.75 80.699219 C 77.25 80.480469 76 80.710938 76 81.199219 C 76 81.699219 77.199219 81.964844 78.699219 81.792969 C 82.5 81.359375 82.984375 77.878906 79.5 76.027344 C 78.101562 75.285156 77 74.347656 77 73.898438 C 77 72.609375 79.398438 72.800781 80.800781 74.199219 C 81.71875 75.117188 82 75 82 73.699219 C 82 72 78.035156 71.265625 76.601562 72.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 84.5 77 C 84.5 81 84.832031 82 86.148438 82 C 87.304688 82 87.648438 81.398438 87.300781 80 C 87.023438 78.898438 87.292969 78 87.898438 78 C 88.5 78 89 77.523438 89 76.949219 C 89 76.351562 88.570312 76.15625 88 76.5 C 87.441406 76.835938 87 76.148438 87 74.949219 C 87 73.25 87.417969 72.90625 89 73.300781 C 90.101562 73.574219 91 73.394531 91 72.898438 C 91 72.402344 89.550781 72 87.75 72 C 84.5 72 84.5 72 84.5 77 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 93.5 77 C 93.5 81.898438 93.5625 82 96.648438 82 C 98.75 82 100.015625 81.417969 100.449219 80.25 C 100.96875 78.851562 100.839844 78.761719 99.800781 79.800781 C 98.132812 81.46875 96 81.300781 96 79.5 C 96 78.699219 96.46875 78 97 78 C 97.570312 78 98 77.550781 98 76.949219 C 98 76.351562 97.570312 76.15625 97 76.5 C 96.441406 76.835938 96 76.148438 96 74.949219 C 96 73.25 96.417969 72.90625 98 73.300781 C 99.101562 73.574219 100 73.394531 100 72.898438 C 100 72.402344 98.550781 72 96.75 72 C 93.5 72 93.5 72 93.5 77 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 102.5 76.949219 C 102.5 80.949219 102.84375 82 104.148438 82 C 105.304688 82 105.648438 81.398438 105.300781 80 C 105.023438 78.898438 105.183594 78 105.648438 78 C 106.117188 78 107.0625 78.898438 107.75 80 C 108.4375 81.101562 109.71875 82 110.601562 82 C 111.957031 82 111.996094 81.75 110.851562 80.351562 C 110.109375 79.445312 109.5 77.300781 109.5 75.601562 C 109.5 72.765625 109.199219 72.472656 106 72.199219 L 102.5 71.898438 Z M 108 75 C 108 76.101562 107.324219 77 106.5 77 C 105.675781 77 105 76.101562 105 75 C 105 73.898438 105.675781 73 106.5 73 C 107.324219 73 108 73.898438 108 75 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 194.300781 77.101562 C 193.089844 79.800781 192.480469 82 192.949219 82 C 193.425781 82 194.0625 80.898438 194.398438 79.5 C 194.734375 78.101562 195.441406 77 196 77 C 196.558594 77 197.265625 78.101562 197.601562 79.5 C 197.9375 80.898438 198.816406 82 199.601562 82 C 201.4375 82 201.328125 81.300781 198.730469 76.398438 L 196.5 72.199219 L 194.300781 77.101562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 204.566406 73.601562 C 202.582031 75.601562 202.496094 79.359375 204.398438 80.945312 C 206.46875 82.664062 211.378906 81.898438 211.765625 79.800781 C 211.96875 78.699219 211.515625 78 210.601562 78 C 209.699219 78 209.320312 78.601562 209.648438 79.5 C 210.035156 80.550781 209.601562 81 208.199219 81 C 205.84375 81 204.78125 78.699219 205.613281 75.398438 C 206.269531 72.800781 208.8125 72.210938 210.800781 74.199219 C 211.71875 75.117188 212 75 212 73.699219 C 212 71.5 206.71875 71.429688 204.566406 73.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 214.5 76.949219 C 214.5 80.949219 214.84375 82 216.148438 82 C 217.324219 82 217.65625 81.351562 217.300781 79.75 L 216.800781 77.5 L 218.839844 79.800781 C 220.964844 82.199219 223.742188 82.980469 222.402344 80.800781 C 221.964844 80.09375 221.578125 77.898438 221.550781 76 C 221.503906 72.699219 221.300781 72.484375 218 72.199219 L 214.5 71.898438 Z M 219.5 75 C 219.5 75.699219 218.921875 76.507812 218.25 76.75 C 217.511719 77.015625 217 76.300781 217 75 C 217 73.699219 217.511719 72.984375 218.25 73.25 C 218.921875 73.492188 219.5 74.300781 219.5 75 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 225.5 77 C 225.5 81.898438 225.5625 82 228.648438 82 C 230.75 82 232.015625 81.417969 232.449219 80.25 C 232.96875 78.851562 232.839844 78.761719 231.800781 79.800781 C 230.132812 81.46875 228 81.300781 228 79.5 C 228 78.699219 228.46875 78 229 78 C 229.570312 78 230 77.550781 230 76.949219 C 230 76.351562 229.570312 76.15625 229 76.5 C 228.441406 76.835938 228 76.148438 228 74.949219 C 228 73.25 228.417969 72.90625 230 73.300781 C 231.101562 73.574219 232 73.394531 232 72.898438 C 232 72.402344 230.550781 72 228.75 72 C 225.5 72 225.5 72 225.5 77 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 234.5 77 L 234.5 82 L 238.25 82 C 240.351562 82 242 81.625 242 81.148438 C 242 80.671875 240.898438 80.496094 239.5 80.75 C 237.601562 81.09375 237 80.792969 237 79.5 C 237 78.398438 237.527344 77.992188 238.5 78.351562 C 239.589844 78.75 239.972656 78.300781 239.898438 76.699219 C 239.84375 75.5 239.582031 75.046875 239.320312 75.699219 C 238.699219 77.253906 237 76.300781 237 74.398438 C 237 72.601562 240.605469 72.515625 241.320312 74.300781 C 241.59375 74.984375 241.84375 74.75 241.898438 73.75 C 241.976562 72.398438 241.148438 72 238.25 72 L 234.5 72 L 234.5 77 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 57.601562 74.601562 C 56.734375 76.800781 56.800781 77.21875 57.898438 76.546875 C 58.410156 76.238281 59.101562 77.300781 59.5 79 C 59.96875 81 60.800781 82 62 82 C 63.679688 82 63.664062 81.699219 61.738281 77.5 C 59.539062 72.699219 58.605469 72.046875 57.601562 74.601562 "/> </g> </svg> As will be delineated in what follows, agreement and tense realized on negative particles in SA provide a strong empirical support to the structure in (11). ## Proposed Analysis As has been discussed in section 2, the different structures posited as to the position of Neg in Arabic have different implications. While the *High-Neg Analysis* correctly captures the Future- Neg-Verb pattern in MA, a complication arises as to how and why some negative particles encode tense and establish Subject-Neg agreement in SA. Under the Feature-Inheritance model suggested above, this is straightforwardly accounted for. Starting with the Subject-Neg agreement, this can be explained on the basis of the following structure: (14) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="334pt" height="86pt" viewBox="0 0 334 86" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 60.570312 18.601562 C 58.792969 20.398438 58.636719 22.398438 60.066406 25.101562 C 61.074219 27 65.4375 27.757812 66.402344 26.199219 C 66.679688 25.753906 65.699219 25.421875 64.199219 25.449219 C 61.808594 25.492188 61.5 25.101562 61.5 22 C 61.5 18.800781 61.734375 18.503906 64.25 18.550781 C 65.75 18.578125 67 18.234375 67 17.800781 C 67 16.398438 62.152344 17 60.570312 18.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 69.5 22 C 69.5 25.101562 69.9375 27 70.648438 27 C 71.28125 27 71.574219 26.101562 71.300781 25 C 70.976562 23.699219 71.324219 23 72.300781 23 C 73.101562 23 74.371094 22.300781 75.023438 21.5 C 76.628906 19.535156 74.699219 17 71.601562 17 C 69.753906 17 69.5 17.601562 69.5 22 Z M 73.5 20 C 73.5 20.699219 72.921875 21.507812 72.25 21.75 C 71.511719 22.015625 71 21.300781 71 20 C 71 18.699219 71.511719 17.984375 72.25 18.25 C 72.921875 18.492188 73.5 19.300781 73.5 20 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 160.085938 22 C 162.445312 24.800781 164.453125 27 164.648438 27 C 164.847656 27 165 24.800781 165 22 C 165 19.199219 164.625 17 164.148438 17 C 163.679688 17 163.480469 18.449219 163.699219 20.25 L 164.101562 23.5 L 161.097656 20.300781 C 156.261719 15.140625 155.453125 16.5 160.085938 22 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 254 19.25 C 254 20.449219 254.933594 22.082031 256 22.75 C 257.101562 23.4375 258 24.496094 258 25.101562 C 258 25.707031 257.101562 25.976562 256 25.699219 C 254.898438 25.425781 254 25.605469 254 26.101562 C 254 26.605469 255.101562 27 256.5 27 C 260.199219 27 260.863281 24.117188 257.699219 21.800781 C 254.601562 19.53125 254.203125 17.542969 257 18.277344 C 258.101562 18.566406 259 18.394531 259 17.898438 C 259 17.394531 257.898438 17 256.5 17 C 254.601562 17 254 17.539062 254 19.25 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 268.851562 22.050781 C 269.160156 26.550781 269.4375 27.066406 271.398438 26.789062 C 274.199219 26.390625 274.589844 20.4375 271.800781 20.65625 C 270.664062 20.746094 270 20.101562 270 18.898438 C 270 17.898438 269.644531 17 269.25 17 C 268.835938 17 268.65625 19.25 268.851562 22.050781 Z M 273 24 C 273 25.101562 272.324219 26 271.5 26 C 270 26 269.359375 22.941406 270.601562 21.699219 C 271.671875 20.628906 273 21.898438 273 24 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 292.800781 19.5 C 292.101562 20.199219 293.101562 27 293.898438 27 C 294.332031 27 294.46875 25.800781 294.199219 24.398438 C 293.910156 22.898438 294.230469 21.484375 294.949219 21.050781 C 295.867188 20.5 295.800781 20.140625 294.699219 19.699219 C 293.898438 19.378906 293.011719 19.285156 292.800781 19.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 167.699219 20.621094 C 167.320312 20.988281 167 22.398438 167 23.699219 C 167 26.300781 169.570312 27.828125 171.199219 26.199219 C 171.886719 25.515625 171.648438 25.246094 170.449219 25.351562 C 169.449219 25.433594 168.507812 24.964844 168.25 24.25 C 167.984375 23.511719 168.699219 23 170 23 C 171.300781 23 172.035156 22.507812 171.800781 21.800781 C 171.300781 20.300781 168.777344 19.574219 167.699219 20.621094 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 174.6875 20.699219 C 174.414062 21.148438 174.199219 22.601562 174.199219 24 C 174.199219 25.398438 174.046875 27.117188 173.851562 27.898438 C 173.375 29.800781 176.601562 30.554688 178.5 28.988281 C 180.347656 27.460938 179.5 26.03125 176.699219 25.957031 C 174.5 25.898438 174.5 25.898438 176.800781 24.949219 C 178.199219 24.371094 178.976562 23.335938 178.785156 22.300781 C 178.453125 20.5 175.503906 19.351562 174.6875 20.699219 Z M 177.796875 22.800781 C 178.023438 23.476562 177.5 24 176.601562 24 C 175.699219 24 175 23.300781 175 22.398438 C 175 20.589844 177.15625 20.898438 177.796875 22.800781 Z M 178.5 28 C 178.167969 28.550781 177.25 29 176.449219 29 C 175.648438 29 175 28.550781 175 28 C 175 27.464844 175.949219 27 177.050781 27 C 178.148438 27 178.820312 27.464844 178.5 28 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 261.800781 23.5 C 262.132812 26.398438 262.609375 27 264.601562 27 C 266.554688 27 267 26.449219 267 24.050781 C 267 22.449219 266.566406 20.847656 266.050781 20.550781 C 265.511719 20.238281 265.1875 21.148438 265.300781 22.648438 C 265.414062 24.148438 264.957031 25.496094 264.25 25.75 C 263.445312 26.039062 263 25.101562 263 23.101562 C 263 21.398438 262.640625 20 262.199219 20 C 261.765625 20 261.582031 21.601562 261.800781 23.