This input methods allows one to input Japanese text - both kana and kanji. This is done using latin transliterations; this method is _not_ suitable for use with a Japanese keyboard. KANA INPUT This IM accepts both the Hepburn and Kunrei systems of transliteration, as far as this is possible without causing ambiguity. (A complete list of accepted transliterations is available at the end of this document.) Hiragana are input in lowercase and katakana in uppercase (actually, the relevant factor is the case of the first letter in the transliteration of the current character). Roman letters which have not yet been used to form a character are displayed on the termim status line. If this buffer is not empty, you can use the Backspace (or Control-H) key to remove one letter from it; when the buffer is empty, the backspace character is passed on to the application. Likewise, the Control-C and Control-D keys cause the buffer to be emptied if it is not, and are passed on to the application if it is. The Escape key causes the buffer to be emptied, but is also passed on to the application in all cases (this is necessary in order not to break up terminal control sequences.) In addition, when the buffer is empty, a few keys are used to input Japanese punctuation - again, a list is available at the end of this document. The input method also uses the backquote (`) and tilde (~) characters to switch to kanji input; anything else is passed on to the application. KANJI INPUT The backquote (`) key is used to look up a word in the IM's dictionary. When you press the backquote key, the backquote sign appears on the left on the termim status line, and any text you subsequently enter is not passed on to the application, but instead displayed on the status line. The text on the status line can be followed by: - suspension marks (...): this means that the current text does not correspond to any dictionary entry, but is a prefix of one or more entries. e.g. `hira yields `ひら... on the status line - (***): this means there are no dictionary entries starting with the current text - so either you've made a spelling mistake or you're trying to input a word termim doesn't know of, in which case see "Direct kanji selection" below. e.g. `aaa yields `あああ (***) on the status line - A word in kanji, along with an index number e.g `kanji yields `かんじ (1/9:感じ) This means that 感じ is the first of nine words spelt かんじ in the dictionary. You can then use the < and > keys to scroll through the available words. When a matching word has been found, the Space and Return keys cause the corresponding word to be sent to the application. When no word from the dictionary match the current content of the buffer, the contents of the buffer are sent as hiragana. The Tab key causes the contents of the buffer to be sent as hiragana, regardless of whether a matching word has been found. The Backspace key works as you'd expect, deleting first latin characters that have not been used to form kana yet, then kanas, and aborting the lookup if the buffer was empty. The Escape, Control-C and Control-D keys abort the lookup, losing the contents of the buffer; the Escape character is also passed on to the application. Note that the dictionary does not include any support for grammatical inflections - you need to input the dictionary form and then correct it manually. KANJI SELECTION Kanji selection allows you to select a kanji to be sent to the application by radical and stroke-count; this is useful if you want to enter a word that doesn't appear in the dictionary. (there is currently no way of adding a word to the dictionary short of recompiling termim). It is accessed by pressing the ~ key from the main mode. When in kanji selection mode, the status line looks like the following: R85(水) S+4 (2/5):1.汶 2.汸 3.汹 4.決 5.汻 6.汽 7.汾 8.沁 9.沂 0.沃 This means you're currently viewing kanji classified under radical 85 (water), with 4 extra strokes, and these are kanji 11-20 out of 41 to 50 available (i.e. screen 2/5). The [ and ] keys will scroll through the radicals; the { and } keys do the same but by increments of 10. The + (or =) and - (or _) keys increase and decrease the additional stroke count; the < and > keys let you scroll through the kanji available for the currently selected radical and stroke count. 0-9 cause the corresponding kanji to be sent to the application; Return is synonymous with 1 if there's only one kanji available. As usual, Escape, Control-C and Control-D abort to the default input mode, with Escape also being passed on to the application. Note that kanji selection uses the traditional radicals (from the Unihan database) and NOT e.g. the simplified Nelson radicals; for instance, be wary of the distinction between radical 74 (月) and the variant form of radical 130 (肉). ACCEPTED TRANSLITERATIONS FOR KANA: あ い う え お a i u e o か き く け こ ka ki/kyi ku ke ko が ぎ ぐ げ ご ga gi/gyi gu ge go さ し す せ そ sa si/shi su se so /syi ざ じ ず ぜ ぞ za zi/ji zu ze zo /zyi た ち つ て と ta ti/chi tu/tsu te to /tyi だ ぢ づ で ど da di/dji du/dzu de do /dyi な に ぬ ね の na ni/nyi nu ne no は ひ ふ へ ほ ha hi/hyi hu/fu he ho ば び ぶ べ ぼ ba bi/byi bu be bo ぱ ぴ ぷ ぺ ぽ pa pi/pyi pu pe po ま み む め も ma mi/myi mu me mo や ゆ よ ya yu yo ら り る れ ろ ra/la ri/ryi ru/lu re/le ro/lo /li/lyi わ ゐ ゑ を wa wi we wo ん n' (Note: for the ん kana, the final apostrophe is only mandatory in the ambiguous cases (e.g. んあ vs. な and んや vs. にゃ) or if you want to input a non-kana character next) きゃ きゅ きょ kya kyu kyo ぎゃ ぎゅ ぎょ gya gyu gyo しゃ しゅ しょ sha/sya shu/syu sho/syo じゃ じゅ じょ ja/zya ju/zyu jo/zyo ちゃ ちゅ ちょ cha/tya chu/tyu cho/tyo ぢゃ ぢゅ ぢょ dja/dya dju/dyu djo/dyo にゃ にゅ にょ nya nyu nyo ひゃ ひゅ ひょ hya hyu hyo びゃ びゅ びょ bya byu byo ぴゃ ぴゅ ぴょ pya pyu pyo みゃ みゅ みょ mya myu myo りゃ りゅ りょ rya/lya ryu/lyu ryo/lyo ぁ ぃ ぅ ぇ ぉ xa xi xu xe xo The small 'tsu' kana (っ) is obtained by doubling the following consonant (unless it's an n or an m, in which case doubling yields a ん instead). For っち, both the cchi and tchi transliterations are supported. EXTRA CHARACTERS AVAILABLE IN THE MAIN INPUT MODE: [-] ー U+30FC KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK [*] ・ U+30FB KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT [.] 。 U+3002 IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP [,] 、 U+3001 IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA [(] 「 U+300C LEFT CORNER BRACKET [)] 」 U+300D RIGHT CORNER BRACKET [[] 『 U+300E LEFT WHITE CORNER BRACKET []] 』 U+300F RIGHT WHITE CORNER BRACKET [<] 〈 U+3008 LEFT ANGLE BRACKET [>] 〉 U+3009 RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET [{] 《 U+300A LEFT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET [}] 》 U+300B RIGHT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET ['] U+309A COMBINING KATAKANA-HIRAGANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK ["] U+3099 COMBINING KATAKANA-HIRAGANA VOICED SOUND MARK [+] 々 U+3005 IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK