You will find here a series of files related to my PhD. In short, I built an experiment involving optical nanofibers and cold atomic ensembles. This was done as part of the Quantum Optics group in Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Paris, under the supervision of Julien Laurat. I will be happy to know/help if you use anything from this page or have any comment/question, please contact me (firstname.lastname[at]
The manuscript (pdf, 14 MB) of the thesis itself (also available on HAL), and source code (latex), figures, and data/code for the figures (Tex/tikz, Mathematica, Python ..., the sources for the figures of this article are included).
Using an FPGA board for two simple but efficient applications, with 10 ns resolution. Have a look at the short description below, the manuscript and the readme for more details. All my source files (Python, Verilog) are here.
Section 3.1.3 of the manuscript. Here is the Mathematica notebook.
A few openscad drawings (coils, vacuum mounts).
Section 1.2.3. Translation stage trajectories (PVT) for nanofiber pulling.