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 277.050781 20.5 C 276.914062 21.046875 276.867188 23.148438 276.949219 25.148438 C 277.066406 27.949219 276.679688 28.917969 275.300781 29.300781 C 273.601562 29.773438 273.601562 29.804688 275.300781 29.910156 C 277.519531 30.046875 278.203125 28.199219 277.703125 23.398438 C 277.488281 21.300781 277.183594 19.960938 277.050781 20.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 280.699219 20.621094 C 280.320312 20.988281 280 22.398438 280 23.699219 C 280 26.300781 282.570312 27.828125 284.199219 26.199219 C 284.886719 25.515625 284.648438 25.246094 283.449219 25.351562 C 282.449219 25.433594 281.507812 24.964844 281.25 24.25 C 280.984375 23.511719 281.699219 23 283 23 C 284.300781 23 285.035156 22.507812 284.800781 21.800781 C 284.300781 20.300781 281.777344 19.574219 280.699219 20.621094 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 287.199219 21.199219 C 285.480469 22.917969 285.699219 25.929688 287.601562 26.695312 C 288.398438 27.019531 289.660156 26.738281 290.300781 26.101562 C 291.199219 25.199219 291.101562 25.050781 289.898438 25.5 C 288.898438 25.875 288.0625 25.5 287.671875 24.5 C 286.804688 22.300781 287.789062 20.726562 289.601562 21.421875 C 290.398438 21.730469 290.8125 21.53125 290.480469 21 C 289.691406 19.734375 288.601562 19.800781 287.199219 21.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 63.199219 36.25 L 63 42 L 112.101562 42 C 160.398438 42 161.207031 41.96875 161.699219 40 C 161.976562 38.898438 162.828125 38 163.601562 38 C 164.398438 38 165 37.785156 165 37.5 C 165 36.601562 161.984375 31 161.5 31 C 161.015625 31 158 36.601562 158 37.5 C 158 37.765625 158.699219 38 159.5 38 C 160.300781 38 161 38.699219 161 39.5 C 161 40.8125 154.949219 41 112.550781 41 L 64.101562 41 L 63.398438 30.5 L 63.199219 36.25 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 171.199219 36.25 L 171 42 L 220.101562 42 C 268.398438 42 269.207031 41.96875 269.699219 40 C 269.976562 38.898438 270.828125 38 271.601562 38 C 272.398438 38 273 37.785156 273 37.5 C 273 36.601562 269.984375 31 269.5 31 C 269.015625 31 266 36.601562 266 37.5 C 266 37.765625 266.699219 38 267.5 38 C 268.300781 38 269 38.699219 269 39.5 C 269 40.8125 262.949219 41 220.550781 41 L 172.101562 41 L 171.398438 30.5 L 171.199219 36.25 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 15.351562 53.699219 C 16.863281 54.109375 17.136719 55 16.851562 58.601562 C 16.578125 62 16.839844 63 18 63 C 19.167969 63 19.421875 62 19.148438 58.5 C 18.816406 54.300781 20.121094 52.28125 21.28125 55.199219 C 21.578125 55.941406 21.84375 55.75 21.898438 54.75 C 21.980469 53.308594 21.25 53.019531 17.75 53.101562 C 15.449219 53.15625 14.347656 53.429688 15.351562 53.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 56.699219 53.601562 C 56.328125 53.972656 56 55 56 55.800781 C 56 56.59375 55.199219 57.878906 54.300781 58.527344 C 51.121094 60.828125 53.398438 62.933594 58.699219 62.597656 C 64.898438 62.199219 64.898438 62.199219 62 60.695312 C 59.96875 59.644531 59.558594 58.800781 59.804688 56.199219 C 60.097656 53.101562 58.519531 51.78125 56.699219 53.601562 Z M 59 55 C 59 55.601562 58.601562 56 58 56 C 57.398438 56 57 55.601562 57 55 C 57 54.398438 57.398438 54 58 54 C 58.601562 54 59 54.398438 59 55 Z M 57.800781 60.800781 C 58.394531 62.582031 56.304688 62.199219 55.613281 60.398438 C 55.230469 59.398438 55.449219 58.949219 56.199219 59.199219 C 56.898438 59.433594 57.566406 60.101562 57.800781 60.800781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 81.5 58 C 81.5 62 81.832031 63 83.148438 63 C 84.304688 63 84.648438 62.398438 84.300781 61 C 83.949219 59.601562 84.28125 59 85.398438 59 C 86.300781 59 87 58.5625 87 58 C 87 57.417969 86.5 57.105469 85.800781 57.25 C 85.167969 57.382812 84.410156 56.601562 84.199219 55.601562 C 83.878906 54.066406 84.300781 53.796875 86.398438 54.199219 C 87.800781 54.46875 89 54.308594 89 53.851562 C 89 53.375 87.351562 53 85.25 53 L 81.5 53 L 81.5 58 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 133 53.949219 C 133 54.484375 133.699219 54.636719 134.601562 54.300781 C 135.976562 53.785156 136.152344 54.351562 135.851562 58.351562 C 135.578125 61.949219 135.839844 63 137 63 C 138.160156 63 138.421875 61.949219 138.148438 58.351562 C 137.847656 54.351562 138.023438 53.785156 139.398438 54.300781 C 140.300781 54.636719 141 54.484375 141 53.949219 C 141 53.425781 139.199219 53 137 53 C 134.800781 53 133 53.425781 133 53.949219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 171.480469 54 C 171.101562 54.613281 170.734375 56.851562 170.648438 59.050781 C 170.539062 61.949219 170.898438 63 172 63 C 173.132812 63 173.449219 61.898438 173.300781 58.5 C 173.183594 55.898438 173.5 54.230469 174.050781 54.550781 C 174.566406 54.851562 175 54.601562 175 54 C 175 52.601562 172.34375 52.601562 171.480469 54 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 219.300781 57.449219 C 220.488281 59.851562 221.777344 61.921875 222.101562 61.949219 C 223.601562 62.074219 223.890625 58.789062 222.5 57.398438 C 221.699219 56.601562 221 55.222656 221 54.449219 C 221 53.632812 220.148438 53 219.050781 53 C 217.164062 53 217.175781 53.148438 219.300781 57.449219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 224.699219 55 C 224.398438 56.199219 224.621094 56.738281 225.25 56.351562 C 225.910156 55.941406 226.132812 57.050781 225.851562 59.351562 C 225.503906 62.148438 225.761719 63 226.949219 63 C 228.128906 63 228.5 61.800781 228.5 58 C 228.5 54 228.171875 53 226.851562 53 C 225.941406 53 224.976562 53.898438 224.699219 55 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 249.5 58 C 249.5 61 249.941406 63 250.601562 63 C 251.242188 63 251.511719 62 251.25 60.601562 C 251.007812 59.300781 251.304688 57.902344 251.898438 57.550781 C 252.621094 57.125 253 57.949219 253 59.949219 C 253 61.851562 253.488281 63 254.300781 63 C 256.476562 63 255.199219 56.890625 252.898438 56.292969 C 251.898438 56.035156 251 55.136719 251 54.398438 C 251 53.601562 250.679688 53 250.25 53 C 249.828125 53 249.5 55.199219 249.5 58 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 264.648438 56.601562 C 263.679688 58.601562 263.144531 60.445312 263.449219 60.75 C 263.753906 61.054688 264.378906 60.25 264.851562 58.949219 L 265.699219 56.601562 L 266.449219 59.050781 C 266.847656 60.351562 267.152344 61.851562 267.101562 62.25 C 267.042969 62.671875 267.851562 63 268.949219 63 C 270.878906 63 270.878906 62.949219 268.800781 58.25 C 267.648438 55.648438 266.632812 53.386719 266.550781 53.25 C 266.46875 53.109375 265.621094 54.601562 264.648438 56.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 104.484375 56.300781 C 103.71875 59.398438 104.171875 62.253906 105.5 62.691406 C 106.5 63.019531 106.683594 55.371094 105.699219 54.394531 C 105.363281 54.0625 104.828125 54.898438 104.484375 56.300781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 238.484375 56.300781 C 237.71875 59.398438 238.171875 62.253906 239.5 62.691406 C 240.5 63.019531 240.683594 55.371094 239.699219 54.394531 C 239.363281 54.0625 238.828125 54.898438 238.484375 56.300781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 24.085938 57.398438 C 22.210938 59.667969 23.199219 62.460938 26 62.796875 C 27.898438 63.027344 28.164062 62.871094 27.101562 62.152344 C 25.5 61.066406 24.550781 57 25.898438 57 C 26.441406 57 27.019531 57.398438 27.351562 58 C 27.671875 58.582031 27.800781 58.5 27.660156 57.800781 C 27.28125 55.898438 25.492188 55.699219 24.085938 57.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 30 59.449219 C 30 62.75 30.214844 63 33.050781 63 C 35.863281 63 36.078125 62.75 35.800781 59.75 C 35.550781 57.050781 35.035156 56.449219 32.75 56.199219 C 30.195312 55.921875 30 56.148438 30 59.449219 Z M 34 59.5 C 34 60.898438 33.558594 62 33 62 C 31.898438 62 31.671875 58.628906 32.699219 57.601562 C 33.757812 56.542969 34 56.898438 34 59.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 38 57.898438 C 38 59 38.496094 60.191406 39.101562 60.550781 C 39.832031 60.984375 39.75 61.5 38.851562 62.101562 C 37.816406 62.789062 37.898438 63 39.199219 63 C 41.898438 63 42.421875 61.113281 40.367188 58.800781 C 38.589844 56.800781 38.585938 56.730469 40.300781 57.351562 C 41.398438 57.746094 41.863281 57.609375 41.488281 57 C 40.429688 55.273438 38 55.898438 38 57.898438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 44.085938 57.398438 C 42.210938 59.667969 43.199219 62.460938 46 62.796875 C 47.898438 63.027344 48.164062 62.871094 47.101562 62.152344 C 45.5 61.066406 44.550781 57 45.898438 57 C 46.441406 57 47.019531 57.398438 47.351562 58 C 47.671875 58.582031 47.800781 58.5 47.660156 57.800781 C 47.28125 55.898438 45.492188 55.699219 44.085938 57.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 69.601562 56.699219 C 69.261719 57.035156 69 58.550781 69 60.148438 C 69 62.449219 69.464844 63 71.398438 63 C 73.75 63 75 61.300781 75 58.101562 C 75 56.398438 70.949219 55.351562 69.601562 56.699219 Z M 71.949219 58.5 C 71.28125 59.300781 70.46875 59.765625 70.199219 59.5 C 69.53125 58.832031 71 57 72.199219 57 C 72.800781 57 72.699219 57.601562 71.949219 58.5 Z M 73.800781 60.199219 C 73.566406 60.898438 72.898438 61.566406 72.199219 61.800781 C 71.449219 62.050781 71.230469 61.601562 71.613281 60.601562 C 72.304688 58.800781 74.394531 58.417969 73.800781 60.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 90.699219 56.601562 C 90.320312 56.980469 90 58.398438 90 59.699219 C 90 62.398438 92.605469 63.847656 94.320312 62.101562 C 95.265625 61.140625 95.199219 60.960938 94 61.199219 C 93.039062 61.390625 92.390625 60.601562 92.199219 59 C 91.972656 57.101562 92.140625 56.859375 92.910156 58 C 94.027344 59.660156 95.558594 58.699219 94.507812 57 C 93.765625 55.800781 91.714844 55.585938 90.699219 56.