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Most of the following images were produced using Graphviz. You are free to reuse them.

The Erdős-Rényi random graph

First, here is a subcritical Erdős-Rényi random graph, with n = 10000 vertices and p = 0.9 / n.

Subcritical Erdős-Rényi random graph

Now here is a supercritical Erdős-Rényi random graph, with n = 10000 and p = 1.1 / n.

Supercritical Erdős-Rényi random graph

Download: subcritical (png) | subcritical (pdf) | supercritical (png) | supercritical (png)

The split-and-drift random graph

Here are several realizations of the split-and-drift random graph for n 1000 vertices and different values of the parameter r.

A ranked tree-child network

A large ranked tree-child network. This image is not the output of a simulation but an "artist impression" drawn in Inkscape.

A large ranked tree-child network

Download: RTCN (png) | RTCN (pdf)

The Moran forest

Here is a realization of the Moran forest for n = 10000 vertices. The untidy layout of the vertices (for instance compared to that used for the Erdős-Rényi random graph) is only to make the image more aesthetically pleasing.

A realization of the Moran forest with 10000 vertices.

Download: moran forest (png)

last update: 29/07/2019