Marco Pompili

Neuroscience postdoctoral fellow

I am a postdoctoral researcher in the team led by Christophe Bernard at the Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes in Marseille, France.

I am ultimately interested in the dynamics allowing the exchange of information between brain areas, namely how the information encoded in one neural structure is able to modulate the encoding in another area (and the other way around), and how these interactions orchestrate perception, learning, and behavior. To do so, my primary experimental approach is to perform high-density recordings of individual neurons simultaneously in multiple brain sites of freely behaving rats and then use data mining and analysis to study neural population dynamics.

You can find a summary of my research here and my CV here.

Exemplary channels of a 256 channel wide-band recording in the prefrontal cortex (light blue), mediodorsal thalamus (yellow), dorsal hippocampus (red), amygdala (purple), and ventral hippocampus (green) during slow-wave sleep.