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 97.480469 57 C 97.109375 57.601562 97.074219 58.371094 97.398438 58.699219 C 97.722656 59.023438 97.484375 59.898438 96.886719 60.601562 C 95.601562 62.101562 95.601562 62.101562 99.300781 62.546875 C 101.601562 62.828125 102.074219 62.578125 101.601562 61.351562 C 101.285156 60.535156 101 58.898438 101 57.898438 C 101 55.800781 98.597656 55.1875 97.480469 57 Z M 100 58 C 100 58.601562 99.601562 59 99 59 C 98.398438 59 98 58.601562 98 58 C 98 57.398438 98.398438 57 99 57 C 99.601562 57 100 57.398438 100 58 Z M 100 60.449219 C 100 60.71875 99.601562 61.140625 99 61.5 C 98.429688 61.84375 98 61.648438 98 61.050781 C 98 60.449219 98.429688 60 99 60 C 99.601562 60 100 60.179688 100 60.449219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 109.199219 59.25 C 109.449219 61.949219 109.972656 62.550781 112.300781 62.800781 C 114.925781 63.082031 115.082031 62.898438 114.800781 59.898438 C 114.632812 58.101562 114.019531 56.523438 113.398438 56.300781 C 112.726562 56.054688 112.476562 56.851562 112.75 58.351562 C 112.988281 59.648438 112.683594 61.105469 112.101562 61.449219 C 111.378906 61.875 111 61.050781 111 59.050781 C 111 57.351562 110.535156 56 109.949219 56 C 109.367188 56 109.035156 57.449219 109.199219 59.25 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 117 59.601562 C 117 61.800781 117.476562 63 118.351562 63 C 119.269531 63 119.554688 62.199219 119.25 60.5 C 118.925781 58.699219 119.246094 58 120.398438 58 C 121.300781 58 122 57.605469 122 57.101562 C 122 56.597656 120.898438 56.199219 119.5 56.199219 C 117.292969 56.199219 117 56.601562 117 59.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 123.699219 56.601562 C 123.320312 56.980469 123 58.398438 123 59.699219 C 123 62.398438 125.605469 63.847656 127.320312 62.101562 C 128.265625 61.140625 128.199219 60.960938 127 61.199219 C 126.039062 61.390625 125.390625 60.601562 125.199219 59 C 124.972656 57.101562 125.140625 56.859375 125.910156 58 C 127.027344 59.660156 128.558594 58.699219 127.507812 57 C 126.765625 55.800781 124.714844 55.585938 123.699219 56.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 143 59.601562 C 143 61.800781 143.476562 63 144.351562 63 C 145.269531 63 145.554688 62.199219 145.25 60.5 C 144.925781 58.699219 145.246094 58 146.398438 58 C 147.300781 58 148 57.605469 148 57.101562 C 148 56.597656 146.898438 56.199219 145.5 56.199219 C 143.292969 56.199219 143 56.601562 143 59.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 150.480469 57 C 150.109375 57.601562 150.074219 58.371094 150.398438 58.699219 C 150.722656 59.023438 150.484375 59.898438 149.886719 60.601562 C 148.601562 62.101562 148.601562 62.101562 152.300781 62.546875 C 154.601562 62.828125 155.074219 62.578125 154.601562 61.351562 C 154.285156 60.535156 154 58.898438 154 57.898438 C 154 55.800781 151.601562 55.1875 150.480469 57 Z M 153 58 C 153 58.601562 152.601562 59 152 59 C 151.398438 59 151 58.601562 151 58 C 151 57.398438 151.398438 57 152 57 C 152.601562 57 153 57.398438 153 58 Z M 153 60.449219 C 153 60.71875 152.601562 61.140625 152 61.5 C 151.429688 61.84375 151 61.648438 151 61.050781 C 151 60.449219 151.429688 60 152 60 C 152.601562 60 153 60.179688 153 60.449219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 156.5 59.5 C 156.5 62.699219 156.761719 63 159.550781 63 C 162.425781 63 162.578125 62.800781 162.199219 59.5 C 161.855469 56.5 161.421875 56 159.148438 56 C 156.804688 56 156.5 56.398438 156.5 59.5 Z M 161 59.5 C 161 60.300781 160.570312 61.15625 160 61.5 C 159.421875 61.847656 159 61 159 59.5 C 159 58 159.421875 57.152344 160 57.5 C 160.570312 57.84375 161 58.699219 161 59.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 165 57.898438 C 165 59 165.496094 60.191406 166.101562 60.550781 C 166.832031 60.984375 166.75 61.5 165.851562 62.101562 C 164.816406 62.789062 164.898438 63 166.199219 63 C 168.898438 63 169.425781 61.113281 167.367188 58.800781 C 165.589844 56.800781 165.585938 56.730469 167.300781 57.351562 C 168.398438 57.746094 168.863281 57.609375 168.488281 57 C 167.429688 55.273438 165 55.898438 165 57.898438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 175.699219 56.601562 C 175.320312 56.980469 175 58.398438 175 59.699219 C 175 62.398438 177.605469 63.847656 179.320312 62.101562 C 180.265625 61.140625 180.199219 60.960938 179 61.199219 C 178.039062 61.390625 177.390625 60.601562 177.199219 59 C 176.972656 57.101562 177.140625 56.859375 177.910156 58 C 179.027344 59.660156 180.558594 58.699219 179.507812 57 C 178.765625 55.800781 176.714844 55.585938 175.699219 56.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 181.800781 59.75 C 181.527344 61.949219 181.820312 63 182.699219 63 C 183.429688 63 184 61.898438 184 60.5 C 184 58.898438 184.539062 58 185.5 58 C 186.300781 58 187 57.582031 187 57.101562 C 187 56.613281 185.898438 56.269531 184.601562 56.351562 C 182.679688 56.46875 182.121094 57.148438 181.800781 59.75 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 231.804688 56.699219 C 231.589844 57.132812 231.308594 58.699219 231.199219 60.101562 C 231.03125 62.300781 231.390625 62.699219 233.550781 62.699219 C 235.769531 62.699219 236.058594 62.300781 235.792969 59.601562 C 235.503906 56.699219 232.804688 54.734375 231.804688 56.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 243.699219 56.601562 C 243.320312 56.980469 243 58.398438 243 59.699219 C 243 62.398438 245.566406 63.832031 247.300781 62.101562 C 248.199219 61.199219 248.101562 61.050781 246.898438 61.503906 C 245 62.214844 243.488281 59.113281 245 57.601562 C 245.71875 56.878906 246 56.949219 246 57.851562 C 246 58.550781 246.441406 58.835938 247 58.5 C 247.601562 58.140625 247.785156 57.539062 247.460938 57 C 246.800781 55.898438 244.632812 55.667969 243.699219 56.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 272.648438 56.75 C 272.402344 57.164062 272.289062 59.300781 272.398438 61.5 C 272.574219 65 272.898438 65.5 275 65.5 C 278.300781 65.5 279.078125 62.050781 275.800781 61.960938 L 273.5 61.898438 L 275.699219 61.011719 C 278.847656 59.738281 278.699219 56 275.5 56 C 274.199219 56 272.894531 56.34375 272.648438 56.75 Z M 276 58.5 C 276 59.300781 275.53125 60 275 60 C 274.46875 60 274 59.300781 274 58.5 C 274 57.699219 274.46875 57 275 57 C 275.53125 57 276 57.699219 276 58.5 Z M 276.699219 64.601562 C 276.378906 64.921875 275.5 64.96875 274.800781 64.699219 C 273.980469 64.382812 274.199219 64.164062 275.398438 64.101562 C 276.398438 64.046875 277.015625 64.285156 276.699219 64.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 280 59.601562 C 280 61.800781 280.476562 63 281.351562 63 C 282.269531 63 282.554688 62.199219 282.25 60.5 C 281.925781 58.699219 282.246094 58 283.398438 58 C 284.300781 58 285 57.605469 285 57.101562 C 285 56.597656 283.898438 56.199219 282.5 56.199219 C 280.292969 56.199219 280 56.601562 280 59.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 286.699219 56.601562 C 286.320312 56.980469 286 58.398438 286 59.699219 C 286 62.398438 288.605469 63.847656 290.320312 62.101562 C 291.265625 61.140625 291.199219 60.960938 290 61.199219 C 289.039062 61.390625 288.390625 60.601562 288.199219 59 C 287.972656 57.101562 288.140625 56.859375 288.910156 58 C 290.027344 59.660156 291.558594 58.699219 290.507812 57 C 289.765625 55.800781 287.714844 55.585938 286.699219 56.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 293.699219 56.601562 C 293.320312 56.980469 293 58.398438 293 59.699219 C 293 62.398438 295.566406 63.832031 297.300781 62.101562 C 298.261719 61.140625 298.148438 61.03125 296.75 61.550781 C 295.339844 62.074219 295 61.648438 295 59.351562 C 295 57.25 295.25 56.882812 295.949219 57.949219 C 296.472656 58.75 297.191406 59.109375 297.550781 58.75 C 297.90625 58.394531 297.890625 57.601562 297.515625 57 C 296.769531 55.800781 294.714844 55.585938 293.699219 56.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 61 58.5 C 61 59.300781 61.1875 60 61.398438 60 C 61.613281 60 62.054688 59.300781 62.351562 58.5 C 62.644531 57.699219 62.457031 57 61.949219 57 C 61.445312 57 61 57.699219 61 58.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 76.75 59.699219 C 77.449219 59.980469 78.550781 59.980469 79.25 59.699219 C 79.949219 59.417969 79.398438 59.199219 78 59.199219 C 76.601562 59.199219 76.050781 59.417969 76.75 59.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 257.75 59.699219 C 258.449219 59.980469 259.550781 59.980469 260.25 59.699219 C 260.949219 59.417969 260.398438 59.199219 259 59.199219 C 257.601562 59.199219 257.050781 59.417969 257.75 59.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 217.5 62 C 217.15625 62.570312 217.351562 63 217.949219 63 C 218.550781 63 219 62.570312 219 62 C 219 61.398438 218.820312 61 218.550781 61 C 218.28125 61 217.859375 61.398438 217.5 62 "/> </g> </svg> The structure above illustrates that upon merging, C transfers its ø-features to Neg. Neg now has \[-interpretable\] ø-features, hence it is active. It probes for a local subject in its c-command domain. As a result of the Agree operation, these ø-features are valued and deleted. The agreement morphemes on Neg are thus the reflex of the Agree operation established with the subject. Note that in the representation in (14), TP is not projected. One argument in favor of this is that *laysa* appears in nominal constructions, where no verbal copula is realized. In the absence of the relevant verbal copula, the default present interpretation always follows. In the MP, however, nominative case is intimately related to the presence of a tense head. Without further speculation, this paper assumes as provisionally correct that since SA displays a default nominative case system, its realization in verbal constructions is default. As such, no TP projection is required. Along these lines, Benmamoun (2000) puts forth a number of arguments in support of the projection of tense in verbless constructions. One of these arguments is expletive constructions, the standard assumption within the principles-and-parameters framework being that expletives satisfy the EPP feature located under T. 15) hunaka Tullaab-un fii l-bayti there students-NOM in the-house-GEN ‘There are students in the house’ Interestingly, Subject-Neg agreement is not established when the expletive ‘*hunaaka*’ intervenes between the subject and *laysa*. (16) 1. laysa hunaaka Tullaab-un fii l-bayti NEG-3ms there students-NOM in the-house-GEN ‘There are no students in the house’ 2. \*lays-uu hunaaka Tulaab-un fii l-bayti NEG-3mp there students-NOM in the-house-GEN As illustrated in (16-b), when the Neg-subject agreement holds, ungrammaticality ensues. This ungrammaticality can be accounted for if one assumes that T, if present, blocks the agreement process. Another piece of evidence supporting the configuration in (14) comes from Maltese Arabic. Like MA, negation in Maltese Arabic is expressed through the circumfix ma- -x<sup>5</sup>, as illustrated in (17): (17) 1. smajt l-istorja Kolha heard-1sg the-sotry all ‘I heard the whole strory’ 5 The vowel *a* is deleted when it is followed by a round vowel, as shown in (18-19) below. 