Eclipse plugin for JavaScript with Closure Compiler,
Closure Library and Closure Linter
This plugin
extends JSDT,
the JavaScript development environment
for Eclipse, with some
features which are useful for developers using
the Closure
the Closure
Library and/or
the Closure
from Google. The main
features are:
- Background build of JavaScript projects, using the Closure
Compiler, in order to report errors.
- Type-aware completion proposals, using the Closure
Compiler. This is particularly useful for the Closure
Library, but also works for user defined libraries.
- Launch configuration for the Closure compiler.
- Launch configuration for the Closure linter.
Completion proposal
Problem marker
Launching the Closure Compiler
Launching the Closure Linter
The following additional features are under development, and
will be available in next versions:
- Launch configuration for launching the Closure Compiler from
the Eclipse IDE.
- Outline view to browse the content of the Closure
If you are also using the
the Closure
Templates, you may have a look to
the Eclipse plugin
developed for them.
The plugin should run on all platforms where Eclipse and the
Closure Compiler are supported.
Step 1: Install Base Software
In order to use the plugin, you need:
- Eclipse Indigo (version 3.7.1 or later), including JSDT from
Web Tools Platform. You can download
it from the
Eclipse website. We
recommend you install the package called
IDE for Java EE Developers.
- The Closure Library installed at some place in your
computer. See installation instructions
- If you are using it, the Closure Linter installed at some
place in your computer. See installation
instructions here.
You don't need to install the Closure Compiler to run the
plugin, because the JAR of the plugin already includes it. But
may download
and install your own copy if you like to run the Closure
Compiler out of Eclipse.
Note however that the Closure Compiler requires Java 1.7 at
least to run.
Step 2: Install the plugin
- Open again the update manager (menu Help, then Install
new software...).
- In the field Work with:, enter the URL of the update
- Select the JavaScript Closure plugin.
- Click on Next and validate the following messages to finalize
the installation.
- During the installation, Eclipe will show a security
warning. You need to acknowledge it.
- At the end of the installation, Eclipse proposes you to
restart Eclipse for the installation to take effect. You
should accept by clicking on Restart Now.
Step 3: Configure the plugin
The current version of the plugin requires a little bit of
manual configuration. I'll try to make this more transparent in
future versions, but for the time being:
- Open Eclipse preferences window
(menu Window, Preferences), and display the
page JavaScript, Closure.
- You need to fill the field Closure base directory:
with the full path of the directory where the Closure Library
is installed on your computer. This is the base of the
directory that contains the files base.js
and deps.js. Typically, it ends
- You may adjust the cache settings. I strongly recommend to
select Enabled for both, as it should drastically
improve the JavaScript build performances.
- I also recommend that you disable the default completion
proposals from JSDT. This is not required, because by default
those of the Closure plugin will get merged with those of
JSDT, but it does not really make sense to have both. To do
so, display the preference
page JavaScript, Editor, Content
Assist, Advanced. In the first list (Select
the proposal kinds contained in the 'default' content assist
list), you should selct Closure Completion
Proposals and deactivate other ones.
- If you use the Closure Linter, you should create a launch
configuration for it. For this purpose, select the
menu Run, Run Configurations,
select JavaScript Closure Linter in the list on the
left-hand-side, click on the button on the top left corner to
create a new launch configuration, check the gjslint command,
and select the option Use as default launch configuration
for the Closure Linter. Once done, you can launch the
Closure Linter directly by selecting a file or a project in
the project explorer, and selecting Run
As, JavaScript Closure Linter in the
contextual menu.
- If you want to launch the Closure Compiler to generate
compiled JavaScript files from the Eclipse IDE, you can create
similarly a launch configuration for it.
Then, for every project using the Closure Compiler and Library:
- Select the project in the project explorer, and open its
- Display the page JavaScript, Closure.
- Check the box Enable support for Closure Library and
Closure Compiler.
- You may adjust the other settings in the sub-pages
of Closure (but the default settings should be fine
in many cases). If your project contains JavaScript files
which should be ignored by the Closure support (e.g. compiled
JavaScript files), you can set the source path on the property
page JavaScript, Include
Path, Source.
- Once you click on OK, a full build of your project
should start in background. Once the build is completed, you
will be able to use the completion proposals and to see the
problem markers.
That's it.
- The plug-in runs the Closure compiler. If you're project is
large, the Closure compiler may require a large amount of
memory. As it is running in the same JVM as Eclipse, you may
need to start Eclipse with extended memory settings, e.g.:
-Xms256m -Xmx2048m
. You can specify these
settings either on the command-line, or in the configuration
file eclipse.ini
Under the hood
JavaScript compilation with the Closure Compiler is time
consuming. In order to make the plugin usable, I've tried to
implement as much optimizations as possible for the background
build (with the limit of keeping the Closure Compiler
unchanged — though I make some calls of non-public methods
thanks to Java reflection).
- Closure dependency primitives (
and goog.require
) are analyzed, in order to
include and compile only those which are required.
- Library files are stripped (i.e. the body of functions is
removed) in order to fasten their compilation),
- Abstract syntax trees are cloned in order to avoid
re-parsing unmodified files,
- Hot swap (a feature of the Closure Compiler for doing
partial compilation) is used as much as possible.
Of course, the optimizations are not enabled when you run the
Closure Compiler from the launch dialog, so that the generated
JavaScript file is correct.
The current version of the plugin has been designed to write
JavaScript code that follows the Closure coding conventions. It
should work properly as long as the Closure Compiler understands
correctly your code. If you encounter some problems, please
file a bug.
Please note however that if you use the Closure Compiler only as
a JavaScript minifier, it is probably not worth using this
The plugin is distributed under the
Plublic License Version 1.0.
Version 0.3.0 (2013-11-29, beta):
- Update to Closure Compiler v20131118.
Version 0.2.8 (2012-10-27, beta):
- Issue
Java exception.
- Issue
goog object is defined even if there is no goog.require
- Issue
Options for handling large projects.
Version 0.2.7 (2012-08-11, beta):
- Issue
fix issue with Java project nature.
- Compatibility with Eclipse 4.
Version 0.2.6 (2012-06-16, beta):
- Issue
fix handling of absolute paths under Microsoft Windows.
- Issue
case-insensitive selection of completion proposals.
Version 0.2.4 (2012-05-25, beta):
- Issue
handle properly an empty source path for JavaScript files.
- Issue
Fix ClassCastException in property page.
Version 0.2.2 (2012-05-22, beta):
- Issue
#34 and
restrict closure compiler to use source files specified in
the project properties.
- Issue
Fix exception thrown in case of closed project.
- Issue
#42 and
Fix null pointer exception.
- Issue
Fix problem markers generated by the project builder.
Version 0.2.1 (2012-04-22, beta):
- Text hover in the JavaScript editor showing information
from the Closure compiler.
- Launch configuration for the Closure compiler.
- Launch configuration for the Closure linter.
Version 0.2.0 (beta): First release.