2. ma-smajt-x l-istorja kolha NEG-heard-NEG the-story all ‘I didn’t hear the whole story’ (Borg and Azzopardi-Alexander, 1997: 88) Furthermore, in the absence of a finite auxiliary verb, negation is realized by the negative circumfix ma-…-x along with the pronominal -*hu-*. As argued in Benmamoun (2000: 79), this pronominal clitic carries the third masculine singular features. This feature is often associated with the expletive pronoun in Arabic. 18) m-hu-x se jmur id-dar NEG fut. goes-3ms the-house ‘He isn’t going to go home’ Interestingly, in the absence of an auxiliary verb the discontinuous negative morpheme merges with the expletive, as illustrated in (19): 19) m-hawn-x hafna traffiku fit-triq NEG-here-NEG much traffic in-the-road ‘There isn’t a lot of traffic in the road’ The facts in (18) and (19) follow if one assumes that T is not present. This allows the negative morpheme to freely merge with the pronominal *-hu-* in (18) and the expletive in (19). Another piece of evidence supporting our claim comes from the co-occurrence restriction that holds between *laysa* and the auxiliary *kaan*, as the ungrammaticality of the examples in (20-c) and (20-e) show. 20) 1. kaan-at Hind-un mariiDat-an AUX-PAST-3fs Hind-NOM sick-ACC ‘Hind was sick’ 2. lays-at Hind-un mariiDat-an NEG-3fs Hind-NOM sick-ACC ‘Hind is not sick’ 3. \*lays-at kaan-at Hind-un mariiDat-an NEG-3fs AUX-PAST-3fs Hind-NOM sick-ACC 4. Hind-un lam ta-kun mariiDat-an Hind-NOM NEG-Past 3fs-AUX sick-ACC ‘Hind wasn’t sick’ 5. \*Hind-un laysat ta-kun mariiDat-an Hind-NOM NEG-3fs 3fs-AUX sick-ACC In much the same way, in the past tense, *laysa* is blocked by *lam*, as shown in (21) below: 21) lam ta-kun fii l-bayt-i NEG-Past 3fs-AUX the-house-GEN ‘She wasn’t home’ Similarly, *laa* and its variants cannot occur in verbless sentences (Fassi-Fehri, 1993:164): 22) \*laa/\*lan/\*lam fii l-bayti NEG/NEG-Fut/NEG-Past in the-house-GEN In view of these facts, it is tempting to argue that Neg transfers ø-features to T, and only then does T, being active, probe the subject. As for tense, two analyses are conceivable, the first of which is where Neg can be said to keep tense. Hence, no tense-sharing relation with T applies. The second analysis is to argue that Neg shares tense with T<sup>6</sup>. As a matter of fact, the first analysis seems more plausible than the second one, for the evident reason that, in the presence of a negative element, the verb appears in the imperfective morphology (23-b); otherwise the verb is morphologically marked as perfective (23-a). This suggests the failure of the tense-sharing process. 23) 6. xaraʒ-a Zayd-un l-baariħat-a went-out-3ms Zayd-Nom the-yesterday-ACC ‘Zayd went out yesterday’ 7. lam ya-xruʒ Zayd-un l-baariħat-a NEG-Past 3m-went out Zayd-Nom the-yesterday-ACC ‘Zayd didn’t go out yesterday’ 6 Ouali (2010, 2013) argues that there are three logical possibilities implied in the Feature-Inheritance model. These are DONATE, KEEP, and SHARE. The fact that Neg transfers its features to T is supported by Ouali’s (2011) *C-to-Neg-to-T ø-Feature Transfer*, stated as follows: ## C-to-Neg-to-T ø-Features Transfer C transfers its ø-features to T via Neg (Ouali, 2011: 33) To illustrate with a concrete example, Tashlhit Amazigh realizes negation through a preverbal morpheme *ur* and the epenthetic vowel *i* (Ouali, 2011; Bensoukas, 2015). 25) 8. idd**a** Hicham left-3ms. Hicham ‘Hicham left’ 9. ur idd**i** Hicham NEG left-3ms.NEG Hicham ‘Hicham didn’t leave’ Ouali (2011) proposes that the negative morphology on the verb in (25-b) is a remnant of the *C-to-Neg-to-T ø-Feature Transfer*<sup>7</sup>*.* On the basis of these facts, the feature transfer process is obtained as follows: 26) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="398pt" height="88pt" viewBox="0 0 398 88" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 27.199219 16.199219 C 25.339844 18.0625 25.800781 22.710938 28 24.261719 C 29.640625 25.417969 29.941406 26.949219 30.199219 35.550781 L 30.5 45.5 L 127.5 45.5 L 127.800781 38.25 C 128.027344 32.75 128.460938 31 129.601562 31 C 131.242188 31 131.34375 30.5 130.167969 28.199219 C 129.683594 27.253906 129.589844 23.949219 129.949219 20.75 C 130.402344 16.75 130.25 15 129.449219 15 C 128.742188 15 128.453125 16.25 128.699219 18.25 L 129.101562 21.5 L 126.300781 18.25 C 124.75 16.449219 122.941406 15 122.25 15 C 121.554688 15 122.449219 16.601562 124.265625 18.601562 C 127.890625 22.601562 129.90625 25.667969 128.199219 24.59375 C 127.578125 24.199219 126.421875 25.199219 125.535156 26.898438 C 123.609375 30.601562 123.605469 31 125.5 31 C 126.699219 31 127 32.398438 127 38 L 127 45 L 30.898438 45 L 31.199219 34.5 C 31.464844 25.199219 31.304688 24 29.800781 24 C 27.839844 24 26.625 20.800781 27.523438 18 C 28.230469 15.800781 31.035156 15.433594 32.898438 17.300781 C 33.832031 18.234375 33.949219 18.101562 33.429688 16.699219 C 32.683594 14.699219 28.996094 14.402344 27.199219 16.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 35.5 20 C 35.5 23.101562 35.9375 25 36.648438 25 C 37.28125 25 37.574219 24.101562 37.300781 23 C 36.976562 21.699219 37.324219 21 38.300781 21 C 39.101562 21 40.371094 20.300781 41.023438 19.5 C 42.628906 17.535156 40.699219 15 37.601562 15 C 35.753906 15 35.5 15.601562 35.5 20 Z M 39.5 18 C 39.5 18.699219 38.921875 19.507812 38.25 19.75 C 37.511719 20.015625 37 19.300781 37 18 C 37 16.699219 37.511719 15.984375 38.25 16.25 C 38.921875 16.492188 39.5 17.300781 39.5 18 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 240.300781 15.679688 C 242.746094 16.335938 242.605469 22 240.035156 26.199219 C 237.648438 30.101562 237.550781 31 239.5 31 C 240.71875 31 241 32.601562 241 39.5 L 241 48 L 138 48 L 138 37.601562 C 138 27.699219 138.097656 27.222656 140 27.710938 C 142.199219 28.273438 145.335938 26.296875 144.464844 24.898438 C 144.15625 24.410156 142.898438 23.976562 141.699219 23.949219 C 139.5 23.898438 139.5 23.898438 141.800781 22.972656 C 144.625 21.835938 144.398438 18.5 141.5 18.5 C 139.925781 18.5 139.464844 19.199219 139.335938 21.800781 C 139.160156 25.300781 138 27.734375 138 24.601562 C 138 23.5 137.4375 23.015625 136.550781 23.351562 C 135.75 23.652344 134.585938 23.25 133.949219 22.449219 C 133.019531 21.277344 133.199219 21 134.898438 21 C 137.101562 21 137.667969 19.566406 135.898438 18.476562 C 135.3125 18.117188 134.101562 18.492188 133.300781 19.285156 C 131.238281 21.324219 132.5 25.339844 135 24.691406 C 136.765625 24.234375 136.921875 25.050781 137.199219 36.351562 L 137.5 48.5 L 241.5 48.5 L 241.800781 39.75 C 242.03125 32.949219 242.410156 31 243.5 31 C 244.566406 31 244.972656 32.851562 245.199219 38.75 L 245.5 46.5 L 342.5 46.5 L 342.800781 39.25 C 343.039062 33.449219 343.410156 32 344.648438 32 C 345.683594 32 346 31.449219 345.601562 30.351562 C 345.273438 29.449219 345.476562 28.109375 346.050781 27.398438 C 346.636719 26.675781 346.921875 24.199219 346.699219 21.800781 L 346.300781 17.5 L 346.128906 22.300781 C 345.941406 27.601562 343.589844 28.566406 343.449219 23.398438 C 343.3125 18.5 343.097656 18 341.101562 18 C 340 18 338.898438 17.210938 338.648438 16.25 C 338.398438 15.277344 338.15625 16.648438 338.101562 19.351562 C 338.019531 23.351562 338.34375 24.289062 339.949219 24.699219 C 341.761719 25.164062 341.796875 25.398438 340.460938 28 C 338.605469 31.601562 338.609375 32 340.5 32 C 341.699219 32 342 33.398438 342 39 L 342 46 L 246 46 L 245.898438 35.25 C 245.84375 29.25 245.496094 25.605469 245.113281 27 C 244.207031 30.289062 243.40625 28 243.117188 21.300781 C 242.9375 17.101562 243.21875 16.113281 244.699219 15.699219 C 245.691406 15.425781 244.699219 15.199219 242.5 15.199219 C 240.300781 15.199219 239.308594 15.417969 240.300781 15.679688 Z M 142.796875 20.800781 C 143.023438 21.476562 142.5 22 141.601562 22 C 140.699219 22 140 21.300781 140 20.398438 C 140 18.589844 142.15625 18.898438 142.796875 20.800781 Z M 342.445312 20.699219 C 343.28125 22.898438 341.410156 24.8125 339.898438 23.300781 C 338.683594 22.082031 339.398438 19 340.898438 19 C 341.378906 19 342.105469 19.800781 342.445312 20.699219 Z M 143.5 26 C 143.167969 26.550781 142.25 27 141.449219 27 C 140.648438 27 140 26.550781 140 26 C 140 25.464844 140.949219 25 142.050781 25 C 143.148438 25 143.820312 25.464844 143.5 26 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 323.351562 16.601562 C 322.910156 17.753906 323.550781 18.988281 325.351562 20.449219 C 326.851562 21.667969 328 22.902344 328 23.300781 C 328 24.527344 324.199219 24 323.679688 22.699219 C 323.414062 22.03125 323.15625 22.300781 323.101562 23.300781 C 323.019531 24.714844 323.601562 25.03125 325.800781 24.785156 C 329.300781 24.390625 330.253906 20.550781 327.101562 19.558594 C 325.898438 19.183594 325 18.300781 325 17.5 C 325 15.699219 327.617188 15.542969 328.320312 17.300781 C 328.613281 18.03125 328.835938 17.800781 328.886719 16.699219 C 329 14.398438 324.226562 14.3125 323.351562 16.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 362.800781 17.5 C 362.101562 18.199219 363.101562 25 363.898438 25 C 364.226562 25 364.445312 23.398438 364.382812 21.5 C 364.265625 18 363.707031 16.59375 362.800781 17.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 331.082031 19.699219 C 330.894531 23.199219 332.023438 25 334.398438 25 C 336.347656 25 336.554688 24.601562 336.199219 21.5 C 335.984375 19.601562 335.457031 18 335.050781 18 C 334.640625 18 334.507812 19.398438 334.761719 21.101562 C 335.375 25.226562 332.75 24.601562 331.832031 20.398438 C 331.351562 18.199219 331.171875 18.03125 331.082031 19.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 350.039062 19.398438 C 349.359375 20.226562 349.097656 21.800781 349.457031 22.898438 C 350.179688 25.101562 352.511719 25.605469 353.621094 23.800781 C 353.992188 23.199219 353.824219 22.996094 353.25 23.351562 C 352.691406 23.695312 351.640625 23.300781 351 22.5 C 350.019531 21.273438 350.199219 21 352 21 C 353.300781 21 354.03125 20.507812 353.789062 19.800781 C 353.144531 17.898438 351.429688 17.71875 350.039062 19.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 356.390625 19.5 C 355.496094 21.800781 356.449219 24.441406 358.300781 24.785156 C 359.199219 24.953125 360 24.605469 360 24.050781 C 360 23.460938 359.449219 23.109375 358.75 23.25 C 358.058594 23.386719 357.34375 22.449219 357.148438 21.148438 C 356.851562 19.148438 357.136719 18.90625 359.050781 19.5 C 360.550781 19.96875 361.070312 19.832031 360.609375 19.101562 C 359.640625 17.554688 357.050781 17.800781 356.390625 19.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 122.5 24 C 122.15625 24.570312 122.351562 25 122.949219 25 C 123.550781 25 124 24.570312 124 24 C 124 23.398438 123.820312 23 123.550781 23 C 123.28125 23 122.859375 23.398438 122.5 24 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 30.5 62 C 30.5 66 30.832031 67 32.148438 67 C 33.304688 67 33.648438 66.398438 33.300781 65 C 32.949219 63.601562 33.28125 63 34.398438 63 C 35.300781 63 36 62.5625 36 62 C 36 61.417969 35.5 61.105469 34.800781 61.25 C 34.167969 61.382812 33.410156 60.601562 33.199219 59.601562 C 32.878906 58.066406 33.300781 57.796875 35.398438 58.199219 C 36.800781 58.46875 38 58.308594 38 57.851562 C 38 57.375 36.351562 57 34.25 57 L 30.5 57 L 30.5 62 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 87 57.949219 C 87 58.484375 87.699219 58.636719 88.601562 58.300781 C 89.976562 57.785156 90.152344 58.351562 89.851562 62.351562 C 89.578125 65.949219 89.839844 67 91 67 C 92.160156 67 92.421875 66 92.148438 62.601562 C 91.863281 59 92.136719 58.109375 93.648438 57.699219 C 94.652344 57.429688 93.550781 57.15625 91.25 57.101562 C 88.949219 57.046875 87 57.4375 87 57.949219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 124.609375 58.601562 C 123.539062 61.398438 124 67 125.300781 67 C 126.109375 67 126.433594 65.550781 126.300781 62.550781 C 126.144531 59.050781 126.410156 58.21875 127.550781 58.648438 C 128.351562 58.953125 129 58.707031 129 58.101562 C 129 56.378906 125.296875 56.800781 124.609375 58.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 265.300781 61.449219 C 266.488281 63.851562 267.777344 65.921875 268.101562 65.949219 C 269.601562 66.074219 269.890625 62.789062 268.5 61.398438 C 267.699219 60.601562 267 59.222656 267 58.449219 C 267 57.632812 266.148438 57 265.050781 57 C 263.164062 57 263.175781 57.148438 265.300781 61.449219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 270.699219 59 C 270.398438 60.199219 270.621094 60.738281 271.25 60.351562 C 271.910156 59.941406 272.132812 61.050781 271.851562 63.351562 C 271.503906 66.148438 271.761719 67 272.949219 67 C 274.128906 67 274.5 65.800781 274.5 62 C 274.5 58 274.171875 57 272.851562 57 C 271.941406 57 270.976562 57.898438 270.699219 59 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 295.5 62 C 295.5 65 295.941406 67 296.601562 67 C 297.242188 67 297.511719 66 297.25 64.601562 C 297.007812 63.300781 297.304688 61.902344 297.898438 61.550781 C 298.621094 61.125 299 61.949219 299 63.949219 C 299 65.851562 299.488281 67 300.300781 67 C 302.476562 67 301.199219 60.890625 298.898438 60.292969 C 297.898438 60.035156 297 59.136719 297 58.398438 C 297 57.601562 296.679688 57 296.25 57 C 295.828125 57 295.5 59.199219 295.5 62 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 53.484375 60.300781 C 52.71875 63.398438 53.171875 66.253906 54.5 66.691406 C 55.5 67.019531 55.683594 59.371094 54.699219 58.394531 C 54.363281 58.0625 53.828125 58.898438 53.484375 60.300781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 285.261719 59.199219 C 284.140625 60.601562 284.742188 67 286 67 C 286.441406 67 286.574219 66.101562 286.300781 65 C 286.023438 63.898438 286.339844 62.324219 287 61.5 C 287.878906 60.398438 287.894531 60 287.050781 60 C 286.449219 60 286.191406 59.523438 286.511719 59 C 287.398438 57.550781 286.46875 57.699219 285.261719 59.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 310.601562 59.601562 C 309.734375 61.800781 309.800781 62.21875 310.898438 61.546875 C 311.410156 61.238281 312.105469 62.300781 312.5 64 C 312.96875 66 313.800781 67 315 67 C 316.679688 67 316.664062 66.699219 314.738281 62.5 C 312.539062 57.699219 311.605469 57.046875 310.601562 59.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 19.148438 61.300781 C 18.589844 61.992188 18.167969 63.648438 18.25 64.851562 C 18.367188 66.613281 18.949219 67.035156 20.949219 66.800781 C 22.988281 66.558594 23.558594 65.851562 23.800781 63.25 C 24.050781 60.550781 23.769531 60 22.148438 60 C 21.050781 60 19.742188 60.566406 19.148438 61.300781 Z M 22 62 C 22 62.570312 21.550781 63 20.949219 63 C 20.351562 63 20.15625 62.570312 20.5 62 C 20.859375 61.398438 21.28125 61 21.550781 61 C 21.820312 61 22 61.398438 22 62 Z M 22 65 C 22 65.570312 21.550781 66 20.949219 66 C 20.351562 66 20.15625 65.570312 20.5 65 C 20.859375 64.398438 21.28125 64 21.550781 64 C 21.820312 64 22 64.398438 22 65 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 39.699219 60.601562 C 39.320312 60.980469 39 62.398438 39 63.699219 C 39 66.398438 41.605469 67.847656 43.320312 66.101562 C 44.265625 65.140625 44.199219 64.960938 43 65.199219 C 42.039062 65.390625 41.390625 64.601562 41.199219 63 C 40.972656 61.101562 41.140625 60.859375 41.910156 62 C 43.027344 63.660156 44.558594 62.699219 43.507812 61 C 42.765625 59.800781 40.714844 59.585938 39.699219 60.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 46.480469 61 C 46.109375 61.601562 46.074219 62.371094 46.398438 62.699219 C 46.722656 63.023438 46.484375 63.898438 45.886719 64.601562 C 44.601562 66.101562 44.601562 66.101562 48.300781 66.546875 C 50.601562 66.828125 51.074219 66.578125 50.601562 65.351562 C 50.285156 64.535156 50 62.898438 50 61.898438 C 50 59.800781 47.597656 59.1875 46.480469 61 Z M 49 62 C 49 62.601562 48.601562 63 48 63 C 47.398438 63 47 62.601562 47 62 C 47 61.398438 47.398438 61 48 61 C 48.601562 61 49 61.398438 49 62 Z M 49 64.449219 C 49 64.71875 48.601562 65.140625 48 65.5 C 47.429688 65.84375 47 65.648438 47 65.050781 C 47 64.449219 47.429688 64 48 64 C 48.601562 64 49 64.179688 49 64.449219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 57.792969 63.5 C 58.140625 66.5 58.585938 67 60.898438 67 C 63.367188 67 63.566406 66.699219 63.1875 63.5 C 62.664062 59.101562 61.050781 58.957031 60.90625 63.300781 L 60.800781 66.5 L 60.167969 63.601562 C 59.226562 59.300781 57.292969 59.21875 57.792969 63.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 65.800781 63.75 C 65.53125 65.949219 65.820312 67 66.699219 67 C 67.429688 67 68 65.898438 68 64.5 C 68 62.898438 68.539062 62 69.5 62 C 70.300781 62 71 61.582031 71 61.101562 C 71 60.613281 69.898438 60.269531 68.601562 60.351562 C 66.679688 60.46875 66.121094 61.148438 65.800781 63.75 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 72.699219 60.601562 C 72.320312 60.980469 72 62.398438 72 63.699219 C 72 66.398438 74.566406 67.832031 76.300781 66.101562 C 77.261719 65.140625 77.148438 65.03125 75.75 65.550781 C 74.339844 66.074219 74 65.648438 74 63.351562 C 74 61.25 74.25 60.882812 74.949219 61.949219 C 75.472656 62.75 76.191406 63.109375 76.550781 62.75 C 76.90625 62.394531 76.890625 61.601562 76.515625 61 C 75.769531 59.800781 73.714844 59.585938 72.699219 60.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 78.320312 61.5 C 77.960938 62.425781 78.5 63.753906 79.601562 64.648438 C 81.300781 66.035156 81.316406 66.140625 79.75 65.648438 C 78.75 65.335938 78 65.507812 78 66.050781 C 78 66.574219 78.898438 67 80 67 C 81.300781 67 82 66.300781 82 65 C 82 63.898438 81.550781 63 81 63 C 80.429688 63 80 62.550781 80 61.949219 C 80 61.351562 80.429688 61.15625 81 61.5 C 81.546875 61.828125 82 61.601562 82 61 C 82 59.390625 78.976562 59.800781 78.320312 61.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 97 63.601562 C 97 65.800781 97.476562 67 98.351562 67 C 99.269531 67 99.554688 66.199219 99.25 64.5 C 98.925781 62.699219 99.246094 62 100.398438 62 C 101.300781 62 102 61.605469 102 61.101562 C 102 60.597656 100.898438 60.199219 99.5 60.199219 C 97.292969 60.199219 97 60.601562 97 63.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 103.480469 61 C 103.109375 61.601562 103.09375 62.394531 103.449219 62.75 C 103.800781 63.101562 104.492188 62.800781 104.949219 62.101562 C 105.515625 61.234375 105.78125 61.75 105.75 63.648438 C 105.722656 65.25 105.515625 65.972656 105.277344 65.300781 C 104.667969 63.554688 103 63.699219 103 65.5 C 103 66.5 103.949219 67 105.851562 67 C 108.523438 67 108.660156 66.800781 108.054688 63.800781 C 107.386719 60.5 104.773438 58.898438 103.480469 61 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 110.5 63.5 C 110.5 66.699219 110.761719 67 113.550781 67 C 116.425781 67 116.578125 66.800781 116.199219 63.5 C 115.855469 60.5 115.421875 60 113.148438 60 C 110.804688 60 110.5 60.398438 110.5 63.5 Z M 115 63.5 C 115 64.300781 114.570312 65.15625 114 65.5 C 113.421875 65.847656 113 65 113 63.5 C 113 62 113.421875 61.152344 114 61.5 C 114.570312 61.84375 115 62.699219 115 63.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 118.480469 61 C 118.089844 61.628906 118.59375 63 119.648438 64.199219 C 121.324219 66.101562 121.332031 66.242188 119.75 65.699219 C 118.75 65.355469 118 65.527344 118 66.101562 C 118 67.382812 121.714844 67.300781 122.519531 66 C 122.90625 65.371094 122.40625 64 121.351562 62.800781 C 120.292969 61.601562 120.035156 61 120.75 61.398438 C 121.449219 61.792969 122 61.617188 122 61 C 122 59.601562 119.34375 59.601562 118.480469 61 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 129.699219 60.601562 C 129.320312 60.980469 129 62.398438 129 63.699219 C 129 66.398438 131.566406 67.832031 133.300781 66.101562 C 134.261719 65.140625 134.148438 65.03125 132.75 65.550781 C 131.339844 66.074219 131 65.648438 131 63.351562 C 131 61.25 131.25 60.882812 131.949219 61.949219 C 132.472656 62.75 133.191406 63.109375 133.550781 62.75 C 133.90625 62.394531 133.890625 61.601562 133.515625 61 C 132.769531 59.800781 130.714844 59.585938 129.699219 60.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 135.5 63.601562 C 135.5 65.5 136.007812 67 136.648438 67 C 137.28125 67 137.574219 66.101562 137.300781 65 C 136.976562 63.699219 137.359375 62.789062 138.398438 62.398438 C 140.648438 61.546875 140.300781 60.523438 137.699219 60.347656 C 135.824219 60.222656 135.5 60.699219 135.5 63.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 277.804688 60.699219 C 277.585938 61.132812 277.308594 62.699219 277.199219 64.101562 C 277.03125 66.300781 277.390625 66.699219 279.550781 66.699219 C 281.769531 66.699219 282.058594 66.300781 281.792969 63.601562 C 281.503906 60.699219 278.804688 58.734375 277.804688 60.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 289.699219 60.601562 C 289.320312 60.980469 289 62.398438 289 63.699219 C 289 66.398438 291.566406 67.832031 293.300781 66.101562 C 294.199219 65.199219 294.101562 65.050781 292.898438 65.503906 C 291 66.214844 289.488281 63.113281 291 61.601562 C 291.71875 60.878906 292 60.949219 292 61.851562 C 292 62.550781 292.441406 62.835938 293 62.5 C 293.601562 62.140625 293.785156 61.539062 293.460938 61 C 292.800781 59.898438 290.632812 59.667969 289.699219 60.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 318.511719 61.199219 C 318.289062 61.90625 318.191406 64.101562 318.300781 66 C 318.472656 69 318.855469 69.5 321 69.5 C 322.601562 69.5 323.609375 68.871094 323.800781 67.75 C 324.003906 66.554688 323.449219 66 322.050781 66 L 320 66 L 322 64 C 323.101562 62.898438 324 61.550781 324 61 C 324 59.515625 318.988281 59.699219 318.511719 61.199219 Z M 322 62.5 C 322 63.300781 321.53125 64 321 64 C 320.46875 64 320 63.300781 320 62.5 C 320 61.699219 320.46875 61 321 61 C 321.53125 61 322 61.699219 322 62.5 Z M 322.25 68.699219 C 321.550781 68.980469 320.449219 68.980469 319.75 68.699219 C 319.050781 68.417969 319.601562 68.199219 321 68.199219 C 322.398438 68.199219 322.949219 68.417969 322.25 68.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 325.800781 63.75 C 325.527344 65.949219 325.820312 67 326.699219 67 C 327.429688 67 328 65.898438 328 64.5 C 328 62.898438 328.539062 62 329.5 62 C 330.300781 62 331 61.582031 331 61.101562 C 331 60.613281 329.898438 60.269531 328.601562 60.351562 C 326.679688 60.46875 326.121094 61.148438 325.800781 63.75 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 332.699219 60.601562 C 332.320312 60.980469 332 62.398438 332 63.699219 C 332 66.398438 334.566406 67.832031 336.300781 66.101562 C 337.261719 65.140625 337.148438 65.03125 335.75 65.550781 C 334.339844 66.074219 334 65.648438 334 63.351562 C 334 61.25 334.25 60.882812 334.949219 61.949219 C 335.472656 62.75 336.191406 63.109375 336.550781 62.75 C 336.90625 62.394531 336.890625 61.601562 336.515625 61 C 335.769531 59.800781 333.714844 59.585938 332.699219 60.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 338.699219 60.601562 C 338.320312 60.980469 338 62.398438 338 63.699219 C 338 66.398438 340.605469 67.847656 342.320312 66.101562 C 343.265625 65.140625 343.199219 64.960938 342 65.199219 C 341.039062 65.390625 340.390625 64.601562 340.199219 63 C 339.972656 61.101562 340.140625 60.859375 340.910156 62 C 342.027344 63.660156 343.558594 62.699219 342.507812 61 C 341.765625 59.800781 339.714844 59.585938 338.699219 60.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 25.75 63.699219 C 26.449219 63.980469 27.550781 63.980469 28.25 63.699219 C 28.949219 63.417969 28.398438 63.199219 27 63.199219 C 25.601562 63.199219 25.050781 63.417969 25.75 63.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 303.75 63.699219 C 304.449219 63.980469 305.550781 63.980469 306.25 63.699219 C 306.949219 63.417969 306.398438 63.199219 305 63.199219 C 303.601562 63.199219 303.050781 63.417969 303.75 63.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 308.25 65 C 307.1875 66.699219 307.246094 67 308.648438 67 C 309.550781 67 310.003906 66.703125 309.648438 66.351562 C 309.3125 66.011719 309.53125 65.050781 310.101562 64.351562 C 310.671875 63.648438 310.789062 63 310.351562 63 C 309.882812 63 308.9375 63.898438 308.25 65 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 263.5 66 C 263.15625 66.570312 263.351562 67 263.949219 67 C 264.550781 67 265 66.570312 265 66 C 265 65.398438 264.820312 65 264.550781 65 C 264.28125 65 263.859375 65.398438 263.5 66 "/> </g> </svg> In the absence of an intervening head, in this case Neg, Subject-verb agreement holds perfectly, as C transfers its ø-features directly to T. Thus, when T is projected, the Subject-Neg agreement does not hold. This is the case in verbal constructions in examples (2) above, repeated below for convenience: 7 Negation in Moroccan Amazigh is much more complex than the facts presented here. See Ouali (2011) and Bensoukas (2015) and the references cited therein. 27) 10. Zayd-un laa yu-ħibb-u l-ʔaflaam-a Zayd-Nom NEG-Present 3m-write-IMP-3ms the-movies-Acc ‘Zayd doesn’t like movies’ 11. lam ya-xruʒ Zayd-un l-baariħata NEG-Past 3m-went out Zayd-Nom the-yesterday ‘Zayd didn’t go out yesterday’ 12. lan ya-xruʒ Zayd-un ɣadan Neg-Future 3ms-went out Zayd-Nom tomorrow ‘Zayd won’t go out tomorrow’ ## Negation and Adjacency Requirement It has been observed that the distribution of negation in SA displays a strict adjacency requirement, according to which *laa* and its variant must be adjacent to the verb (Fassi Fehri, 1993; Benmamoun, 2000); otherwise, ungrammaticality ensues, as shown in (28-b). 28) 13. lan ya-ʔti-ya **Zayd-un** NEG-Future 3ms-come Zayd-NOM ‘Zayd won’t come’ 14. \*lan **Zayd-un** ya-ʔti-ya NEG-Future Zayd-NOM3ms-come *laysa*, on the other hand, does not observe such requirement, as shown by the fact that the subject can intervene between the negative and the verb. 29) 15. **Zayd-un** laysa maRiiD-an Zayd-NOM NEG-3ms sick-ACC ‘Zayd isn’t sick’ 16. laysa **Zayd-un** maRiiD-an NEG-3ms Zayd-NOM sick-ACC ‘Zayd isn’t sick’ In this study, the adjacency requirement is explained on the basis of the syntactic configuration in (30). In particular, when T is present the verb must move to check the \[V\] feature of tense (Benmamoun, 2000). This explains why the two lexical heads, Neg and V, are adjacent, forming a complex head. This is made clear in the following tree diagram: 30) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="367pt" height="398pt" viewBox="0 0 367 398" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 82.050781 25.398438 C 83.753906 27.300781 85.695312 29.59375 86.449219 30.601562 C 87.644531 32.191406 87.839844 31.800781 88.148438 27.199219 C 88.371094 23.898438 88.097656 22 87.398438 22 C 86.757812 22 86.464844 23.351562 86.699219 25.25 L 87.101562 28.5 L 84.300781 25.25 C 82.75 23.449219 80.941406 22 80.25 22 C 79.550781 22 80.34375 23.5 82.050781 25.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 104.5 27 C 104.5 30.101562 104.9375 32 105.648438 32 C 106.28125 32 106.574219 31.101562 106.300781 30 C 105.976562 28.699219 106.324219 28 107.300781 28 C 108.101562 28 109.371094 27.300781 110.023438 26.5 C 111.628906 24.535156 109.699219 22 106.601562 22 C 104.753906 22 104.5 22.601562 104.5 27 Z M 108.5 25 C 108.5 25.699219 107.921875 26.507812 107.25 26.75 C 106.511719 27.015625 106 26.300781 106 25 C 106 23.699219 106.511719 22.984375 107.25 23.25 C 107.921875 23.492188 108.5 24.300781 108.5 25 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 91.039062 26.398438 C 90.355469 27.226562 90.09375 28.800781 90.457031 29.898438 C 91.179688 32.101562 93.511719 32.605469 94.621094 30.800781 C 94.992188 30.199219 94.824219 29.996094 94.25 30.351562 C 93.691406 30.695312 92.640625 30.300781 92 29.5 C 91.019531 28.273438 91.199219 28 93 28 C 94.300781 28 95.03125 27.507812 94.792969 26.800781 C 94.144531 24.898438 92.429688 24.71875 91.039062 26.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 97.566406 26.300781 C 96.636719 29.199219 97.550781 34.484375 99 34.589844 C 99.898438 34.65625 100 34.539062 99.25 34.300781 C 98.550781 34.074219 98 33.503906 98 33 C 98 31.625 101.71875 31.800781 102.28125 33.199219 C 102.578125 33.941406 102.84375 33.75 102.898438 32.75 C 102.964844 31.613281 102.300781 31 101 31 C 99 31 99 31 101.101562 28.898438 C 102.800781 27.199219 102.953125 26.640625 101.898438 25.960938 C 99.898438 24.667969 98.042969 24.8125 97.566406 26.300781 Z M 101 27.5 C 101 28.300781 100.578125 29 100.101562 29 C 98.800781 29 97.878906 27.421875 98.699219 26.601562 C 99.851562 25.449219 101 25.898438 101 27.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 80.5 31 C 80.15625 31.570312 80.351562 32 80.949219 32 C 81.550781 32 82 31.570312 82 31 C 82 30.398438 81.820312 30 81.550781 30 C 81.28125 30 80.859375 30.398438 80.5 31 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 63.25 56.5 C 45.550781 68.300781 31 78.269531 31 78.601562 C 31 79.324219 29.800781 80.097656 64.601562 56.917969 L 95.699219 36.199219 L 117.601562 57.851562 L 139.5 79.5 L 117.5 57.25 C 105.4375 45.050781 95.5 35 95.5 35 C 95.5 35 80.949219 44.699219 63.25 56.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 18.085938 94 C 20.445312 96.800781 22.453125 99 22.648438 99 C 22.847656 99 23 96.800781 23 94 C 23 91.199219 22.625 89 22.148438 89 C 21.679688 89 21.476562 90.449219 21.699219 92.25 L 22.101562 95.5 L 19.097656 92.300781 C 14.261719 87.140625 13.453125 88.5 18.085938 94 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 140 89.949219 C 140 90.484375 140.699219 90.636719 141.601562 90.300781 C 142.976562 89.785156 143.152344 90.351562 142.851562 94.351562 C 142.601562 97.648438 142.863281 99 143.75 99 C 144.566406 99 145 97.398438 145 94.398438 C 145 90.699219 145.292969 89.90625 146.5 90.351562 C 147.300781 90.644531 148 90.457031 148 89.949219 C 148 89.425781 146.199219 89 144 89 C 141.800781 89 140 89.425781 140 89.949219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 149.5 94 C 149.5 97.5 149.890625 99 150.800781 99 C 151.621094 99 151.878906 98.300781 151.5 97.101562 C 151.042969 95.65625 151.5 95.050781 153.398438 94.578125 C 158.042969 93.421875 156.300781 89 151.199219 89 C 149.839844 89 149.5 90 149.5 94 Z M 154 92.101562 C 154 94.53125 151.703125 94.199219 151.226562 91.699219 C 151.035156 90.699219 151.539062 90 152.449219 90 C 153.335938 90 154 90.898438 154 92.101562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 26.039062 93.398438 C 25.355469 94.226562 25.09375 95.800781 25.457031 96.898438 C 26.179688 99.101562 28.511719 99.605469 29.621094 97.800781 C 29.992188 97.199219 29.824219 96.996094 29.25 97.351562 C 28.691406 97.695312 27.640625 97.300781 27 96.5 C 26.019531 95.273438 26.199219 95 28 95 C 29.300781 95 30.03125 94.507812 29.792969 93.800781 C 29.144531 91.898438 27.429688 91.71875 26.039062 93.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 32.683594 92.699219 C 32.414062 93.148438 32.199219 94.601562 32.199219 96 C 32.199219 97.398438 32.046875 99.117188 31.851562 99.898438 C 31.375 101.800781 34.601562 102.554688 36.5 100.988281 C 38.347656 99.460938 37.5 98.03125 34.699219 97.960938 C 32.5 97.898438 32.5 97.898438 34.800781 96.949219 C 36.199219 96.371094 36.976562 95.335938 36.785156 94.300781 C 36.453125 92.5 33.503906 91.351562 32.683594 92.699219 Z M 35.796875 94.800781 C 36.023438 95.476562 35.5 96 34.601562 96 C 33.699219 96 33 95.300781 33 94.398438 C 33 92.589844 35.15625 92.898438 35.796875 94.800781 Z M 36.5 100 C 36.167969 100.550781 35.25 101 34.449219 101 C 33.648438 101 33 100.550781 33 100 C 33 99.464844 33.949219 99 35.050781 99 C 36.148438 99 36.820312 99.464844 36.5 100 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 122 127.5 C 106.898438 142.601562 94.949219 155 95.5 155 C 96.050781 155 108.398438 143.101562 123 128.5 L 149.5 102 L 170.800781 144.601562 C 182.5 168 192.324219 186.976562 192.601562 186.699219 C 193.070312 186.230469 150.5 100 149.800781 100 C 149.636719 100 137.101562 112.398438 122 127.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 92.351562 156.699219 C 93.863281 157.109375 94.136719 158 93.851562 161.601562 C 93.652344 164.101562 93.929688 166 94.5 166 C 95.070312 166 95.347656 164.101562 95.148438 161.601562 C 94.863281 158 95.136719 157.109375 96.648438 156.699219 C 97.667969 156.425781 96.699219 156.199219 94.5 156.199219 C 92.300781 156.199219 91.332031 156.425781 92.351562 156.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 94.515625 180 C 92.609375 183.601562 92.609375 184 94.5 184 C 95.824219 184 96 195.800781 96 284 L 96 384 L 238 384 L 237.5 339.5 L 237 383 L 97 383 L 97 283.5 C 97 195.699219 97.175781 184 98.5 184 C 99.300781 184 100 183.765625 100 183.5 C 100 182.601562 96.984375 177 96.5 177 C 96.273438 177 95.414062 178.300781 94.515625 180 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 172.800781 194.050781 L 175.300781 199.101562 L 176.648438 195.898438 C 178.335938 191.898438 178.34375 190.742188 176.664062 193.800781 L 175.398438 196.101562 L 174.199219 193.5 C 173.554688 192.101562 173.253906 190.460938 173.550781 189.949219 C 173.839844 189.449219 173.199219 189 172.199219 189 C 170.394531 189 170.425781 189.25 172.800781 194.050781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 177.5 190 C 177.859375 190.601562 178.460938 190.78125 179 190.453125 C 180.441406 189.582031 180.199219 189 178.398438 189 C 177.601562 189 177.179688 189.46875 177.5 190 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 205.5 194 C 205.5 197.5 205.890625 199 206.800781 199 C 207.621094 199 207.878906 198.300781 207.5 197.101562 C 207.042969 195.65625 207.5 195.050781 209.398438 194.578125 C 214.042969 193.421875 212.300781 189 207.199219 189 C 205.839844 189 205.5 190 205.5 194 Z M 210 192.101562 C 210 194.53125 207.703125 194.199219 207.226562 191.699219 C 207.035156 190.699219 207.539062 190 208.449219 190 C 209.335938 190 210 190.898438 210 192.101562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 181.4375 193.398438 C 180.441406 196 181.480469 198.472656 183.699219 198.796875 C 185.101562 198.996094 186.023438 198.398438 186.46875 197 C 187.640625 193.300781 182.804688 189.835938 181.4375 193.398438 Z M 185.445312 194.699219 C 186.28125 196.898438 184.410156 198.8125 182.898438 197.300781 C 181.683594 196.082031 182.398438 193 183.898438 193 C 184.378906 193 185.105469 193.800781 185.445312 194.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 189 195.5 C 189 197.398438 189.367188 199 189.800781 199 C 190.234375 199 190.417969 197.398438 190.199219 195.5 C 189.984375 193.601562 189.617188 192 189.398438 192 C 189.183594 192 189 193.601562 189 195.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 193.199219 193.199219 C 191.480469 194.917969 191.699219 197.929688 193.601562 198.695312 C 194.398438 199.019531 195.660156 198.738281 196.300781 198.101562 C 197.199219 197.199219 197.101562 197.050781 195.898438 197.5 C 194.898438 197.875 194.0625 197.5 193.671875 196.5 C 192.804688 194.300781 193.789062 192.726562 195.601562 193.421875 C 196.398438 193.730469 196.8125 193.53125 196.480469 193 C 195.691406 191.734375 194.601562 191.800781 193.199219 193.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 199.699219 192.621094 C 199.320312 192.988281 199 194.398438 199 195.699219 C 199 198.300781 201.570312 199.828125 203.199219 198.199219 C 203.886719 197.515625 203.648438 197.246094 202.449219 197.351562 C 201.449219 197.4375 200.507812 196.964844 200.25 196.25 C 199.984375 195.511719 200.699219 195 202 195 C 203.300781 195 204.035156 194.507812 203.800781 193.800781 C 203.300781 192.300781 200.777344 191.574219 199.699219 192.621094 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 161.148438 229.851562 C 143.449219 241.714844 129.136719 251.535156 129.300781 251.699219 C 129.464844 251.863281 143.851562 242.484375 161.351562 230.800781 C 181.351562 217.445312 193.355469 210.007812 193.785156 210.699219 C 196.964844 215.800781 247.511719 285.890625 247.800781 285.601562 C 248.019531 285.378906 235.8125 267.851562 220.75 246.75 L 193.300781 208.300781 L 161.148438 229.851562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 113.347656 257.601562 C 112.925781 258.710938 113.601562 260.03125 115.300781 261.410156 C 118.601562 264.09375 118.679688 265.40625 115.5 264.785156 C 114.101562 264.515625 113 264.675781 113 265.148438 C 113 265.625 114.101562 266 115.5 266 C 119.300781 266 119.929688 263.167969 116.699219 260.601562 C 113.5 258.0625 113.1875 256.578125 116 257.292969 C 117.101562 257.570312 118 257.394531 118 256.898438 C 118 255.296875 113.996094 255.898438 113.347656 257.601562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 120.851562 264.148438 C 120.613281 267.449219 120.882812 269 121.699219 269 C 122.320312 269 122.660156 268.351562 122.398438 267.648438 C 122.089844 266.8125 122.699219 266.085938 124 265.742188 C 127.011719 264.941406 126.5 259.554688 123.398438 259.40625 C 121.496094 259.3125 121.152344 259.949219 120.851562 264.148438 Z M 125 263 C 125 264.101562 124.324219 265 123.5 265 C 122 265 121.359375 261.941406 122.601562 260.699219 C 123.671875 259.628906 125 260.898438 125 263 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 128.699219 259.621094 C 128.320312 259.988281 128 261.398438 128 262.699219 C 128 265.300781 130.570312 266.828125 132.199219 265.199219 C 132.886719 264.515625 132.648438 264.246094 131.449219 264.351562 C 130.449219 264.4375 129.507812 263.964844 129.25 263.25 C 128.984375 262.511719 129.699219 262 131 262 C 132.300781 262 133.035156 261.507812 132.800781 260.800781 C 132.300781 259.300781 129.777344 258.574219 128.699219 259.621094 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 135.199219 260.199219 C 133.480469 261.917969 133.699219 264.929688 135.601562 265.695312 C 136.398438 266.019531 137.660156 265.738281 138.300781 265.101562 C 139.199219 264.199219 139.101562 264.050781 137.898438 264.5 C 136.898438 264.875 136.0625 264.5 135.671875 263.5 C 134.804688 261.300781 135.789062 259.726562 137.601562 260.421875 C 138.398438 260.730469 138.8125 260.53125 138.480469 260 C 137.691406 258.734375 136.601562 258.800781 135.199219 260.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 106 291.25 C 106 292.449219 106.933594 294.082031 108 294.75 C 109.101562 295.4375 110 296.496094 110 297.101562 C 110 297.703125 109.101562 297.976562 108 297.699219 C 106.898438 297.425781 106 297.605469 106 298.101562 C 106 298.605469 107.101562 299 108.5 299 C 112.199219 299 112.863281 296.117188 109.699219 293.800781 C 106.601562 291.53125 106.203125 289.542969 109 290.277344 C 110.101562 290.5625 111 290.394531 111 289.898438 C 111 289.394531 109.898438 289 108.5 289 C 106.601562 289 106 289.539062 106 291.25 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 120.851562 294.050781 C 121.160156 298.550781 121.4375 299.066406 123.398438 298.789062 C 126.199219 298.390625 126.589844 292.4375 123.800781 292.65625 C 122.664062 292.746094 122 292.101562 122 290.898438 C 122 289.898438 121.644531 289 121.25 289 C 120.835938 289 120.65625 291.25 120.851562 294.050781 Z M 125 296 C 125 297.101562 124.324219 298 123.5 298 C 122 298 121.359375 294.941406 122.601562 293.699219 C 123.671875 292.628906 125 293.898438 125 296 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 230.800781 294.050781 L 233.300781 299.101562 L 234.648438 295.898438 C 236.335938 291.898438 236.34375 290.742188 234.664062 293.800781 L 233.398438 296.101562 L 232.199219 293.5 C 231.554688 292.101562 231.253906 290.460938 231.550781 289.949219 C 231.839844 289.449219 231.199219 289 230.199219 289 C 228.394531 289 228.425781 289.25 230.800781 294.050781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 235.5 290 C 235.859375 290.601562 236.460938 290.78125 237 290.453125 C 238.441406 289.582031 238.199219 289 236.398438 289 C 235.601562 289 235.179688 289.46875 235.5 290 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 145.800781 291.5 C 145.101562 292.199219 146.101562 299 146.898438 299 C 147.226562 299 147.445312 297.398438 147.382812 295.5 C 147.265625 292 146.707031 290.59375 145.800781 291.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 113.800781 295.5 C 114.132812 298.398438 114.609375 299 116.601562 299 C 118.554688 299 119 298.449219 119 296.050781 C 119 294.449219 118.566406 292.847656 118.050781 292.550781 C 117.511719 292.238281 117.1875 293.148438 117.300781 294.648438 C 117.414062 296.148438 116.957031 297.496094 116.25 297.75 C 115.445312 298.039062 115 297.101562 115 295.101562 C 115 293.398438 114.640625 292 114.199219 292 C 113.765625 292 113.582031 293.601562 113.800781 295.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 129.050781 292.5 C 128.914062 293.046875 128.867188 295.148438 128.949219 297.148438 C 129.066406 299.949219 128.679688 300.917969 127.300781 301.300781 C 125.601562 301.773438 125.601562 301.804688 127.300781 301.910156 C 129.519531 302.046875 130.203125 300.199219 129.703125 295.398438 C 129.488281 293.300781 129.183594 291.960938 129.050781 292.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 132.699219 292.621094 C 132.320312 292.988281 132 294.398438 132 295.699219 C 132 298.300781 134.570312 299.828125 136.199219 298.199219 C 136.886719 297.515625 136.648438 297.246094 135.449219 297.351562 C 134.449219 297.4375 133.507812 296.964844 133.25 296.25 C 132.984375 295.511719 133.699219 295 135 295 C 136.300781 295 137.035156 294.507812 136.800781 293.800781 C 136.300781 292.300781 133.777344 291.574219 132.699219 292.621094 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 139.199219 293.199219 C 137.480469 294.917969 137.699219 297.929688 139.601562 298.695312 C 140.398438 299.019531 141.660156 298.738281 142.300781 298.101562 C 143.199219 297.199219 143.101562 297.050781 141.898438 297.5 C 140.898438 297.875 140.0625 297.5 139.671875 296.5 C 138.804688 294.300781 139.789062 292.726562 141.601562 293.421875 C 142.398438 293.730469 142.808594 293.53125 142.480469 293 C 141.691406 291.734375 140.601562 291.800781 139.199219 293.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 239.4375 293.398438 C 238.441406 296 239.480469 298.472656 241.699219 298.796875 C 243.101562 299 244.023438 298.398438 244.46875 297 C 245.640625 293.300781 240.804688 289.835938 239.4375 293.398438 Z M 243.445312 294.699219 C 244.28125 296.898438 242.410156 298.8125 240.898438 297.300781 C 239.683594 296.082031 240.398438 293 241.898438 293 C 242.378906 293 243.105469 293.800781 243.445312 294.699219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 247 295.5 C 247 297.398438 247.367188 299 247.800781 299 C 248.234375 299 248.417969 297.398438 248.199219 295.5 C 247.984375 293.601562 247.617188 292 247.398438 292 C 247.183594 292 247 293.601562 247 295.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 251.199219 293.199219 C 249.480469 294.917969 249.699219 297.929688 251.601562 298.695312 C 252.398438 299.019531 253.660156 298.738281 254.300781 298.101562 C 255.199219 297.199219 255.101562 297.050781 253.898438 297.5 C 252.898438 297.875 252.0625 297.5 251.671875 296.5 C 250.804688 294.300781 251.789062 292.726562 253.601562 293.421875 C 254.398438 293.730469 254.8125 293.53125 254.480469 293 C 253.691406 291.734375 252.601562 291.800781 251.199219 293.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 257.699219 292.621094 C 257.320312 292.988281 257 294.398438 257 295.699219 C 257 298.300781 259.570312 299.828125 261.199219 298.199219 C 261.886719 297.515625 261.648438 297.246094 260.449219 297.351562 C 259.449219 297.4375 258.507812 296.964844 258.25 296.25 C 257.984375 295.511719 258.699219 295 260 295 C 261.300781 295 262.035156 294.507812 261.800781 293.800781 C 261.300781 292.300781 258.777344 291.574219 257.699219 292.621094 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 227.199219 327.101562 C 229.257812 332.101562 229.324219 332.15625 230.574219 329.898438 C 232.289062 326.800781 232.316406 325.160156 230.609375 327.5 C 229.390625 329.175781 229.246094 329.101562 228.5 326.398438 C 228.058594 324.800781 227.765625 323.164062 227.851562 322.75 C 227.933594 322.335938 227.351562 322 226.550781 322 C 225.382812 322 225.511719 323 227.199219 327.101562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 232 323.5 C 232 324.300781 232.1875 325 232.398438 325 C 232.613281 325 233.058594 324.300781 233.351562 323.5 C 233.644531 322.699219 233.457031 322 232.949219 322 C 232.441406 322 232 322.699219 232 323.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 246.851562 327.050781 C 247.160156 331.550781 247.4375 332.066406 249.398438 331.789062 C 252.199219 331.390625 252.589844 325.4375 249.800781 325.65625 C 248.664062 325.746094 248 325.101562 248 323.898438 C 248 322.898438 247.644531 322 247.25 322 C 246.835938 322 246.65625 324.25 246.851562 327.050781 Z M 251 329 C 251 330.101562 250.324219 331 249.5 331 C 248 331 247.359375 327.941406 248.601562 326.699219 C 249.671875 325.628906 251 326.898438 251 329 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 236.039062 326.398438 C 235.359375 327.226562 235.097656 328.800781 235.457031 329.898438 C 236.179688 332.101562 238.511719 332.605469 239.621094 330.800781 C 239.992188 330.199219 239.824219 329.996094 239.25 330.351562 C 238.691406 330.695312 237.640625 330.300781 237 329.5 C 236.019531 328.273438 236.199219 328 238 328 C 239.300781 328 240.03125 327.507812 239.789062 326.800781 C 239.144531 324.898438 237.429688 324.71875 236.039062 326.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 242.378906 328.5 C 242.464844 332.398438 244 333.347656 244 329.5 C 244 328.101562 244.441406 327 245 327 C 245.601562 327 246 326.601562 246 326 C 246 325.460938 245.148438 325 244.148438 325 C 242.722656 325 242.316406 325.800781 242.378906 328.5 "/> </g> </svg> In the absence of T in a non-verbal context, however, no such a requirement is instigated, thus accounting for (28). Before closing this section, it has been pointed out by Benmamoun (2000), building on Moutaouakil (1993), that *laysa* appears in verbal contexts as well, as indicated by the grammaticality of the following sentence: 31) las-tu ʔa-drii NEG-3ms 3ms-know ‘I don’t know’ This being the case, however, this does not seem to undermine our thesis that *laysa* appears in a clause structure where TP is not projected. There is supporting evidence that the verb in the imperfective form does not move to T. This is evident from the ungrammaticality of the periphrastic causative sentence in (32-b), where the verb movement in the embedded clause is not possible (see Loutfi, 2017 for an analysis). 32) 17. ʒaʕal-a Zayd-un l-bint-a ta-rqusu made-3ms Zayd-NOM the-girl-ACC 3fs-dance ‘Zayd made the girl dance’ 18. \*ʒaʕal-a Zayd-un ta-rqusu l-bint-a made-3ms Zayd-NOM the-girl-ACC 3fs-dance ‘Zayd made the girl dance’ The idea that the verb does not move in embedded clauses is consistent with the analysis suggested in Loutfi (2017), according to which embedded clauses in periphrastic causatives do not project a TP. Instances where the verb, although appearing with imperfective morphology, undergoes verb movement to T can still be maintained if we assume the Neg head does not share tense with T. ## The Negative *maa* If the analysis proposed is maintained, *maa* seems to pose problems. As has been pointed out, *maa* appears in a wide range of contexts, both verbal and non-verbal, and its distribution does not seem to be restricted by tense. This is coupled with the fact that the verb negated by *maa* is conjugated according to the tense of the sentence, which means that *maa* does not block verb movement to T (Aoun *et al.* 2010). 33) 19. maa xaraʒ-at Hind-un NEG went-out-3fs Hind-Nom ‘Hind didn’t go out’ 20. maa ta-xruʒ-u Hind-un fii layl-i NEG 3fs-go-out’3fs Hind-Nom in night-GEN ‘Hind doesn’t go out at night’ 21. maa Sa-tu-saafir-u Zaynab-un NEG FUT-3fs-travel-3fs Zaynab-Nom ‘Zaynab won’t travel’ 22. maa Hind-un fii l-bayt-i NEG Hind-Nom in the-house-Gen ‘Hind isn’t at home’ 23. maa xaalid-un ħaziin-un NEG Khalid-Nom sad-Nom ‘Khalid isn’t sad’ Ouhalla (1993) argues that *maa* acts as a marker of negative contrastive focus, as it contrastively focuses the whole proposition. As defined by Ouhalla (1993: 277), ‘negative focus is used to assert the falsity of a given prevailing piece of information, which can be encoded in a whole proposition (sentence), or in just a constituent of a sentence’. Assuming that this analysis is on the right track, this explains why *maa*, contrary to the other negative particles, does not participate in the Feature-Inheritance model. More precisely, *maa* is merged higher in the structure than C and T. This also explains the co-occurrence of both the discontinuous morpheme *ma-…-*ʃ and the non-discontinuous *ma*ʃ*i* in (34). 34) 24. maʃi ma-ʒa-ʃ NEG NEG-came-3ms-NEG ‘Not that he didn’t come’ 25. maʃi ma-zwin-ʃ NEG NEG-beautiful-3ms-NEG ‘Not that he isn’t beautiful’ Similar to *maa*, *ma*ʃ*i* also acts as a focus marker, contrastively focusing the whole proposition, as *ma*ʃ*i* in (38) clearly asserts the falsity of the proposition that ‘he didn’t come’. Since *ma*ʃ*i* and the discontinuous morpheme *ma-…-*ʃ are not in complementary distribution, the two negative morphemes cannot be said to occupy the same position. This fact suggests that *ma*ʃ*i* is higher in the clause than C. Following Ouhalla (1993), *ma*ʃ*i* is similar to *maa* in that the two are the heads of the focus projection located higher than C and T. This explains why *maa* neither carries tense nor inflects for agreement. Therefore, *maa* does not block the feature sharing process. ## Negation and Late Insertion With *laysa* and *laa* and its temporal variants instantiating different syntactic configurations, it is tempting to advance the proposal suggested in Benmamoun (2000), according to which there is one single negative element. With the exception of *maa*, this proposal is also supported by the fact that the different negative particles share a common phonological form. Given our theoretical approach, we diverge from Benmamoun’s implementation of this proposal, however, proposing that their realization is governed by Late Insertion (Halle and Marantz, 1993, 1994). As shown in (59), each negative element is specified with a set of specific features that licenses its context of insertion. 35) ### *Vocabulary Items proposed for Negation* 26. laa ⇔ \[+V, T<sub>Present</sub>\] 27. lam ⇔ \[+V, T<sub>PAST</sub>\] 28. lan ⇔ \[+V, T<sub>FUTURE</sub>\] 29. laysa ⇔ \[+V, +N\] 30. maa ⇔ \[Focus\] # Conclusion The locus of interest of this paper has been to explain the seemingly disparate range of empirical facts displayed by the negative elements in SA. These are the Subject-Neg agreement triggered by *laysa* and the temporal interpretation associated with *lan* and *lam*. It has been demonstrated that these behaviors are unified under the Feature Inheritance system suggested in Chomsky (2004, 2005), whereby T inherits its tense and ø-features from C. The advantages of this system are twofold. First, it has been shown that the Subject-Neg agreement and the tense encoded by *lan* and *lam* are not coincidental, but the result of the mechanism Agree, thereby unifying these two seemingly unrelated phenomena. Second, it has been demonstrated that the *High-Neg* analysi*s* proves more explanatory than the *Low-Neg* approach. Furthermore, an adequate and unified analysis of the adjacency requirement on the verb and the negative *laa* and its temporal variants has been provided. As opposed to Benmamoun (2000), I have shown that the adjacency requirement (or its lack thereof) boils down to the (un)- availability of movement of the verb to T. In non-verbless sentences, where T was argued not to be projected, such a requirement is not observed. This analysis straightforwardly captures the generalization that *laa* and its variants always requires the presence of a verbal head. 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